
2020年2月13日 星期四

KW 30. swing

swing [swɪŋ] vi. (swung) 

1 - 來自古英語 swingan,擊打,鞭笞,猛撲,來自 Proto-Germanic*swingan,搖擺,來自 PIE*sweng,彎,轉,搖擺,來自 PIE*swei,彎,轉,搖擺,詞源同 sweep, swivel.後原詞義消失,引申諸相關詞義以及名詞詞義鞦韆等。
2. swing the lead裝病躲避工作。海員中有個細分工種叫leadsman,這裡的lead是鉛,他要在船靠岸前在船頭將鉛垂線投入水里測量水深是否足夠船舶停留。這活輕鬆,所以不少水手裝病想要乾這活。The doctor thought the young man was swinging the lead and sent him back to work at once. ​​​​

① 搖擺,擺動;懸吊;盪鞦韆 
The tree swung in the wind. 那棵樹在風中擺動。
swing back and forth 前後擺動 
A chandelier swung from the ceiling. 一座枝形吊燈懸吊於天花板。
Her heart swung between hope and fear. 她的心在希望與恐懼之間搖擺。 

② (門)前後搖擺而開[閉] 
The door swung open [to, shut]. 門開了[閉上了]。 

③ 迴轉,轉彎 
He swung round [around] and faced me. 他轉過來面對我。 
The ship was swinging at anchor. 船下著錨隨風[潮水]轉動。
The taxicab swung round the corner. 計程車轉過街角。 

④ 大搖大擺地走[跑] 
The sailors came swinging along [down the road]. 那些水手大搖大擺地[沿著道路]走過來。 

⑤ 〖口〗(樂隊等)演奏搖擺樂(swing music)

⑥ 〖口〗受絞刑 
swing for murder 因謀殺罪而被處絞刑 

⑦ 行性之亂交,團體做愛,交換性愛怑侶

① 搖動,被搖擺;揮動;(用鞦韆等)使擺動;搖著搖著將(小孩等)抬高 
The boy walked swinging his arms. 那個男孩擺動著手臂走路。 
There was no room to swing a cat (in). 連使貓轉身的空間都沒有(地方太狹窄)。 

② 懸吊,掛 
He swung the hammock between the two trees. 他把吊床掛在那兩棵樹之間。 

③ 使改變方向;使迴轉 
She swung her car around [around the corner]. 她將汽車調頭[轉過街角]。 
He swung his car into [out of] the parking lot. 他把汽車轉進[出]停車場。 

④ 〖美口〗影響(輿論等);善加處理 
swing votes 影響選票 
swing a business deal 成功地洽談一筆買賣 

⑤ 以搖擺樂的方式演奏或編寫(樂曲)

n. (pl. swings) 
⑴ [U] [指個別之物時為[C]]搖動,擺動 
the swing of a pendulum 鐘擺的擺動 
⑵ [C] 振幅<of>

② [U,C] [〖高球〗〖網球〗〖棒球〗等]揮打的姿勢或方法 
a long [short] swing 大[小]揮動 

③ [C] 搖擺身體的步行 
He walked with a swing. 他搖搖擺擺走路。 

④ [U] [或作a swing]音律;律動

⑤ [C] 鞦韆;盪鞦韆 
go on a swing 盪鞦韆 
sit on [in] a swing 乘坐鞦韆
have (a ride on) a swing 盪鞦韆
What one loses on the swings one gains [wins] on the roundabouts. 〖諺〗失之東隅,收之桑榆;有苦就有樂。
lose on the swings what one makes on the roundabouts 〖英〗賺了又賠掉,還得從頭來;得東失西,依然如故 

⑥ [U,C] 旋轉;(武器的)揮動

⑦ [U] 自由活動 
let it have its swing 讓它自由活動,聽其自由 
They have free [full] swing in carrying out the project. 他們有充分的行動自由去實行那項計畫。 

⑧ [C] 〖美〗(周遊)旅行

⑨ [U] 搖擺樂(流行於1930-40年代,自由奔放,可隨意改變節奏的爵士樂)(=swing music)

單數: swing
複數: swings

現在式: swing
現在式(第三人稱單數): swings
現在分詞: swinging
過去式: swung
過去分詞: swung

1.go with a swing
2.in full swing 正酣,正起勁;在最熱烈的時候 

swing: 指懸吊之物、鉸鏈釘住之物或有軸之物等前後擺動
swing like a pendulum
sway: 指不論其是否附著於他物、由於外界的力量而不平穩地搖動
branches swaying in the wind
rock: 多用於表示激烈地震動
The building rocked at the earthquake.

whirl  vt./vi.  使旋轉
hang  vt./vi.  懸吊
suspend  vt./vi.  懸吊
sway  vt./vi.  搖擺
rock  vt./vi.  搖晃
pivot  vt./vi.  旋轉
rotate  vt./vi.  旋轉
turn  vt./vi.  旋轉

