
2021年5月22日 星期六

5.22 Reading Intermediate Test 5

 EliteABC  Reading Smart (Intermediate) Test 5 Section 2: Units 01-02 得分:_______

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Part I. GrammarVocabulary (40)

(   ) 1. There was a severe _____ of supplies in the village after the earthquake cut off the only way in.

(A) resource       (B) disaster                (C) hardship              (D) shortage

(   ) 2. Without a doubt, Taipei 101 is the most famous _____ in Taiwan's capital.

(A) situation       (B) geography           (C) landmark             (D) circumstance

(   ) 3. _____, Jack didn't get the joke because everyone else was laughing while he looked lost.

(A) Evidently     (B) Temporarily        (C) Narrowly            (D) Occasionally

(   ) 4. No one in the community is allowed to water their lawns or fill their pools during the _____.

(A) drought        (B) battle                   (C) famine                 (D) robbery

(   ) 5. Jimmy's goal is to _____ sweets from his diet because they are ruining his teeth.

(A) lay off          (B) hand in                (C) cut out                 (D) feed on

(   ) 6. The space shuttle was launched through Earth's _____ and into space.

(A) generation    (B) atmosphere         (C) destination          (D) campaign

(   ) 7. Nearly _____ off the map by the massive typhoon, the town will take years to rebuild.

(A) grabbed        (B) tossed                  (C) bounced              (D) wiped

(   ) 8. It is important to respect other people's beliefs _____ that they are different from yours.

(A) even if          (B) despite                (C) in order               (D) as though

(   ) 9. _____! Let's not waste it by staying inside all day.

(A) How a nice day (B) How nice day (C) What a nice day (D) What nice a day

(   ) 10. Leg warmers _____ were in the 1980s, but they eventually went out of style.

(A) all the rage   (B) in a good mood   (C) off the record      (D) once in a while


Part II. Fill-in-the-Blank (40)

(A) interact         (B) concerned     (C) privacy         (D) setting          (E) species

(F) information   (G) location        (H) meantime     (I) coastal           (J) predicted

(   ) 11. Jill finds it easy to _____ with strangers, whereas her sister shies away from such encounters.

(   ) 12. A new _____ of frog was discovered in the rainforest by the scientist.

(   ) 13. That stretch of land along the Mediterranean Sea is lined with _____ resorts.

(   ) 14. You go on ahead. In the _____, I'll finish hanging up the clothes and meet you there later.

(   ) 15. You shouldn't post too much personal _____ about yourself on social media sites.

(   ) 16. Betty is _____ that her dog will miss her when she goes on vacation.

(   ) 17. I'll send you an email with the directions to the _____ of the Japanese restaurant.

(   ) 18. My mother invaded my _____ when she went into my room and read my diary without asking.

(   ) 19. This foggy mountain village was the _____ for a well-known historical drama about Taiwan.

(   ) 20. The fortune-teller _____ that I was going to come into some money in the next year or so.


Part III. Reading Comprehension (20%)

Global warming is threatening the future of the world. It has been behind wildfires in Australia. avalanches in the Alps, and reduced polar bear numbers in the Arctic. These are just the tip of the iceberg.

With ever-increasing amounts of greenhouse gases trapped in our atmosphere, temperatures around the world are expected to rise by four degrees Celsius in the 21st century. This increased warmth would mean warmer ocean waters and thus stronger tropical storms. A rise of even just two degrees Celsius in ocean temperature would destroy 97 percent of the planet's coral reefs and all the creatures that call them home. Furthermore, if we don't find a way to slow down the rising temperatures, more than one million species will become extinct by 2050. Worse yet, many islands and cities on or close to the coast will find themselves underwater as sea levels continue to grow higher and higher.

The world's governments are aware of the crisis. They are attending climate change conferences in the hopes of eliminating this threat by regulating harmful emissions. Also, some countries are taking matters into their own hands. Take Brazil, for example. It has already decreased its greenhouse gas emissions by 4.18 billion tons and reduced deforestation within its borders by 70 percent. It's a great start, but we still have a long way to go.

(   ) 21. What is implied with the phrase "tip of the iceberg"?

(A) Polar bear numbers in the Arctic will improve soon because of global efforts.

(B) Icebergs are the key to combating global warming and must be preserved at all cost.

(C) Australia will be the first country to experience the major effects of global warming.

(D) In the future, the world will suffer a lot more than just wildfires and avalanches.

(   ) 22. How much are global temperatures expected to rise by?

(A) 2°C                   (B) 3°C                     (C) 4°C                    (D) 5ºC

(   ) 23. How are countries responding to the crisis of global warming?

(A) By blaming each other for causing global warming

(B) By attending climate change conferences

(C) By building giant man-made walls to protect their countries from rising sea levels

(D) By moving their cities away from the coasts

(   ) 24. Why is Brazil mentioned in the article?

(A) It is the first country to have a city flooded by rising sea levels.

(B) It has hosted the most climate change conferences.

(C) It recently suffered from a devastating wildfire.

(D) It is an example of a country taking matters into its own hands.

