
2021年5月30日 星期日

字彙翻譯 U5~U8


Unit 05

(  ) 1. Alex worked part-time three days a week, but he never _____ his studies and still ranked at the top of his class.

(A) diminished            (B) neglected             (C) soothed            (D) simplified

(  ) 2. When a flu epidemic strikes, people should be more cautious about their personal _____. For example, they should wash their hands more frequently.

(A) cultivation             (B) corruption           (C) abundance       (D) hygiene

(  ) 3. Mr. Lee felt _____ because his false teeth came off when he spoke in front of many college students last week.

(A) embarrassed          (B) considerate          (C) behaved           (D) intensive

(  ) 4. The _____ of the fillet steak of the restaurant is so soft and delicious; no wonder it sells hundreds of pieces each day.

(A) mission                 (B) texture                 (C) reputation        (D) awareness

(  ) 5. In spite of the difficulties and frustration in life, Bob still behaved _____ and never felt depressed.

(A) positively              (B) eventually           (C) personally        (D) extensively

(  ) 6. To stay fit, Sherry has only freshly-_____ orange juice for breakfast every morning.

(A) scratched               (B) lightened             (C) magnified        (D) squeezed

(  ) 7. If you follow the _____ closely, you will find it easy to assemble the toy tank.

(A) diagnoses              (B) functions             (C) appointments   (D) directions

(  ) 8. Don't _____ to call me if you think I am helpful.

(A) submit                   (B) concern               (C) notify               (D) hesitate

(  ) 9. Cathy is such a _____ girl that she never does the dishes without breaking some.

(A) visual                    (B) religious              (C) sentimental       (D) clumsy

(  ) 10. I _____ accept your excuse for being late this time, but remember that this is the last time.

(A) basically                (B) leisurely              (C) modestly          (D) properly

Unit 06

(  ) 1. David is such a learned and knowledgeable person because he always reads _____.

(A) generously            (B) separately            (D) extensively        (C) completely

(  ) 2. Angelina is a/an _____ learner. She went to a computer class three times and has acquired the ability and skills to create a webpage.

(A) brilliant                 (B) portable               (C) explicit             (D) regular

(  ) 3. After studying long hours, Jimmy _____ a 15-minute break.

(A) stretched               (B) accused               (C) deserved          (D) deserted

(  ) 4. Air, sunshine and water are _____ to our life. We can't live without them.

(A) magnificent           (B) profitable            (C) feasible            (D) essential

(  ) 5. The civil war in the African country resulted from the fact that each group tried to gain _____ over the capital area, which is the center of politics.

(A) appliance               (B) residence             (C) dominance       (D) innocence

(  ) 6. The _____ of the roses filled the whole room. The pleasant and sweet smell really made us feel wonderful.

(A) identity                  (B) fragrance             (C) adoption          (D) leadership

(  ) 7. The severe earthquake claimed thousands of lives and caused hundreds of houses to _____.

(A) collapse                 (B) measure              (C) declare             (D) suspend

(  ) 8. After the US criticized Japan's policy on containing H1N1 influenza, Japan _____ its ambassador to the US immediately.

(A) switched                (B) traced                  (C) recalled            (D) commanded

(  ) 9. The climate in the North Pole has become so _____ that many wild animals there really have to go through hard times.

(A) harsh                     (B) profound             (C) vigorous          (D) sophisticated

(  ) 10. Book Four is _____ more difficult than Book Three.

(A) favorably              (B) relatively             (C) desirably          (D) respectably

Unit 07

(  ) 1. Dr. Lee was given the rare _____ of taking Air Force One, but he refused. He didn't want to make others jealous.

(A) profession             (B) involvement        (C) mischief           (D) privilege

(  ) 2. The cable TV in Taiwan has at least 90 _____ for viewers to choose from. No wonder it has become people's first choice for entertainment.

(A) channels                (B) tunnels                (C) temples            (D) waterfalls

(  ) 3. Andy _____ changed his job; he never stayed in the same company for more than 4 months.

(A) additionally           (B) probably             (C) truthfully         (D) constantly

(  ) 4. Nick robbed the bank and killed his ex-girlfriends, so he was seen as a _____ brutal desperado.

(A) notoriously           (B) patiently              (C) sensitively        (D) potentially

(  ) 5. Taking a trip to the Great Wall with my wife is a dream of mine, but my busy working life has _____ my opportunities.

(A) refused                  (B) distorted              (C) motivated         (D) restricted

(  ) 6. Although the minister _____ many times for his poor decision-making, he ended up resigning due to great pressure.

(A) retired                   (B) apologized          (C) approached      (D) transplanted

(  ) 7. Rick was arrested and then released 5 hours later, because the police found him _____.

(A) defensive              (B) shameful             (C) outgoing          (D) innocent

(  ) 8. Many office workers find it hard to concentrate on their work when holidays are _____.

(A) expanding             (B) approaching        (C) rotating            (D) suppressing

(  ) 9. David is so _____ that he always shows pity, sympathy and understanding for those who are in trouble.

(A) passionate             (B) compassionate     (C) anxious            (D) ambitious

(  ) 10. We don't need to be _____ of Bobby's selfish behavior. Instead, we should teach him how to show respect for others.

(A) glorious                (B) tolerant                (C) tentative           (D) transparent

Unit 08

(  ) 1. The new legislation has been made to _____ a historic injustice in which various dialects had been banned.

(A) resign                    (B) refresh                (C) retain               (D) remedy

(  ) 2. Free delivery is arranged at your _____. Just call me whenever you need it.

(A) obedience              (B) evidence              (C) influence          (D) convenience

(  ) 3. The movie, on the whole, is very _____; there are many interesting characters in it.

(A) fascinating            (B) persistent             (C) formidable       (D) stubborn

(  ) 4. Compared with Fred, Jenny is _____ in studies. She usually ranks at the bottom of her class.

(A) opposite                (D) economical         (B) inferior              (C) reluctant

(  ) 5. By traveling and reading a lot, people can _____ their horizons.

(A) broaden                 (B) soften                  (C) tighten             (D) lengthen

(  ) 6. Dr. Johnson sets high standards for his students. He is the strictest professor that I've ever _____.

(A) attained                 (B) competed            (C) encountered     (D) struggled

(  ) 7. Although David Wang is a high school English teacher, he _____ teaches his children English.

(A) rarely                    (B) bitterly                (C) naturally          (D) skillfully

(  ) 8. The duty of an umpire is to _____ judge the performance of the competitors, not in favor of any of them.

(A) intimately              (B) objectively          (C) painfully          (D) ambitiously

(  ) 9. To keep Influenza A(H1N1) from spreading around the island, stricter security _____ should be taken, especially at the airport.

(A) motions                 (B) measures             (C) institutions       (D) interiors

(  ) 10. Everyone has his/her own physical _____. People can't keep working long hours without taking a break.

(A) relaxation              (B) contribution        (C) hesitation         (D) limitation

