
2018年7月28日 星期六

Answers to "The Teacher Who Changed My Life"

Comprehension Check

1 A  2 C  34 A

Patterns in Use
2 suggest that you (should) choose one position
3 command that you (should) spend some time learning
4 ask that each of you (should) keep your grades up
5 require that you (should) practice a lot
2 If it had/Had it not been for the life jacket, the ferry passenger would have drowned.
3 If it had/Had it not been for my parents’ support, I wouldn’t have had the courage to perform onstage.
4 If it had/Had it not been for the injury to his left knee, the tennis player could have won the match.
5 If it had/Had it not been for his strong religious faith, the priest might not have been able to work in such a remote village.
Writing Hands-on
Exercise A
Topic: My Thoughts on Anne Frank’s Diary
1 Anne Frank’s Diary, written by a girl younger than me, has touched my heart. 
  a brief summary of the story
  the part that impresses me the most
 ƒ what I have learned from the story
  Anne Frank’s Diary, written by a girl younger than me, has deeply touched my heart. Anne Frank got the diary as a birthday present at 13 when she was still leading a normal life. However, things changed completely after the Nazis took over and Hitler made strict laws against the Jews. The Frank family had no choice but to hide in the Secret Annex. Anne started writing her diary as a young teenager, and she matured physically and emotionally through the two years of hiding. What impressed me most was that even though she was confined to a small place, she still showed appreciation for being able to remain with her family and could also express concern for those who suffered outside. Young as Anne was, she was compassionate about human suffering, and to her last breath she never gave up hope. How many of us who are more fortunate are as grateful and compassionate as Anne was?

2018年7月22日 星期日

Answers to "The Earth's Mysterious Neighbor"

Comprehension Check
1 C  2 C  3 C  4 D
2 those who did not fully understand the moon tended to think
3 anyone who acted strangely only during a full moon would not face severe penalties
4 Those who stayed out late behaved bizarrely
5 a person who is educated now has more accurate information about the moon
1 Were it not for medical advances, there would be no treatments for cancer.
2 If it were not for his uncle’s support, Jason might not have enough money to attend college.
3 Were it not for the Internet, I could not collect detailed information so quickly for my assignments.
4 If it were not for the destruction of their natural habitats, tigers might not be in danger of extinction today.
Extra Exercise:
1 Anyone who rides a motorcycle must wear a helmet.
2 If it were/Were it not for the rule, many motorcyclists would injure their heads in a road accident.
1 If it were/Were it not for air and water, humans could not survive/live.
2 Those who take these things for granted should learn to value/cherish them.
1 If it were/Were it not for dictionaries, students could not learn the correct usage of words.
2 Those who want/Anyone who wants to learn English well should make good use of dictionaries.

Exercise A:
Problem: I had the fear of public speaking.
Details of the Problem
My heart was in my mouth when I stood on the stage.
It seemed like the audience could hear the hammering of my heart while I was delivering a speech.
Nervousness filled my veins and made me light­headed.
I told myself to think of the audience as stone instead of human beings.
With the crowd quieting down, a growing sense of confidence began to build inside me.

Exercise B:
Even now, I still remember how frightened I was the first time I made a speech in public. My heart felt like it was in my mouth. It seemed like the audience could hear it hammering. It was, I felt, not butterflies but elephants that were in my stomach. The thundering herd was threatening to trample me thoroughly. Nervousness filled my veins, making me light­headed.
My mind went blank for a while. Then, I told myself to pretend that the audience was stoneStones can’t hear or criticize. Slowly I began to talk. As the crowd began to quiet down, a growing sense of confidence began to build inside me. My muscles relaxed and my breathing eased. I finished my speech and went off the stage to thunderous applause.

2018年7月1日 星期日

Answers to See for Yourself

Comprehension Check
1 D  2 C  3 A  4 B

Patterns in Use
1 Fast as he ran, Edmund didn’t win the race.
2 Expensive as they were, the concert tickets sold out within an hour.
3 Severe as the weather was, the rescue team still set out to search for the missing child.
4 Strongly as his parents disagreed with his career choice, Danny remained determined to become an actor.
1 One is the courage to spend months abroad, and the other is a sufficient amount of money.
2 One is paying for your traveling expenses, another is enhancing your résumé, and the other is broadening your horizons.
3 One is related to work, and the others involve your personal expectations.
4 One is the language barrier, another is the job­seeking process, and the other is local resistance to hiring foreign workers.

Extra Exercise:
1 Exhausted as I was last night, I still spent some time writing three letters.
2 One was to my best friend, another was to an old colleague of mine, and the other was to a friend from college.
1 Quietly as they complained about the restaurant, the customers were still overheard by the owner.
2 One complaint was about the stale food, and the others were all about the poor service.
1 One of my neighbor’s twin sons lives in France, and the other lives in Japan.
2 Far apart as they live/are, they still do their best to keep in touch with each other.

Extra Reading

Travel First, Then Work?

1 D  2 C  3 D  4 A