
2019年12月29日 星期日

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Page 08: (1184~1305)
n.議、會期  (活動、授課)期間

n. 建造   建設

v. 介紹   引見

n. 任務   工作

n. 編輯

v. 收集

n. 職業

adj. 相等的

n. 需要   必要條件

v. 宣佈   宣告   聲明

n. 標準   規範

v. 想像

v. 推薦   介紹

n. 概念   觀念

v. 整理   安排

v. 接觸   聯繫

n. 應用   申請

n. 東方

n. 寬度   長度   程度   範圍

n. 安排   準備工作

v. 表演   執行   實施

n. 表達   表示   措辭   表情

adj. 熟悉的

n. 收集   收取

adj. 核子的   核心的

n. 標題   題目   書名

n. 判決   判斷

v. 通知   告知

n. 緊張狀態   拉緊   繃緊

adj. 先前的   以前的

v. 找到…的地點   位於…

n. 解答   解決辦法

v. 與…匹配

n. 發言   評論

n. 費用   罪名

n. 選舉

n. 結合()   保險箱密碼

v. 引導   指揮(樂隊)

n. 信號   暗號

n. 平衡   均衡

v. 辨別   鑑定

v. 分成


n. 出現   外貌

n. 競選活動

n. 動、運行

n. 刊、新聞界

n. 考、推薦函

n. 代理人、經銷商

v. 雇用

作答學生:__________________ Page 08 50 得分:_____________

2019年12月25日 星期三


1 近期研究顯示:過胖會對我們的健康造成嚴重威脅。肥胖症可能會引發糖尿病、心臟病、多種癌症,以及其他嚴重的健康問題。為了預防這些疾病對我們的傷害,體重自我控管是相當重要的。運動對於保持健康來說無疑是個好方式。計算身體質量指數也可幫助我們粗估自己是否維持理想體重。但是,無論我們採用什麼方法,我們首先要注意的是飲食。
Main idea Obesity is harmful to our health and watching our diet becomes very important in maintaining our weight and staying healthy.
1 Recent studies have shown that being obese can pose a serious threat to our health.
  According to recent studies, being obese . . .
 j 表示研究或報告等的名詞後方除了可使用show表示「顯示」之外,還可搭配indicate (指出)suggest (暗示)imply (暗示)state (說明)conclude (推斷)等動詞,例:
    Recent studies suggest that coffee may bring various health benefits against diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
    Research indicates that birth order has an impact on one’s personality.
  pose/present a ( . . . ) threat to . . . 對…造成(…的)威脅
Global warming poses a fatal threat to all the creatures living on Earth.
2 Obesity may cause diabetes, . . .
  Obesity may lead to diabetes, heart disease, . . .
 j cause 造成…,帶來…的結果
用來表前後為「因果關係」,其他亦可用來表因果關係的用法,如lead toresult inbring aboutgive rise to等,例:
   A storm hit the island last night and heavy rain led to mudslides in some areas.
3 To prevent . . . it is vital that we control our weight.
  In order to prevent/For the purpose of preventing . . .
 j 此為It + be + vital + that + S (+ should) + be/V. . .句型,詳細用法請見B3U4句型解析2。本句型結構是用形容詞 (importantessentialnecessaryvitalurgentimperativeproperadvisablepreferabledesirablerightwrongcrucial)來說明that子句中所述事件或行為的必要性或重要性,通常在美式英文中,會將should省略而使用原形動詞,例:
It is necessary that you (should) hand in your paper on time.
4 Exercise, without a doubt, is a good way to keep in shape.
 j without (a) doubt無疑地 (= undoubtedly, there is no doubt that . . . )
àWithout (a) doubt/Undoubtedly, winter is the coldest season of the year.
   There is no doubt that winter is the coldest season of the year.
keep/stay in shape保持健康 (= keep/stay fit)
àA balanced diet helps the model keep/stay in shape.
in good/bad shape 1) ()健康狀況良好/糟糕
                2) (事物)狀況良好/糟糕 (= in good/bad condition)
1) To be in good shape, you should have a healthy lifestyle and keep regular hours.
2) The book I bought online was in bad shape/condition when I received it, so I asked the bookstore to send me a new copy.
5 Calculating our BMI is . . . whether we are maintaining our ideal weight or not.
 j 動名詞片語calculating our BMI在此作本句的主詞,故後方動詞應使用單數動詞is
    To me, playing online games is a total waste of time. I would rather go to the gym.
  從屬連接詞whether可引導名詞子句作受詞,可改寫為if,但其後方不加上or not。詳細用法請見本課句型解析1
6 However, no matter what method we apply . . . watch our diet.
 j . . . whatever method we apply . . .
  no matter + 疑問代名詞」表示「不論」,可改寫為複合關係代名詞(whateverwhoeverwhomeverwhichever),例:
    No matter what/Whatever it takes, I will strive to become a professional dancer.
  watch vt. 注意 (= be careful about)
    Jessica doesn’t have much money, so she needs to watch her budget closely.
    We are giving a speech to kids, so we should watch our language and don’t say something inappropriate.
2 我們的飲食事關重大,因為我們攝取的食物和體重密切相關,也會直接影響我們的健康。因此,我們應該盡力避開任何可能會危害我們健康的食物。我們許多人會攝取過量的脂肪、糖分與鹽分,在不知不覺中危害我們的健康。有鑑於此,英國的食品標準局想出了稱作「食物紅綠燈」的點子。這套標籤系統以人們熟悉的事物,也就是架設在路口,用以指示駕駛與行人什麼時候該停下來或前進的紅綠燈,來提醒人們注意危險的營養素。
Main idea To help watch our diet, the Food Standards Agency came up with “traffic light labeling” to alert us to risky nutrients.
7 . . . because what we eat has a lot to do with our weight . . .
 j . . . the things that we eat . . .
複合關係代名詞what即先行詞the things加上關係代名詞that,引導名詞子句,作為because從屬子句的主詞。由於名詞子句屬單數名詞,因此後方動詞應與其一致,使用單數動詞has
  have everything/a lot/something/little/nothing to do with . . .
   The suspect insisted that she had nothing to do with the robbery. She claimed that she was innocent.
8 Thus, we should . . . that are potentially damaging to our health.
  As a consequence/As a result/Hence/Therefore/So, we should . . .
 j be damaging to + sth/sb 對…有害 (= be harmful/detrimental to, do damage/harm to)
   The farmers should cut down on the use of chemicals, which is directly damaging to the environment.
9 . . . excessive amounts of fat, . . . , risking our health unknowingly.
 j (adj.) + amounts of + 不可數名詞
   a(n) + (adj.) + amount of + 不可數名詞
   There were large amounts/was a large amount of rain this summer.
1 (adj.) + numbers of + 複數可數名詞
  a(n) + (adj.) + number of + 複數可數名詞
  The kindergarten was closed last week because large numbers/a large number of pupils were infected with the flu.
2 (adj.) + quantities of + 不可數/複數可數名詞
  a(n) + (adj.) + quantity of + 不可數/複數可數名詞
àThe farmer planted sheer quantities/a sheer quantity of seeds on his farm.
3 a good/great deal of + 不可數名詞
àI have a good/great deal of work to do today.
4 plenty of + 不可數/複數可數名詞
à We had better hurry since we don’t have plenty of time.
àPlenty of people took part in the peaceful demonstration against the treaty.
  , risking our health unknowingly為由形容詞子句, which risks our health unknowingly簡化而來的分詞片語。
  risk vt. 使遭受危險
   People who take drugs are risking their health because it can cause serious brain damage.
   The young man risked his life to help others to get out of the collapsing building.
risk life and limb/ones neck 冒著生命危險
The firefighter risked life and limb/his neck to save the child from the burning house.
10 . . . come up with an idea called “traffic light labeling.”
  j come up with sth想出(點子等)
à  Karen came up with an interesting idea.
    An interesting idea occurred to/hit/struck Karen.
    An interesting idea ran/went through Karen’s mind.
  called “traffic light labeling”為由形容詞子句which is called “traffic light labeling”簡化而來的分詞片語。
  l be called sth被叫作…,被命名為…
    Mary I of England was called Bloody Mary because she once had 300 religious dissenters burnt to death.
11 . . . something people are familiar with: the lights at the intersection that tell both drivers . . .
  j sb be familiar with sth某人對…是熟悉的 (= sth be familiar to sb)
à  Are you familiar with the coffee maker? If so, can you help me out over here?
à  Does the name Peter sound familiar to you?
  . . . the intersection telling both drivers . . .
Main idea Traffic light labeling helps people identify the amounts of fat, saturated fat, sugar, and salt in foods.
12 The more green lights . . . the healthier that food is.
  If there are more green lights on a package of food, it is healthier to our body.
j The more (+ N)/adj.­er/adv.­er + S1 + be/V1 . . . , the more (+ N)/adj.­er/adv.­er + S2 + be/V2 . . . 愈…,愈…
The harder you work, the better you perform.
The more books you read, the more knowledgeable you become.
13 be aware of注意到,意識到
àPeople are aware of the danger of drunk driving, but some choose to ignore it.
14 Overall, these labels serve as guides for people lest they devour the foods that may one day cost them their health.
j serve as作為
  The scar on my left arm serves as a reminder that I should always protect myself when playing sports.
. . . for fear that they might devour the foods . . .
此為S1 + V1 + lest + S2 (+ should) + V2句型,詳細用法請見本課句型解析2
l cost sb sth 使某人損失某物
à  Drug abuse cost Madison not just his health but his marriage.
4 這個系統之所以成功是因其幾個方面。其中一項是消費者一眼就可以看出他們即將購買的食物是否可能會增加造成肥胖症相關疾病的風險,因為這套系統所採用的標誌即便對兒童而言也有立即的辨識度。此外,它還跨越了語言隔閡,可以應用於全世界。目前,除了英國之外,許多其他的歐洲國家都已引進此系統。
Main idea In addition to being instantly recognizable, the system can be applied universally.
15 Certain aspects of the system have led to its success.
16 obesity­related adj. 關於肥胖症的
N + p.p.所形成的複合形容詞(compound adjective),其他相同原則構成的字詞還有:
egg­shaped 蛋型的  man­made 人造的
    名詞、形容詞、副詞和分詞結合可構成複合形容詞。大致而言,複合形容詞間需插入連字號,不過,亦有部分複合形容詞不加連字號。以下簡略介紹除N + p.p.外,其他一些常見且內含分詞的複合形容詞:
1 N + V­ing
eye­catching 引人注目的
mouth­watering 令人垂涎的
life­threatening 威脅生命的
breathtaking 震懾人心的
2 Adj. + V­ing
good­looking 好看的
odd­looking 模樣古怪的
evil­smelling 難聞的
sweet­smelling 氣味香甜的
3 Adv. + p.p.
well­known 著名的
ready­made 現成的
long­practiced 施行已久的
well­developed 發展良好的
4 Adv. + V­ing
long­lasting 長遠的
fast­growing 快速成長的
never­ending 永無止境的
outstanding 傑出的
17 recognizable adj. 可識別的,可辨認的
àNo longer was Dave’s face recognizable to me after so many years had passed.
18 Additionally, traffic light labeling can be commonly used. There is no need to worry that those who speak different languages do not understand it.
19 Currently, aside from the U.K., . . .  
  At present, aside from the U.K., many other European countries have brought this system into use.
  Now, in addition to the U.K., this system has come into use in many other European countries.
  j aside from此處意同於besidesin addition to,表「除了…以外(還有…)」;但此片語亦可等同於except for,表「除了…以外」,需從上下文判斷,例:
Aside from (= in addition to) English, Daphne can also speak French and Italian fluently.
Aside from (= except for) the poor service, the food in the restaurant was delicious and fresh.
5 然而,這個系統也有反對的聲浪。食品業者抱怨這項食品標籤的作法太過簡化了。對他們來說,提供精確的數據來表示營養成分比較理想。面對這個爭議,食物紅綠燈的支持者反擊這項論點並指出「簡單」正是此套系統的重點。人們有時候容易忽略掉營養標示,因為營養標示需要花時間解讀且不適於快速比較。這套系統讓找尋食品資訊變得輕鬆容易,以免消費者忽略掉他們該知道的訊息。
Main idea While food industry opposes the system, supporters argue that it makes finding information about food easy and fast.
20 However/Still/Nonetheless, some people oppose/are opposed to/object to/are against this system.
  Despite/In spite of the fact that this system has several advantages, there are still opponents who are against this system.
21 To them, giving accurate figures to . . . is preferable.
  They favor the idea of giving exact numbers to show nutrition facts.
  j 動名詞片語giving accurate figures在此作句中的主詞,故使用單數be動詞is
22 Faced with this argument, advocates of the traffic light labeling system counter it by saying that being simple is the core of this approach.
  To refute the argument, supporters of traffic light labels for food say that being simple is the most important part of this system.
  j approach n.[C] 作法,解決問題之道
à  A different approach to this problem is needed.
take/adopt a(n) . . . approach 採取/採用一種…的作法
The president appeals to the world to adopt a novel approach to environmental issues.
a(n) ( . . . ) approach to sth一項(…的)作法
Mr. Lin mentioned a new approach to teaching foreign language in his paper.
23 This system makes finding information about food effortless, lest consumers ignore what they need to know.
  . . . to avoid the risk of buyers ignoring what they need to know.
  . . . to prevent buyers from ignoring what they need to know.
  . . . so that buyers won’t ignore what they need to know.
  j lest為從屬連接詞,引導表「目的」的副詞子句。此句型詳細用法請見本課句型解析2
6 儘管並非所有的人都支持食物紅綠燈,但這套系統確實給我們些值得深思的事情。最重要的是,我們應該更聰明地選擇食物,也應該提倡健康食品。我們有時候不知道自己購買的食物是否會對健康造成損害。如果食品包裝上有了紅綠燈標籤,我們就可以停下來,思考該選擇什麼,最後再決定到底要將哪些商品放進我們的購物推車裡。畢竟,人如其食。
Main idea Although not everyone supports the system, it offers us a way to make better food choices.
24 Although not everyone supports traffic light labeling, this system certainly gives us food for thought.
  In spite of/Despite the fact that some disagree on traffic light labeling . . .
  j although + S + V儘管… (= despite/in spite of + N)
à  In spite of/Despite the rain, the parade took place still.
    Although/Though it rained, the parade took place still.
  not everyone並非每個人
    not all/both/everyone
à  Not everyone in class is going on the graduation trip.
    While some people are going on the graduation trip, the others are not.
à    Not both my parents are against my moving out.
à    Not all members are invited to the annual party.
25 Most importantly/Most important of all . . .
26 there are times when­clause有些時候…
àThere are times when Amy feels stressed out, but then she takes a deep breath and carries on with her work.
27 With traffic light labels printed on the package . . . put into our shopping cart.
  j 此處為with + O + OC的句型結構,在此作條件副詞,表示「如果(有了)…」,例:
à  With this sum added, the school will have enough money to rebuild the old school buildings.
    詳細with + O + OC的句型用法,可參考B2U5句型解析1
28 英國有句俗話,We are what we eat。這當然不是指吃了豬肉就會變成豬。真正意思是吃什麼食物,就會成為什麼樣的人。吃健康的食物,身體才會健康。食物攸關健康,入口之前,理當審慎選擇。