
2020年8月30日 星期日

Tutor Schedule @ Wednesday, September 2020


109.09 --- September 2020

Elite English Tutor --- Wednesday 19:00~22:00

9/02        GEPT: IH-W3         7000: P29                  (A83 R: 5.6                    T&W15)

9/09        L5: U17~U18           Phrases U47              (A84 SP 3.2.1~3.2.4      T&W16)

9/16        WP: P05~P06           VQC: P27                  (A85 R: 5.7                    T&W17)

9/23        L5: U19~U20           Phrases U48              (A86 SP 3.3.1~3.3.5      T&W18)

9/30        GEPT: IH-W4           7000: P30                  (A87 R: 5.8                    T&W19)

Tutor Schedule @ Sunday, September 2020


109.09 --- September 2020

Elite English Tutor --- Sunday 18:00~21:00

9/06        GEPT: IH-W5  VQC: P29      (A82     R: VCR 1~2 SP 3.7.7~3.7.8 EWL5 T&W?)

9/13        L6: U39~U40  破解U29~U32  (A83     R: VCR 3~4 SP 3.7.9~3.7.10 TT7 T&W?)

9/20        WP: P11~P12  7000: P27             (A84     R: VCR 5~6 SP 3.8.1~3.8.2 EWL6  T&W?)

9/27        L6: U41~U42  破解U33~U36  (A85     R: VCR 7~8 SP 3.8.3~3.8.4 TT8      T&W?)

2020年8月29日 星期六

Tutor Schedule @ Saturday, September 2020


109.09 --- September 2020

Elite English Tutor --- Saturday 18:30~21:30

9/05        7000: U33~U34   T6 Phrases U25              (A20 R: 3.8               T&W3…)

9/12        L3: U05~U06      T7 Phrases U26              (A21 G: 3.5~3.6       SP P10 W5.4   T&W4)

9/19        7000: U35~U36   T8 Phrases U27              (A22 R: 3.9               T&W5)

9/26        L3: U07~U08      T9 Phrases U28              (A23 G: 3.7~3.8       SP P11 W5.5   T&W6)

2020年8月18日 星期二

Reading 3.7 Answers


Comprehension Check

1 B  2 D  3 B  4 C

Patterns in Use


Exercise A

2 Ken played better than all the other players on his team.

3 Jack is richer than all the other members in his family.

4 Ms. Moore works more efficiently than any other employee in her company.

5 Japanese people, on average, live longer than all the other peoples in the world.

Exercise B

2 Burj Khalifa is taller than any other building on the surface of the earth

3 This shopping mall is larger than all the other shopping malls in the world

4 visiting Dubai is safer than traveling in any other city in the Middle East

5 Al Maktoum International Airport is busier than all the other airports in the Eastern Hemisphere.


Exercise A

2 It is said that the sight of a panda is better than that of a human.

3 The weekly pay of this tutor is almost equal to that of a manager in a large company.

4 To Shawn, the 3C products of Taiwan are superior to those of Korea.

5 The average rainfall of a desert is definitely lower than that of a rain forest.

Exercise B

2 the style of Kelly’s dress seems more fashionable than that of Julia’s

3 The pattern and the cut of Kelly’s dress are more original than those of Julia’s

4 The price of this dress is definitely higher than that of Julia’s

5 the necklace and earrings of Julia are nicer than those of Kelly


Writing Hands-on


1. Brainstorm

1. a cotton dress shirt

2. a pleated skirt or loose-fitting pants

3. must be worn all the time except for PE class

4. a sense of school unity and spirit

5. a navy blue wool coat

6. a sense of belonging

1. k a cotton dress shirt

2. k a pleated skirt or loose-fitting pants

3. j must be worn all the time except for PE class

4. l a sense of school unity and spirit

5. k a navy blue wool coat

6. l a sense of belonging


2. Write a Rough Outline

The Topic Sentence A white shirt and black skirt or pants are the clothes that students attending out school are required to wear.

The Supporting Ideas j when it is worn

k how it looks and what it is made of

l what it means to me


3. Write a Paragraph

        A white shirt and black skirt or pants are the clothes that students at our school are required to wear. Except for PE class, this uniform must be worn during morning assemblies and break time, as well as all of the classes. Worn by students on a daily basis, the uniform consists of a cotton dress shirt (short-sleeved for the summer and long-sleeved for the winter) and a pleated skirt or loose-fitting pants. Some students who don’t consider it fashionable enough wear more stylish tailor-made skirts or pants. In the winter, students have to wear a navy blue wool coat. To me, these uniforms create a sense of school unity and spirit. In the white shirts and black shirts and pants, everyone looks the same, thus bringing the school together. Whether the uniform looks plain or fashionable, it gives me a sense of belongingness and makes me proud of being a part of my school.


◎ Extra Reading

Comprehension Check

1 B  2 D  3 C  4 A

2020年8月13日 星期四

Reading 5.5 Answers to the Exercises

 Comprehension Check

1 A  2 A  3 B  4 B

Patterns in Use



2 It is time that Carrie learned to spend money wisely.

3 It is time that Tiffany understood the importance of promptness.

4 It is time that the city’s homeless people were taken care of.

5 It is time that the heavy smoker quit smoking.



2 why she should give up her seat

3 why bus segregation should be practiced

4 where they waited for Dr. King to make a speech

5 when the famous speech “I Have a Dream” was delivered

6 where people would be treated equally

Extra Exercise


1 It is time that you lived independently.

2 That’s the reason why your parents ask you to move out and get a job.


1 It is time that the company’s financial problems were solved.

2 The manager will be happy to see the moment when a thorough plan is come up with.


1 It is time that the workaholic relieved himself of stress of work.

2 It has been suggested that he plan a trip to a place where he can relax and recharge.

Writing Hands-on

Exercise A

2. Riding a bike to school

1. Parents don’t have to drive students to and from school.

2. It’s eco-friendly and economical.

3. Cycling riding is good exercise.

4. It provides more freedom outside of school.

3. Involvement in school clubs

1. It allows students to pursue interests outside the regular curriculum.

2. Students have opportunities to meet people with similar interests.

3. It helps students relieve stress of the studies.

4. Communication, cooperation and other social skills are developed.

Exercise B

Joining a school club is a good idea for senior high school students because they have reached a stage in their lives where their own interests are beginning to develop.

There are many advantages of belonging to a school club. For one thing, students may discover something they are really interested in outside the regular curriculum. There are clubs for almost   every kind of activity, such as photography clubs, bands, choirs, and street dance groups. There   are clubs devoted to drama, broadcasting, skating, swimming, and movie studies; of course there are clubs for every kind of ball games. A club is also a place where students can develop their abilities in this area. Take the guitar club which my brother joined, for example. He not only learned the basics, but also gained a better appreciation for playing and listening to music. Last but not least, a club is a place to make new friends. Clubs and the activities give students from different classes a chance to meet and to talk about their common interests.

Joining school clubs provides students with an escape from the pressure of courses and tests. It also offers them a way to develop more of their potential and open up a new world for them.

2020年8月7日 星期五

Chapter 4 敘述的寫作技巧---參考解答


I went to a movie with my colleagues yesterday.


Mr. Wang went to sing karaoke last night.


Where did Mr. Wang and his colleagues go after work?


Practice 1

Part I

Suddenly, the ground started to tremble.

Part II

All of a sudden, my date's dog came out of nowhere and started barking at me.


Practice 2

Part I

(What did I do to prepare myself for the date?)

• It took me a long time to decide what to wear.

• I made a reservation in a fancy restaurant.

• I came up with a few topics to chat about in advance.

(What happened during the date?)

• I was very nervous at first.

• We ordered a bottle of red wine to relax the tension.

• We exchanged MSN accounts.

(The result and how I felt about the date.)

• I'm glad that I got to know her better.

• l call her to keep in touch.

• l'Il be planning another date soon.


Practice 2

Part II

1. I have been secretly in love with my colleague, Jenny, but I was too shy to ask her out. A few days ago, an opportunity came up when we attended the same meeting.

2. Although she and I have been working at the same company for a year, she never noticed me. Last week, I saw an empty seat next to her when she was at the cafeteria.


Practice 3

Part I

1. Jenny has been my colleagues for several years, but we seldom speak to each other.

2. She is a top performer at work, and she gets along well with everyone in the office.

3. Once in a chat, I learned about that she didn't have a boyfriend, so I decided to ask her out.

4. I thought she would say no, yet she surprised me with a yes.

5. I might send her some chocolate, or I might invite her to a baseball game if she likes sports.

Part II

1. When Jenny said yes, I trembled with excitement and happiness.

2. I yelled with pleasure after she agreed to go out with me again.

3. I was too nervous to tell her how beautiful she looked.



A Date

Jenny has been my colleague for several years, but we seldom speak to each other. She is a top performer at work, and she gets along well with everyone in the office. Once in a chat, I learned about that she didn't have a boyfriend, so I decided to ask her out. When Jenny said yes, I trembled with happiness. To make this date perfect, I made a reservation at a fancy restaurant, and I came up with a few topics to chat about in advance. At dinner, we ordered a bottle of red wine to relax the atmosphere. I was too nervous to tell her how beautiful she looked. When I sent her home and asked if she would go out with me again, she immediately agreed. I yelled with pleasure. For our next date, I might send her some chocolate, or I might take her to a baseball game if she likes sports.


2020年8月5日 星期三

Reading 3.6 Answers

Comprehension Check

1 B  2 A  3 D

Patterns in Use


Exercise A

2 Whenever

3 Whatever

4 Whichever/Whatever

5 Whoever

6 However

Exercise B

2 Wherever you come from

3 whichever member of your family applies for membership

4 However you look at this offer

5 Whenever you need any information


Exercise A

2 It is thought unlucky to break a mirror in some cultures.

3 It is found beneficial to one’s health to take a nap every afternoon.

4 It is considered a must to cut down on one’s living expenses.

5 It is thought an honor for soldiers in this country to sacrifice their lives for their country.

Exercise B

2 It is thought a great solution to talk to your family

3 it is considered very rude to point at others

4 It is found even more offensive not to admit your mistakes

5 It is thought a good way to use other forms of communication

Writing Hands-on


1. Brainstorm

1. on the east coast of Taiwan

2. the Central Cross-Island Highway

3. the red suspension bridge and the temples

4. the Eternal Spring Shrine

5. a marble canyon

6. a damp cave behind the Eternal Spring Shrine

7. eroded valleys outside the cave

8. Liwu River carves away at the gorge’s stone

1. j on the east coast of Taiwan

2. l the Central Cross-Island Highway

3. l the red suspension bridge and the temples

4. l the Eternal Spring Shrine

5. k a marble canyon

6. k a damp cave behind the Eternal Spring Shrine

7. k eroded valleys outside the cave

8. k Liwu River carves away at the gorge’s stone


2. Write a Rough Outline

The Topic Sentence Last year I took an unforgettable trip with my family to Taroko Gorge.

The Supporting Ideas j location

k the natural features

l the man-made features


3. Write a Paragraph

        Last year I took an unforgettable trip with my family to Taroko Gorge, a gorgeous scenic spot on the east coast of Taiwan. One of Taiwan’s main tourist attractions, Taroko Gorge is a marble canyon famous for its high-rising cliffs, deep river valleys, and uniquely shaped rocks. Following the hiking trails, my family and I went to see the red suspension bridge and the temples set in the mountains. We also visited the Eternal Spring Shrine, which is built over a waterfall and dedicated to the people who sacrificed their lives when building the Central Cross-Island Highway, which runs through the gorge. In the back of the shrine, there are stairs leading to a cave. When I entered the cave, the damp smell of the cave hit my nostrils like giant waves crashing violently on the seashore. It was so quiet that I could hear nothing but my own breathing. Immersed in the mysterious atmosphere in this cave, I could not stop staring at the beautiful rock formations there. Coming out of the cave, I saw magnificent mountains towering above the deep valleys. As I thought about the enormous power of the Liwu River carving on the gorge, I knew that this river and the untouched natural treasures of Taroko Gorge would always shine brightly in my mind.


R 5.4 Answers

Comprehension Check

1 A  2 D  3 B

Patterns in Use



2 Beside the president sat the first lady.

3 In the house live an elderly woman and her cat.

4 Under the bed are old picture books that the kids no longer read.

5 From the back of the audience surprisingly appeared the performers.



2 Whether they were food or other necessities

3 Whether they had supported the war or not

4 Whether he intended to express his grief or show his rage

5 Whether you consider his behavior foolish or not

Extra Exercise


1 Across from our apartment is a popular restaurant.

2 Whether it is day or night, this restaurant is always crowded with customers.


1 In front of the museum lies/sits a beautiful garden.

2 Whether the visitors are just arriving or about to leave the museum, they can relax there.


1 In the glass cabinet are several model cars displayed/displayed several model cars.

2 Whether they are of classic design or in the latest model, they all catch consumers’ eye.

Writing Hands-on

Exercise A


For They can express their concern for problems and challenges facing their country.

Against They are not mature enough to judge matters by themselves, but rather are easily influenced.


For Like those of other professions, teachers should have equal rights to do so.

Against Students have the right to receive education in school. If teachers go on strike and classes are not held, it would be neglect of duty.

2020年8月2日 星期日

2020.08進度 Sunday

109.08 --- August 2020
Elite English Tutor --- Sunday 18:00~21:00
8/2          GEPT: IH-W4      T3 VQC: P28             (A76 R: B5U4                T&W?)
8/9          L6: U35~U36           破解U21~U24     (A78 SP 3.6.4~3.6.6      EWL4-2      TT6)
8/16        WP: P09~P10           7000: P4               (A80 R: B5U5               T&W?)
8/23        L6: U37~U38           破解U25~U28     (A81 SP 3.6.7~3.6.9      TT7             EWL4-2)
8/30        GEPT: IH-W5           VQC: P29             (A82 R: B5U6                T&W?)

2020.08進度 Wednesday

109.08 --- August 2020
Elite English Tutor --- Wednesday 19:00~22:00
8/5          GEPT: IH-W2      T3 7000: P28                  (A78 R: B5U4                T&W13)
8/12        L5: U13~U14           Phrases U43~U44     (A80 SP 3.1.5~3.1.?      T&W14)
8/19        WP: P03~P04           VQC: P26                  (A81 R: B5U5               T&W15)
8/26        L5: U15~U16           Phrases U45~U46     (A82 SP 3.1.?~3.1.?      T&W16)

2020.08進度 Tuesday

109.08 --- August 2020
Elite English Tutor --- Tuesday 18:30~21:30
8/4          7000: U29~U30   T3 Phrases U17~U18     (A16 R: 3.6               T&W?)
8/11        L3: U01~U02           Phrases U19~U20     (A17 G: 3.1~3.2       T&W?)
8/18        7000: U31~U32        Phrases U21~U22     (A18 R: 3.7               T&W?)
8/25        L3: U03~U04           Phrases U23~U24     (A19 G: 3.3~3.4       T&W?)