
2018年9月30日 星期日

英文作文 範例


提示:有句話說:「樂觀的人發明飛機,悲觀的人發明降落傘」,這句話要表達的跟飛機與降落傘其實無關,而是你要抱持怎樣的態度去面對事情,是要積極處理還是消極逃避?請寫一篇作文,描述你是用樂觀或悲觀的態度去面對事情,而這樣的態度帶給你什麼好/壞處,並舉例說明。文分兩段,第一段以I tend to look on the bright/dark side of life.開頭並發展之,第二段以There are many advantages/disadvantages of adopting an optimistic/pessimistic attitude.當主題句並發展之。

I tend to look on the bright side of life. For example, I always think the best of people. I assume they are trying their best, and if they do something wrong, it’s by mistake. I also believe that they will keep any promises they make to me. Another way in which I’m optimistic is that I always expect things to turn out well. Therefore, I think I’m going to pass my tests and generally get what I want as long as I put the effort in.
There are many advantages of adopting an optimistic attitude. For one thing, I believe people with a positive outlook are more likely to get along with others and enjoy good interpersonal relationships. Another benefit of being positive is that even when things go wrong, I’m always confident that they will turn around in the end. Because of this, I strive to achieve my goals and never let small setbacks hinder my determination.
I tend to look on the dark side of life. According to my past experiences, things will eventually fail no matter how cautious I am. Therefore, I find that if I always expect the worst, I’ll never be disappointed. What’s more, I don’t trust people easily. Ive been let down by many people in my life, so I’ve learned not to expect too much of others.
There are many disadvantages of adopting a pessimistic attitude, though. One of the most obvious ones is that I don’t have many friends. People don’t like being in my company because of my negative outlook on life. They say I’m a mood killer and that I make everyone feel depressed. Another disadvantage is that I have difficulty motivating myself. It’s difficult to want to try hard when I know I’m only going to fail anyway. However, I know I need to change my perspective, or I won’t accomplish anything during my lifetime.

Answers to "Words Can Hurt"

2 having little support from his family
3 Nicknamed “The Iron Horse”
4 suffering from ALS
5 No longer playing baseball
2 is the last person to think of stealing other people’s idea
3 is the last person that would ever turn her back on the poor
4 is the last place that my brother will go to
5 are the last vegetables that Heather would like to eat
Extra Exercise:
1 Verbally taunted and physically harassed by his classmates, Allan was plagued by emotional problems.
2 Learning the news, the principal immediately claimed that this should be the last thing to happen on a school campus.
1 Bored by the lecture, more and more students started to use their cell phones in class.
2 However, not paying attention is the last thing that students should ever do while in class.
1 Never expecting that the company would accept her application, Carol didn’t believe that she had been chosen.
2 Before this result was announced, she thought she would be the last person to be hired by such a famous international company.
Exercise A
1 Verbal abuse may have the following three negative effects on the abused.
2 Regular exercise, calorie control, and surgery are three most effective ways to lose weight.

2018年9月22日 星期六

英檢中高級Week 13

單詞                        音標                        中文
accommodate [əˋkɑmə͵det] (vt) 容納;順應;適應
console [kənˋsol] (vi) 安慰
deliberate [dɪˋlɪbərɪt] (adj) 故意的
[dɪˋlɪbəret] (vi) 商議
embrace [ɪmˋbres] (vt) 擁抱;信奉
heed [hid] (vt) 重視 (U) 聽從
imprisonment [ɪmˋprɪznmənt] (U) 監禁
manuscript [ˋmænjə͵skrɪpt] (C) 手稿
rational [ˋræʃən!] (adj) 推理能力的;合理的
scar (C) 疤痕 (vt) 留下...創傷
stagger [ˋstægɚ] (vi) 搖搖晃晃地走
tempt [tɛmpt] (vt) 誘使
vend [vɛnd] (vt)
affirm [əˋfɝm] (vt) 鄭重聲明
bleak [blik] (adj) 暗淡的;荒涼的
devour [dɪˋvaʊr] (vt) 吞食;吞噬
escort [ɪ'skort] [ˋɛskɔrt] (vt, C) 護送
foil [fɔɪl] (U) 錫箔紙 (vt) 落空
gender [ˋdʒɛndɚ] (U) 性別
hospitable [ˋhɑspɪtəb!] (adj) 熱情友好的
perish [ˋpɛrɪʃ] (vi)
refreshment [rɪˋfrɛʃmənt] (U) 恢復活力 (pl)茶點
speculate [ˋspɛkjə͵let] (vi) 推測
stock [stɑk] (C) 儲備 (P) 股票 (vt)
throne [θron] (S) 王位 (C) 御座
treason [ˋtrizn] (U) 叛國罪
ambiguous [æmˋbɪgjʊəs] (adj) 不明確的
boulevard [ˋbulə͵vɑrd] (C) 大道
clutch [klʌtʃ] (vt) 抓緊 (vi) 抓住
conviction [kənˋvɪkʃən] (C) 判決;信念
discomfort [dɪsˋkʌmfɚt] (U) 折磨
exert [ɪgˋzɝt] (vt) 用盡;施加
inhabitant [ɪnˋhæbətənt] (C) 居民
legitimate [lɪˋdʒɪtəmɪt] (adj) 合法的
plea [pli] (C) 懇求
relish [ˋrɛlɪʃ] (vt) 喜歡;吃得津津有味;享用(U) 熱切
shriek [ʃrik] (C, vt) 尖叫;尖聲
traitor [ˋtretɚ] (C) 賣國賊
cowardly [ˋkaʊɚdlɪ] (adj) 懦夫的
diverse [daɪˋvɝs] (adj) 各種的
forsake [fɚˋsek] (vt) 放棄
glare [glɛr] (vi) 注視;耀眼 (S) 瞪;耀眼
lottery [ˋlɑtərɪ] (C) 彩券;碰運氣
mournful [ˋmornfəl] (adj) 哀傷的
optimism [ˋɑptəmɪzəm] (U) 樂觀
precede [priˋsid] (vt) 在之前
restraint [rɪˋstrent] (C) 限制 (U) 克制
sloppy [ˋslɑpɪ] (adj) 馬虎的;草率的
summon [ˋsʌmən] (vt) 召集
tribute [ˋtrɪbjut] (C) 致意
curriculum [kəˋrɪkjələm] (C) 課程
groan [gron] (vi) 呻吟
intimidate [ɪnˋtɪmə͵det] (vt) 恐嚇
overflow [͵ovɚˋflo] (vi, vt) 滿出來;滿懷
[ˋovɚ͵flo] (S) 溢出 (C) 泛濫
preview [ˋpri͵vju] (C) 預演 (vt) 先看
prosecute [ˋprɑsɪ͵kjut] (vt) 起訴
rip [rɪp] (vt) 撕破 (vi) 勾破
sovereign [ˋsɑvrɪn] (adj) 主權獨立的 (C) 天皇
suspend [səˋspɛnd]vt)懸掛;暫緩;停學upright [ˋʌp͵raɪt] (adv) 挺直 (adj) 正直的
wrestle [ˋrɛs!] (vi) 扭打 (vt) 摔倒


008 我的休閒活動My Pastime Activity
1. pastime n. 消遣;休閒活動
People have many ways to spend their pastime .
2. relax v. 放鬆;鬆弛;放寬
I enjoy mountain climbing as mine because it helps me to relax .
3. activity n. 活動
This hobby is also an activity that many other people enjoy.
4. enthusiast n. 狂熱者
My pastime activity has enabled me to know other similar enthusiasts .
5. desire n. 欲望;請求
Mountain climbing does not require too much planning; just a desire to have fun!

SP 150: 3.4-7

Pattern 7
before / after S + V
例:a. Look before you leap.
b. It is too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.

I. before after 的子句中通常以簡單式代替未來式
a. Remember to turn off the lights before you will leave. ()
b. Remember to turn off the lights before you leave. ()

II. before 也可表示「以免 (so that something does not or cannot happen)」的意思。
Your dog should be kept on a leash before it attacks any person.

III. before 之前可加一段時間或 just long
a. His novel was published three years before he fled to America.
b. I remember how the house filled up with brightness just before she came through the door.

IV. after 前可加一個副詞 immediately, straight, soon, shortly, (not) long 或一段時間。
a. An instant after the camera came to rest in front of her, we heard the latch of the door click shut.
b. The airborne chemicals hovered in the atmosphere long after the smoke had drifted away.

I. 替換
a. You should complete your task prior/previous to your departure.
You should complete your task before you depart.
b. Not long after the wedding, the wedding feast began.
Not long after the wedding was held, the wedding feast began.
1. Prior to her marriage, she was an assistant to Professor Lee.
2. Shortly after the king's death, his eldest son succeeded to the throne.
3. Previous to coming here, I worked for an oil company.
4. After World War II, Japan was forced to relinquish control of Taiwan.
5. Famine followed in the wake of the drought.

ll. 翻譯請將下列中文句子翻成英文
1. 冰融化之前需要一會兒時間。
It will be a while _________________________________________________
2. 把你的珠寶放在安全地方以免被偷走。
Put your jewelry somewhere safe ___________________________________
3. 在你進大學前你得通過入學考試
4. 那本小說是在他三十歲出頭寫的那早在他重回拍電影之前很久。
5. 總統選舉遭受挫敗之後那一年他退出政壇。