
2021年5月31日 星期一

Teaching Schedule @ Sunday, June 2021

 110.06 --- June 2021

Elite English Tutor --- Sunday 18:00~21:00

06/06     WP: P23~P24      T8     VQC: P36                  (B26  SP 6.09~6.11   CEE Test 2 T&W34)

06/13     破解U9~U12      T9      字彙翻譯U9~U12     (B27 SP 6.12~7.01   5 in 1 U1.3 T&W35)

06/20     GEPT: IH-W13    T10   7000: P39                  (B28  SP 7.02~7.04   5 in 1 U1.4 T&W36)

06/27     破解U13~U16    T11    字彙翻譯U13~U16   (B29  CEE Test 3      5 in 1 U1.5     T&W37)

Teaching Schedule @ Saturday, June 2021

 110.06 --- June 2021

Elite English Tutor --- Saturday 18:30~21:30

06/05     7000: U67~U68   T07   VQC: P25                       (A63      R: 5.01             T&W14)

06/12     L4: U39~U40      T08   Phrases U46                   (A64      SP 3.1.9~3.1.12        TT U07)

06/19     7000: U69~U70   T09   7000: P17                       (A65      R: 5.02             T&W15)

06/26     L4: U41~U42      T10   Phrases U47                   (A66      SP 3.2.1~3.2.4           TT U06)

2021年5月30日 星期日

SPP 6.7 & 6.8


Pattern 7

…rather than…

例:America should reverse its priorities, spending money on the young rather than on the old.




I. 這個句型表示「而非」。如同not only but also一樣,rather than前後的詞語要對等平行。

a. We have to apply pressure to politicians to face up to the problems of unemployment, rather than to pretend they hardly exist.


b. The continuing bad health of the President may mean another electionsooner rather than later.



II. rather than前面是不定詞時,rather than後面通常用原形動詞。用動名詞也可以,特別是把rather than移到句首時。

a. I decided to visit her rather than phone/phoning her.

b. Rather than phone/phoning her, I decided to visit her.




I. 替換

範例:We drank tea instead of coffee. à We drank tea rather than coffee.

1. We went out for a walk instead of staying at home.


2. Universities must now focus on educational standards instead of miring themselves in racial debate.


3. Instead of challenging American power head-on, China is putting on a friendly face.


4. People are often admired for what they own instead of what they can do.


5. He was more sad than angry.




1. 我們應向前看而不是回頭看二十多年前的往事。


2. 她的介入只有使事情更糟而不是更好。


3. 游擊隊的攻擊似乎是設計來顯示他們有能力戰鬥而不是要發動一場戰爭。


4. 有關愛滋病的會議預計在八月而不是在三月舉行。


5. 我不修理電視,而是決定要買一台新的。



I. 替換

1. We went out for a walk rather than stayed at home.

2. Universities must now focus on educational standards rather than mire themselves in racial debate.

3. Rather than challenging American power head-on, China is putting on a friendly face.

4. People are often admired for what they own rather than what they can do.

5. He was sad rather than angry.



1. We should look forward rather than to the events of more than 20 years ago.

2. Her interference only made things worse rather than better.

3. The guerrillas’ attacks seemed designed to show that they had the capability to fight rather than to wage a war.

4. The conference on AIDS is scheduled to be held in August rather than in March.

5. Rather than have/having the TV set repaired, I have decided to buy a new one.

Pattern 8

… let alone…,

… still/much/even less…

例:The sick could not understand what was wrong with them, let alone decide what should be done to make them healthy again.




I. 這個句型表示「更別提」。如同not only but also一樣,let alone, still less, even lessmuch less前後的詞語要對等平行。同時要用在否定句中,使否定的陳述更加強烈。

a. He has never been to Europe or the United States, let alone seen a Starbucks.


b. Most young men cannot afford the cost of a car, still less of a house.



II. not to speak of, to say nothing of, not to mention具有相同功用,只不過它們後面緊能接名詞或動名詞或the fact that + S + V。它們不屬於平行結構,它們也可以用在肯定句中

a. Many of the countrys businessmen not to speak of foreign investors

shuddered at the stock market crash.


b. She is one of the most versatile, not to mention beautiful girls I have ever known.




I. 合併句子

範例:a. He cannot even walk.

 b. Worse still, he cannot run. (much less連接)

      à He cannot even walk, much less run.

1. a. It didn’t look as if a child had ever been in here. (let alone連接)

 b. Moreover, it didn’t look as if a child had ever lived here.


2. a. Gaining weight won’t help your health. (still less連接)

  b. Worse still, it won’t help the hypertension that you have suffered from.


3. a. It does not allow for any overlaps. (let alone連接)

  b. Moreover, it does not allow for any errors.


4. a. Many poor African people still do not have the right to eat.

  b. Worse still, they still do not have the right to decent housing, health care, or education. (let alone連接)


5. a. She never offered an apology.

  b. Worse still, she never paid damages. (still less連接)




1. 政府是否願意都令人懷疑了,更不要說能夠打擊組織犯罪。


2. 沒有證據證明大部分的回教徒認為公民自由權與回教不相容,更不要說是與安適的生活不相容。


3. 他沒有足夠的錢買食物,更別提娛樂。


4. 快樂很少被談及,更別提體驗了。


5. 這幾群抗議的烏合之眾距離危害政府的路還很遙遠,更別提推翻了。



I. 合併句子

1. It didn’t look as if a child had ever been in here let alone lived here.

2. Gaining weight won’t help your health, still less the hypertension that you have suffered from.

3. It does not allow for any overlap, let alone for any errors.

4. Many poor African people still do not have the right to eat, let alone to decent housing, health care, or education.

5. She never offered an apology, still less paid damages.



1. It is questionable whether the government would be willing, let alone, able to crack down on organized crime.

2. There is no evidence that most Muslims believe civil liberties to be incompatible with Islam, still less with a comfortable life.

3. He hadn’t enough money for food, let alone amusements.

4. Happiness is seldom spoken of, much less experienced.

5. These ragtag groups of protesters are a long way from endangering, let alone bringing down the government.

字彙翻譯 U5~U8


Unit 05

(  ) 1. Alex worked part-time three days a week, but he never _____ his studies and still ranked at the top of his class.

(A) diminished            (B) neglected             (C) soothed            (D) simplified

(  ) 2. When a flu epidemic strikes, people should be more cautious about their personal _____. For example, they should wash their hands more frequently.

(A) cultivation             (B) corruption           (C) abundance       (D) hygiene

(  ) 3. Mr. Lee felt _____ because his false teeth came off when he spoke in front of many college students last week.

(A) embarrassed          (B) considerate          (C) behaved           (D) intensive

(  ) 4. The _____ of the fillet steak of the restaurant is so soft and delicious; no wonder it sells hundreds of pieces each day.

(A) mission                 (B) texture                 (C) reputation        (D) awareness

(  ) 5. In spite of the difficulties and frustration in life, Bob still behaved _____ and never felt depressed.

(A) positively              (B) eventually           (C) personally        (D) extensively

(  ) 6. To stay fit, Sherry has only freshly-_____ orange juice for breakfast every morning.

(A) scratched               (B) lightened             (C) magnified        (D) squeezed

(  ) 7. If you follow the _____ closely, you will find it easy to assemble the toy tank.

(A) diagnoses              (B) functions             (C) appointments   (D) directions

(  ) 8. Don't _____ to call me if you think I am helpful.

(A) submit                   (B) concern               (C) notify               (D) hesitate

(  ) 9. Cathy is such a _____ girl that she never does the dishes without breaking some.

(A) visual                    (B) religious              (C) sentimental       (D) clumsy

(  ) 10. I _____ accept your excuse for being late this time, but remember that this is the last time.

(A) basically                (B) leisurely              (C) modestly          (D) properly

Unit 06

(  ) 1. David is such a learned and knowledgeable person because he always reads _____.

(A) generously            (B) separately            (D) extensively        (C) completely

(  ) 2. Angelina is a/an _____ learner. She went to a computer class three times and has acquired the ability and skills to create a webpage.

(A) brilliant                 (B) portable               (C) explicit             (D) regular

(  ) 3. After studying long hours, Jimmy _____ a 15-minute break.

(A) stretched               (B) accused               (C) deserved          (D) deserted

(  ) 4. Air, sunshine and water are _____ to our life. We can't live without them.

(A) magnificent           (B) profitable            (C) feasible            (D) essential

(  ) 5. The civil war in the African country resulted from the fact that each group tried to gain _____ over the capital area, which is the center of politics.

(A) appliance               (B) residence             (C) dominance       (D) innocence

(  ) 6. The _____ of the roses filled the whole room. The pleasant and sweet smell really made us feel wonderful.

(A) identity                  (B) fragrance             (C) adoption          (D) leadership

(  ) 7. The severe earthquake claimed thousands of lives and caused hundreds of houses to _____.

(A) collapse                 (B) measure              (C) declare             (D) suspend

(  ) 8. After the US criticized Japan's policy on containing H1N1 influenza, Japan _____ its ambassador to the US immediately.

(A) switched                (B) traced                  (C) recalled            (D) commanded

(  ) 9. The climate in the North Pole has become so _____ that many wild animals there really have to go through hard times.

(A) harsh                     (B) profound             (C) vigorous          (D) sophisticated

(  ) 10. Book Four is _____ more difficult than Book Three.

(A) favorably              (B) relatively             (C) desirably          (D) respectably

Unit 07

(  ) 1. Dr. Lee was given the rare _____ of taking Air Force One, but he refused. He didn't want to make others jealous.

(A) profession             (B) involvement        (C) mischief           (D) privilege

(  ) 2. The cable TV in Taiwan has at least 90 _____ for viewers to choose from. No wonder it has become people's first choice for entertainment.

(A) channels                (B) tunnels                (C) temples            (D) waterfalls

(  ) 3. Andy _____ changed his job; he never stayed in the same company for more than 4 months.

(A) additionally           (B) probably             (C) truthfully         (D) constantly

(  ) 4. Nick robbed the bank and killed his ex-girlfriends, so he was seen as a _____ brutal desperado.

(A) notoriously           (B) patiently              (C) sensitively        (D) potentially

(  ) 5. Taking a trip to the Great Wall with my wife is a dream of mine, but my busy working life has _____ my opportunities.

(A) refused                  (B) distorted              (C) motivated         (D) restricted

(  ) 6. Although the minister _____ many times for his poor decision-making, he ended up resigning due to great pressure.

(A) retired                   (B) apologized          (C) approached      (D) transplanted

(  ) 7. Rick was arrested and then released 5 hours later, because the police found him _____.

(A) defensive              (B) shameful             (C) outgoing          (D) innocent

(  ) 8. Many office workers find it hard to concentrate on their work when holidays are _____.

(A) expanding             (B) approaching        (C) rotating            (D) suppressing

(  ) 9. David is so _____ that he always shows pity, sympathy and understanding for those who are in trouble.

(A) passionate             (B) compassionate     (C) anxious            (D) ambitious

(  ) 10. We don't need to be _____ of Bobby's selfish behavior. Instead, we should teach him how to show respect for others.

(A) glorious                (B) tolerant                (C) tentative           (D) transparent

Unit 08

(  ) 1. The new legislation has been made to _____ a historic injustice in which various dialects had been banned.

(A) resign                    (B) refresh                (C) retain               (D) remedy

(  ) 2. Free delivery is arranged at your _____. Just call me whenever you need it.

(A) obedience              (B) evidence              (C) influence          (D) convenience

(  ) 3. The movie, on the whole, is very _____; there are many interesting characters in it.

(A) fascinating            (B) persistent             (C) formidable       (D) stubborn

(  ) 4. Compared with Fred, Jenny is _____ in studies. She usually ranks at the bottom of her class.

(A) opposite                (D) economical         (B) inferior              (C) reluctant

(  ) 5. By traveling and reading a lot, people can _____ their horizons.

(A) broaden                 (B) soften                  (C) tighten             (D) lengthen

(  ) 6. Dr. Johnson sets high standards for his students. He is the strictest professor that I've ever _____.

(A) attained                 (B) competed            (C) encountered     (D) struggled

(  ) 7. Although David Wang is a high school English teacher, he _____ teaches his children English.

(A) rarely                    (B) bitterly                (C) naturally          (D) skillfully

(  ) 8. The duty of an umpire is to _____ judge the performance of the competitors, not in favor of any of them.

(A) intimately              (B) objectively          (C) painfully          (D) ambitiously

(  ) 9. To keep Influenza A(H1N1) from spreading around the island, stricter security _____ should be taken, especially at the airport.

(A) motions                 (B) measures             (C) institutions       (D) interiors

(  ) 10. Everyone has his/her own physical _____. People can't keep working long hours without taking a break.

(A) relaxation              (B) contribution        (C) hesitation         (D) limitation