
2018年8月11日 星期六

Unit 1 @ Cloze and Writing Practice

Unit 1  Being Healthy
Between the ages of nine and eighteen, you experience a series of physical changes called puberty. It sometimes causes problems. These __1__ skin problems, troublesome hair condition and also swings in mood. Sometimes you may feel very happy and confident and __2__ times you may feel unsure of yourself and your appearance. __3__ the changes, you need to stay healthy. If your body is __4__ good condition, you will feel energetic, confident, and able to deal with the __5__ of everyday life. Physical health can influence __6__ you feel about your looks. Your health shows in your __7__; a happy, healthy person has good skin and hair, and sparkle in the eyes. Good health __8__ you better equipped to fight illness and resist infections. It also helps protect you __9__ certain diseases in adulthood, such as heart disease. These long-term benefits may seem unimportant when you are a young person, but there are also immediate benefits to __10__.
(   ) 1. (A) include              (B) exclude              (C) show                  (D) result
(   ) 2. (A) another             (B) other                  (C) any                    (D) these
(   ) 3. (A) To cope with    (B) Coping with             (C) Cope with          (D) You cope with
(   ) 4. (A) on                     (B) to                       (C) in                       (D) into
(   ) 5. (A) do’s and don’ts       (B) ups and downs  (C) ins and outs       (D) right and wrong
(   ) 6. (A) that                         (B) how                         (C) whether             (D) why
(   ) 7. (A) personality       (B) character            (C) appearance        (D) mood
(   ) 8. (A) has                    (B) offers                 (C) causes               (D) makes
(   ) 9. (A) not to go           (B) to fight               (C) from                  (D) away
(   ) 10. (A) live healthy     (B) keep healthy            (C) living healthily   (D) keeping healthily
Sentence Pattern Analysis:
1. S + V.(feel/keep/stay/seem) + S.C.                          2. S + make + O + O.C.(Adj./N/V/Vpp)
1. What’s the main idea of this passage?àThe age of puberty sometimes causes problems, but trying to keep healthy can help cope with the problem.
2. What problems do you have at the age of puberty?àI have a skin problem. My serious acne can ruin my life.
3. What will help you deal with ups and downs of everyday life?àPhysical health will help me deal with ups and downs of everyday life.
4. What do you do to make puberty?àI eat the right foods and exercise to help make puberty less difficult.
Sentence Making:
1. protect … from …àIn winter, warm clothes protect us from the cold.
2. such asàI like Italian food, such as pizza and pasta.
1. 漫長的旅程使得他筋疲力竭。àThe long journey made him tired out/exhausted.
2. 他變得更強壯更健康了。àHe grew stronger and healthier.
3. 這料子摸起來很柔軟。àThe material feels soft.
4. 這水果味道很可怕。àThe fruit tastes terrible.
5. 意外發生時,務必要保持鎮定。àWhen accidents happen, be sure to keep calm.
6. 這句子聽起來正確嗎?àDoes the sentence sound correct?

