
2018年9月16日 星期日

Level 5 Unit 17~18

Unit 17
adolescence [ædḷ`ɛsṇs] n.  青春期
片語:in/during one's adolescence  當某人青春期的時候
I left home during my adolescence.  / 我青少年的時候就離開家自己生活了。
比較:puberty [`pjubɚtɪ] n. 生理上性徵的)發育成熟期

adolescent [ædḷ`ɛsṇt] a.  青少年的 n.  青少年
同義字:teenager [`tin͵edʒɚ] n. 青少年;teenage [`tin͵edʒ] a. 青少年的
juvenile [`dʒuvənḷ] a. 青少年的 & n. 青少年
Tommy is over thirty but he still acts like an adolescent.  / 湯米已年過 30,但行為還是像個青少年。
Adolescent stress is an issue parents and school authorities shouldn't ignore.  / 青春期壓力是個父母及校方應該正視的議題。

agenda [ə`dʒɛndə] n.  議程,工作事項
片語:be on the agenda  排入議程/工作事項內
What's on the agenda this morning?  / 今早的議程為何?
My boss always has a full agenda.  / 我的老闆的行程總是滿檔。

airtight [`ɛr͵taɪt] a.  氣密的,無懈可擊的
衍生字:watertight [`wɑtɚ͵taɪt] a. 防水的;無懈可擊的 ⑥
Store the fruit in airtight containers and put them into the fridge, so it doesn't spoil.  / 把水果放入密閉容器內,再冰到冰箱裡,這樣它們就不會壞掉了。
We have an airtight defense on this military base. With three squads on patrol 24 hours a day, the enemy stands no chance of breaking in by force.
我們基地的防禦滴水不漏。全天候都有 3 個班巡邏,敵人根本沒機會以武力闖入。
squad [skwɑd] n.(軍語)班*patrol [pə`trol] n. 巡邏

aisle [aɪl] n.  (教堂、飛機與火車內座椅間的)走道
片語:walk down the aisle  結婚 = get married
The Nobel Prize winner's speech drew so many people that some had to sit in the aisles.  / 諾貝爾獎得主的演講引來許多人,有人甚至得坐在走道上。

algebra [`ældʒəbrə] n.  代數
同義字:mathematics [͵mæθə`mætɪks] n. 數學 ③
Algebra is a closed book to me.  / 我對代數一竅不通。

allergic [ə`lɚdʒɪk] a.  過敏的
My son is allergic to pollen. / 我的兒子對花粉過敏。*pollen [`pɑlən] n. 花粉
用法:allergic 亦與介詞 to 並用,形成下列固定用法:be allergic to... 過敏

allergy [`ælɚdʒɪ] (複數形: allergies [`ælɚdʒɪz] n. 過敏)n.  過敏
片語:have an allergy to...  過敏
衍生字:allergic [ə`lɝdʒɪk] a. 過敏的
I have a severe allergy to dust and cat hair.  / 我對灰塵和貓毛有嚴重的過敏。

altitude [`æltə͵tjud] n.  高度,海拔(與介詞 at 並用)
片語:at an altitude of...  的高度
The airplane is now cruising at an altitude of 30,000 feet.
這架飛機正在 3 萬英尺高空飛行。*cruise [kruz] vi. 定速航行
比較:attitude [`ætət͵jud] n. 態度(與介詞 to/towards 並用)
Mary holds a very optimistic attitude towards life. / 瑪麗對人生的態度很樂觀。

attendance [ə`tɛndəns] n.  出席
片語:be in attendance (at sth)  出席(某場合);attract/draw full attendance  引來滿場觀眾
衍生字:attend [ə`tɛnd] vt. 出席 &vi. 照顧(與介詞 to 並用)②
attend the meeting 出席會議
attend to sb/sth 照顧某人/處理某事 = take care of sb/sth
Twenty people attended the meeting. / 20 人出席會議。
Lisa has been attending to her grandma ever since she was ill.
Don't worry. I'll attend to the work in no time. / 別擔心。我會立即做這件工作。
attention [ə`tɛnʃən] n. 注意 ②;pay attention to... 注意stand at attention 立正站好
Capitan Devis stood at attention to salute his superior officers.
The speech last night was quite successful. It attracted full attendance even though there had not been much advertisement for it.  / 昨晚的演講相當成功。雖然之前沒做什麼廣告宣傳,還是吸引滿場觀眾前來。
We are honored to have the mayor in attendance.  / 我們很榮幸能請到市長先生出席。

backbone         [`bæk͵bon] n.  脊椎骨(= spine),支柱,勇氣,決心
片語:be the backbone of sth  為某物的支柱、棟樑
My backbone hurts from long hours of sitting. I need to stretch my legs.  / 我坐太久,脊椎好痛。我得活動活動筋骨。
The high-end computer industry is the backbone of this country's economy.  / 高科技電腦產業是該國的經濟支柱。
You can count on Todd as your leader. He has the backbone to make the right decisions.  / 陶德做你們領導很可靠。他有勇氣,能做出正確的決定。

booth [buθ] n.  亭子
片語:a ticket booth  售票亭;a telephone booth  電話亭;a voting booth  投票亭
An old lady kept rushing me when I was in the telephone booth making an urgent call. It was so annoying!  / 當我在電話亭內打一通緊急電話時,一位老太太不斷催促我。真是煩死人了!

choir [kwaɪr] n.  合唱團
衍生字:chorus [`korəs] n. 合唱團;副歌 ④
When I was a kid, I used to be a member of the local church choir.  / 我小時候曾是地方上教堂合唱團的成員。

chord [kɔrd] n.  和弦
片語:strike/touch a chord with sb  與某人看法一致,令某人贊同;play the B chord  B 和弦
That guitar player played the wrong chord twice, but nobody seemed to notice it.  / 吉他手彈錯了和弦兩次,但似乎沒有人注意到。
That candidate's speech struck a chord with the voters.  / 候選人的一席演講令選民深表贊同。

compact [`kɑmpækt]/[kəm`pækt] a.  (空間)小而設備齊全的
vt.  壓縮,擠壓
I just moved into a new apartment that's quite compact and cozy; and most importantly, the rent is pretty cheap.
cozy [`kozɪ] a. 舒適的
All the rubbish will have to be compacted and stored for future disposal.  / 這些垃圾必須被壓縮並儲存留待日後處理。
延伸:a compact disk 一片光碟片(即 CD);a compact car 小巧省油的車

compass [`kɑmpəs] n.  羅盤
衍生字:compasses [`kɑmpəsɪz] n. 圓規(常用複數);a pair of compasses 一副圓規
The compass is a very important tool for navigation.
羅盤是很重要的導航工具。*navigation [͵nævə`geʃən] n. 導航

crossing [`krɔsɪŋ] n.  行人穿越道
片語:take the crossing  走行人穿越道(過馬路)
You should take the crossing to cross the street. It's safer this way.  / 你應該用行人穿越道過馬路。這樣比較安全。
延伸:sidewalk [`saɪd͵wɔk] n. 人行道〔美〕②
pavement [`pevmənt] n.人行道〔英〕③
a zebra crossing 斑馬線〔英〕= a pedestrian crossing〔英〕= a crosswalk〔美〕

crossroads [`krɔs͵rodz] n.  十字路口,人生轉折點(單複數同形)
片語:at the crossroads  在十字路口;be at a crossroads  在人生重大轉折點上
同義字:intersection [͵ɪntɚ`sɛkʃən]] n. 十字路口(為單數形)
You can get off the bus at the next crossroads/ intersection. The hospital is right over there.  / 你可以在下一個十字路口下公車。醫院就在那兒。
Tracy's life is at a crossroads. She has to decide whether to continue her studies, or start working so she can help support her poor family.  / 崔西正在人生的轉折點上。她得決定是否繼續唸書,或是開始工作好幫助她貧困的家人。
比較:the turning point 人生轉捩點(通常指因為某事發生而產生好的結果)
That party was the turning point in Paul's life. There he met Barbara, his future wife.

dough [do] n.  麵糰,錢(不可數)
片語:be rolling in dough  在錢上打滾,海撈一筆
衍生字:doughnut [`donʌt] n. 甜甜圈(= donut
We'll be rolling in dough by the time the old man finds out we've taken all his money.  / 當老傢伙發現我們拿走他所有錢時,我們早已在錢上打滾,海撈一筆了。
You can make dough by adding some water to the flour.  / 加點水進麵粉裡你就能做出麵糰了。
Dude, 5,000 bucks is a lot of dough! I don't have that much money to lend you.  / 老兄!5 千美元可是一大筆錢耶。我沒那麼多錢借你。

duke [djuk] n.  公爵
衍生字:duchess [`dʌtʃɪs] n. 女公爵;伯爵夫人
Louis inherited the title of duke from his father.  / 路易斯從父親那裡繼承了公爵的頭銜。

earl [ɝl] n.  伯爵
The benevolent earl has been a long-time supporter of this charity.
benevolent [bə`nɛvələnt] a. 仁慈的,善良的
延伸:baron [`bærən] n. 男爵;marquis [`mɑrkwɪs] n. 侯爵

fuse [fjuz] n.  保險絲,引信 vt. vi.  融合
片語:have a short fuse  易怒的
同義字:blend [blɛnd] vt. 融合
I have no idea how to fix the fuse, so I'll have to call an electrician.  / 我不知道怎麼修理保險絲,所以我必須要打電話給電工。
Don't say anything stupid during the meeting, or the boss will eat you alive. He has a really short fuse.  / 開會的時候不要說錯話,不然老闆會痛宰你。他真的很容易生氣。
The musician successfully fused together two contradictory styles in her music.
contradictory [͵kɑntrə`dɪktərɪ] a. 矛盾的

geometry [dʒi`ɑmətrɪ] n.  幾何學
Tina is an outstanding student. She is particularly good at geometry.  / 蒂娜是個傑出的學生。她的幾何尤其好。
比較:geomancy [`dʒiə͵mænsɪ] n. 風水
*老外亦常說 feng shui [͵fʌŋ`ʃweɪ],即 中文『風水』的音譯。

hoof [huf](複數形: hoofs [hufs]/hooves [huvz]n. 
同義字:paw [pɔ] n. 腳爪 ③
Cows have hoofs, not paws.  / 牛有蹄,而不是腳爪。

hurl [hɝl] vt.  用力投擲
片語:hurl insults/abuse at sb  辱罵某人
同義字:throw [θro] vt. 投擲 ③;cast [kæst] vt. 投擲 ③
I'll take you to court if you keep hurling insults like that at me!
The angry mob began to hurl rotten eggs at the riot police.
暴民開始以臭雞蛋攻擊鎮暴警察。*rotten [`rɑtṇ] a. 腐爛的*riot [`raɪət] n. 暴亂

juvenile [`dʒuvənḷ] a.  青少年的 n.  青少年
片語:juvenile delinquency  青少年犯罪;delinquency [dɪ`lɪŋkwənsɪ] n.  違法行為
juvenile delinquent  不良少年;delinquent [dɪ`lɪŋkwənt]  n. 違法者
Juvenile delinquency is a deep-seated problem in almost every country.  / 幾乎在每一個國家中,青少年犯罪都是根深蒂固的問題。
In most cases, juvenile delinquents come from troubled families.  / 少年犯大多來自問題家庭。

latitude [`lætə͵tjud] n.  緯度(與介詞 at 並用)
The island is located at 121.7 degrees east longitude and 25 degrees north latitude.  / 這座島位在東經 121.7 度,北緯 25 度。

longitude [`lɑndʒə͵tjud] n.  經度(與介詞 at 並用)
The small town lies at the longitude of 13 degrees west.  / 這座小鎮位於西經 13 度。

mediate [`midɪ͵et] vt. vi.  居中調解
片語:mediate between...  居中調解
衍生字:mediator [`midɪ͵etɚ] n. 調停者
同義字:negotiate [nɪ`goʃɪet] vt. & vi. 談判
A UN delegation was dispatched to mediate the peace talks between the guerilla leaders and the government officials.
dispatch [dɪ`spætʃ] vt. 派遣*guerilla [gə`rɪlə] n. 游擊隊員
Police sent a negotiator to the building to mediate between the two sides.  / 警方派了一位協調員進入大樓內為兩方居中協調。

mourn [mɔrn] vt. vi.  哀悼
片語:mourn for sb  為某人哀悼;mourn sb's death  哀悼某人的亡故
同義字:grieve [griv] vt. & vi. 哀悼 ④;grieve over/for sth 哀悼某事
So many years have passed, but Carl still mourns his wife's death.  / 這麼多年過去了,凱爾對妻子的死仍感哀悼。
Today, we come here to mourn for our beloved neighbor Mary.  / 今日,我們前來悼念親愛的鄰居瑪麗。

mournful [`mɔrnfḷ] a.  憂傷的,悲觀的
片語:mournful eyes  憂傷的眼神
The girl with those mournful eyes somehow looks familiar, giving me a strange sense of déjà vu.
déjà vu [͵dɛjɑ`vu] n. 似曾相識感

nobility [no`bɪlətɪ] n.  貴族,高貴
片語:the nobility  皇家貴族
衍生字:noble [`nobḷ] a. 高貴的;貴族的 ③
同義字:aristocracy [͵ærəs`tɑkrəsɪ] n.(泛指所有)貴族,貴族階層 ⑥
aristocrat [æ`rɪstə͵kræt] n.(一位)貴族
I was astonished to know that Jack, a man I've known for ages, is actually descended from French nobility.
descendant [dɪ`sɛndənt] n. 子孫,後裔
We shouldn't doubt the nobility of his intentions. This man is trying to help us!  / 我們不該懷疑他崇高的心意。這人是想幫我們忙哪!

periodic [͵pɪrɪ`ɑdɪk] a.  週期性的,定期的
同義字:regular [`rɛgjəlɚ] a. 定期的
Periodic checkups can help you spot diseases in their early stages.  / 定期健康檢查可幫助你早期發現疾病。

periodical [͵pɪrɪ`ɑdɪkḷ] n.  期刊
衍生字:period [`pɪrɪəd] n. 期間 ②
Dr. Stevenson has been contributing articles to several prestigious management periodicals. / 史帝文森博士持續在幫好幾本權威的管理學期刊撰寫文章。
prestigious [prɛs`tɪdʒɪəs] a. 有名望的

prop [prɑp] vt.  支撐,靠 n.  道具(時態:prop, propped [prɑpt] , propped
片語:prop sth up  把某物撐起來
Dylan propped himself up against a wall, smoking.  / 狄倫背倚著牆抽煙。
Some props from that movie are now available for sale on the Internet.  / 那部電影的部分道具現在可從網路上買到。

reckon [`rɛkən] vt. vi.  認為,覺得 vt.  計算
片語:reckon sth up  算出總數 = calculate sth
同義字:consider [kən`sɪdɚ] vt. & vi. 認為;think [θɪŋk] vt. & vi. 認為
Susan reckoned the bill up and noticed that the cashier had given her the wrong change.  / 蘇珊把帳單金額加起來後發現收銀員找錯錢了。
be reckoned to be  被認為是
Mike is reckoned to be the best carpenter in town.
= Mike is considered to be the best carpenter in town.
= Mike is thought to be the best carpenter in town. / 麥可被認為是鎮上最棒的木匠。
Paul reckoned that he had been fooled and ripped off by the salesperson.  / 保羅覺得他被那推銷員愚弄而且狠敲了一筆。
Amanda: Do you reckon she's telling the truth? Steven: I reckon not.
The total amount of money you owe, including interest, is reckoned to be 15 grand.  / 你欠我的錢加上利息經過計算是 15,000 美元。

rib [rɪb] n.  肋骨 vt.  調侃
According to the Bible, Eve was created from Adam's rib.  / 根據聖經記載,夏娃是由亞當的一根肋骨所化成。
George's classmates ribbed him about the love letter he got from the girl.  / 喬治班上的同學拿女孩給他情書這檔事調侃他。
用法:rib 作動詞時,與 tease [tiz] 同義,表『揶揄』、『調侃』之意。
rib sb about sth 就某事調侃某人 = tease sb about sth

rim [rɪm] n.  邊緣,框邊 vt.  裝邊於
同義字:edge [ɛdʒ] n. 邊緣 ①;margin [`mɑrdʒɪn] n. 邊緣;邊界 ④
verge [vɝdʒ] n. 邊緣 ⑥;fringe [frɪndʒ] n. 邊緣 ⑥;brink [brɪŋk] n. 邊緣 ⑥
This watch is rimmed with pure gold.  / 這支錶的邊緣是純金的。
That pair of gold rim glasses makes Tim look very intelligent. I guess that's why so many girls have a crush on him. have a crush on sb 迷戀某人

ripple [`rɪpḷ] n.  漣漪 vt. vi.  使起漣漪
同義字:wave [wev] n. 浪潮 ②
On a boring Sunday afternoon, I skipped stones alone in the park, causing lots of ripples to spread across the pond.
skip stones 用石頭打水漂*skip [skɪp] vt. 使彈跳
A gentle breeze rippled the water.  / 微風在水上吹出了漣漪。
The water rippled when the wind blew.  / 風吹時,水面起了陣陣漣漪。

shrewd [ʃrud] a.  精明的
衍生字:shrewdness [`ʃrudnɪs] n. 精明
同義字:cautious [`kɔʃəs] a. 謹慎的
A shrewd man like David is not going to buy it. Let's try our tricks on Peter! He is much more gullible.
gullible [`gʌləbḷ] a. 易受騙的

skeleton [`skɛlətən] n.  (整具的)骨骼
片語:a skeleton in the closet/cupboard  不為人知的秘密、醜事
We all have one or two skeletons in our closets, things that are too embarrassing to talk about.  / 我們都有一些不為人知的秘密,也就是那些 太難堪而令人不願提起的事。
Archeologists dug out a few skeletons from the site that were estimated to be more than 3,000 years old.  / 考古學家挖出了幾具骨骸,推估有超過 3,000 年之久。

skull [skʌl] n.  頭骨,腦袋
片語:get sth into one's (thick) skull  總算勉強弄懂某事
Police discovered several skulls and bones in Jim's backyard that belonged to the victims.  / 警方在阿金後院找到幾片被認為是受害者的頭骨跟骨頭。
When will Eddie get it into his thick skull that Mary has a crush on him? He's hopeless! / 艾迪幾時才會開竅,知道瑪麗對他有好感呢?他真是沒救了!
crush [krʌʃ] n. 迷戀

sly [slaɪ] a.  奸詐的
同義字:cunning [`kʌnɪŋ] a. 奸詐的;foxy [`fɑksɪ] a. 狡猾的
Beware of that man. He can be very sly!  / 小心那個男子。他可能很狡詐!

spine [spaɪn] n.  脊椎骨
衍生字:spineless [`spaɪnlɪs] a. 懦弱的
Bad posture can cause spine injury or back problems when you age.
不良的姿勢在你上了年紀時會造成脊椎受傷或背部問題。*posture [`pɑstʃɚ] n. 姿勢

stall [stɔl] n.  (尤指露天的)小攤位 vi.  引擎熄火,拋錨
同義字:stand [stænd] n.(尤指露天的)小攤位〔美〕
We saw a few stalls selling exotic food in the outdoor market.  / 我們在那露天市集上看見有幾個攤位販賣異國食品。
My car stalled this morning, and I had no money with me, so I had to walk all the way to work.
= My car broke down this morning, and I had no money with me, so I had to walk all the way to work.
延伸:a hotdog stall/stand 熱狗攤 ;a bathroom stall 廁所隔間
Scott hides in a bathroom stall whenever he doesn't feel like working.  / 每當史考特不想工作時他就躲在廁所隔間內。

surge [sɝdʒ] vi.  激增,上揚 n.  激增,上揚,急衝,湧入
片語:feel a surge of excitement  突然興奮起來;feel a surge of fury  突然狂怒起來
同義字:rise [raɪz] vi. 上升
Angelina felt a surge of fury and hung up on Frank.  / 安潔莉娜突然一陣怒火上來,掛了法蘭克電話。
Adrenalin surges when one feels one's life is in great danger.
adrenalin [æd`rɛnḷin] n. 腎上腺素
Many families are affected by the recent surge of food prices.  / 最近食物價格大漲,許多家庭都受到影響。
Protesters attempted to surge through the gates but were stopped by the police.  / 抗議群眾試圖湧進大門內,但被警察擋下了。
Now that summer is coming, local folks are expecting a surge of visitors from all over the world.  / 夏天就要來臨,當地人都引頸期待即將由世界各地湧入的觀光客。

torment [tɔr`mɛnt]/[`tɔrmɛnt] vt.  使痛苦,折磨 n.  痛苦,折磨
片語:in torment  身在痛苦之中
I've been tormented by a sense of guilt ever since I broke Peter's precious digital camera.  / 自從我把彼得的高價數位相機弄壞後就一直深受罪惡感折磨。
It's been a torment to travel around with Alice, who literally lacks any concern for other people's feelings. / 跟愛麗斯旅行真是一大折磨,她對別人的感受一點也不在意。*literally [`lɪtərəlɪ] adv. 實在地,簡直

torture [`tɔrtʃɚ] vt.  折磨 n.  折磨
同義字:abuse [ə`bjuz] vt. 虐待 & n. 虐待 ⑥
Several prisoners claimed that they had been tortured both physically and mentally.  / 幾位囚犯聲稱他們身心遭受折磨。
It was torture for me to hear you sing.  / 聽你唱歌真是一種酷刑。

wilderness [`wɪldɚnɪs] n.  荒野,野外
片語:in the wilderness  在野外
同義字:wild [waɪld] a. 野生的;野外的 ②;in the wild 在野外(= in the wilderness
Wendy got lost in the mountains while hiking and spent three days wandering in the wilderness before she was finally found by the rescue team.  / 溫蒂登山健行時迷了路,花了 3 天在野外流浪才被救難隊找到。

wildlife [`waɪld͵laɪf] n.  野生動物(集合名詞,不可數)
片語:endangered wildlife  瀕臨絕種的野生動物
Some endangered wildlife will become extinct within years if we don't take action.
如果我們再不行動,幾年之內有些瀕臨絕種的動物就要滅絕了。*extinct [ɪk`stɪŋkt] a. 滅絕的

Unit 18
antique [æn`tik] n.  古董 a.  古董的
That valuable piece of artwork is an antique.  / 那件值錢的藝術品是件古董。
This store deals in antique furniture. / 這家商店從事古董家具的買賣。
deal in... 從事的買賣

armor [`ɑrmɚ] n.  盔甲(不可數)vt.  穿盔甲
In the past, knights would wear suits of armor when going into battle.  / 在過去的年代,騎士去打仗時會穿上盔甲衣。
An armored truck stopped in front of the bank and two armed guards got out.
一輛裝甲卡車停在銀行前,兩名武裝警衛走了出來。*armed [ɑrmd] a. 武裝的

ascend [ə`sɛnd] vi.  上升 vt.  登上
片語:ascend the throne  登上王位
反義字:descend [dɪ`sɛnd] vi. 下降 & vt. 走下 ⑥
The prince ascended the throne after the death of his father.  / throne [θron] n. 王位
There is a long ight of stairs ascending to the main gate of the cathedral.  / 有條很長的階梯向上通往大教堂的正門。
The air became thinner as we ascended the mountain.  / 我們登上山時,空氣變得稀薄起來。

ass [æs] n.  驢子
片語:make an ass of oneself  使自己出洋相
同義字:donkey [`dɑŋkɪ] n. 驢子
When Hank drinks too much, he makes an ass of himself.  / 漢克酒喝多時,會使自己出洋相。
用法:ass 也可表『白痴』或『屁股』,而 asshole 則表『混蛋』或『屁眼』,這些都是粗話,宜避免使用。故現代英語中,若指『驢子』,多使用 donkey 一字。

astonish [ə`stɑnɪʃ] vt. 使驚訝
同義字:amaze [ə`mez] vt. 使驚訝 ③;astound [ə`staʊnd] vt. 使大吃一驚
It astonished me to hear that Mr. Wilson's daughter was kidnapped and killed.
聽到魏爾遜先生的女兒遭綁架撕票的消息令我感到驚訝。*kidnap [`kɪdnæp] vt. 綁票
What astonishes me is that the little girl can sing so beautifully at such a young age.  / 令我驚訝的是,這名小女孩年紀輕輕就能把歌唱得這麼好。

astonished [ə`stɑnɪʃt] a. 感到驚訝的
片語:be astonished at/by... 感到驚訝 = be surprised at/by... = be amazed at/by...
同義字:amazed [ə`mezd] a. 感到驚訝的 ③
The doctor was astonished at the speed of the patient's recovery. / 醫生對那位病患復原的速度感到驚訝。
The candidate was astonished to learn he'd won the election. / 候選人得知他已贏得選戰感到很驚訝。

astonishing [ə`stɑnɪʃɪŋ] a. 令人驚訝的
同義字:amazing [ə`mezɪŋ] a. 令人驚訝的 ③
It's astonishing how much the city has changed.  / 令人驚訝的是這個城市已改變許多。

astonishment [ə`stɑnɪʃmənt] n.  驚訝
片語:To one's astonishment,...  令某人驚訝的是,⋯ = To one's amazement,...in astonishment  訝異地
同義字:amazement [ə`mezmənt] n. 驚訝
Much to everyone's astonishment, the diamond on display was stolen.  / 令大家大吃一驚的是,展示中的鑽石被偷了。
We all watched Danny's amazing performance in astonishment.  / 我們都驚訝地看著丹尼精采的表演。

astronaut [`æstrə͵nɔt] n.  太空人
同義字:spaceship [`spes͵ʃɪp] n. 太空船
Astronauts must complete many years of training before they can actually travel into space.  / 太空人必須完成多年的訓練,才能進入太空旅行。
比較:astronomer [ə`strɑnəmɚ] n. 天文學家 ⑤;astrologist [ə`strɑlədʒɪst] n. 占星家
spacecraft [`spes͵kræft] n. 太空船(單複數同形)
用法:多用來指『美國的太空人』,而 cosmonaut 則指『蘇聯的太空人』。

bachelor [`bætʃəlɚ] n.  單身漢,(大學)學士
片語:a bachelor's degree  學士學位
Kevin remained a bachelor until he was in his 40s.  / 凱文一直是個光棍,到他四十幾歲才罷休。
Where did you get your bachelor's degree?  / 你是在那兒獲得你的學士學位的?
比較:spinster [`spɪnstɚ] n. 老處女(此字極為不雅,儘量少用)

ballot [`bælət] n.  選票
片語:cast a ballot for sb  投票給某人 = cast a vote for sb
For the upcoming election, make sure to cast a ballot for the candidate of your choice.  / 關於即將來臨的這場選舉,務必要將選票投給您心目中的候選人。

ban [bæn] vt.  下令禁止 n.  禁令
片語:impose a ban on sth  對某事施以禁令;lift the ban on sth  取消某事的禁令
ban sb from + N/V-ing  禁止某人從事⋯ = prohibit sb from + N/V-ing
同義字:prohibit [prə`hɪbɪt] vt. 禁止
The law bans motor boats from entering within a 10-mile radius of this island.  / 法律禁止快艇進入這座島嶼周圍半徑 10 英里的範圍內。
Most students were unhappy when the school decided to impose a ban on their hairdos.  / 校方決定對學生的髮型實施禁令時,大部份的學生都很不悅。
The government lifted the ban on imported beef from Canada recently.  / 政府最近取消了來自加拿大的進口牛肉禁令。

bandit [`bændɪt] n.  強盜
同義字:robber [`rɑbɚ] n. 搶匪 ③
The bandits attacked the stagecoach and robbed the passengers of all their belongings. / 那些強盜攻擊驛馬車,並搶走了乘客所有的隨身物品。
stagecoach [`stedʒ͵kotʃ] n. 驛馬車

banquet [`bæŋkwɪt] n.  盛宴(正式場合的大型宴會)
片語:a state banquet  國宴
A state banquet will be held this evening in honor of the visiting President of the United States.  / 今晚將爲來訪的美國總統舉辦國宴。
比較:feast [fist] n. 盛宴(私人的小型宴會)④;a wedding feast 婚宴

belongings [bə`lɔŋɪŋz] n. 攜帶物品(恆用複數)
片語:personal belongings 個人隨身攜帶物品
衍生字:belong [bɪ`lɔŋ] vi. 屬於(與介詞 to 並用);應被放置某處 ①
You shouldn't take what doesn't belong to you. / 你不該拿不屬於你的東西。
This long table doesn't belong in this room. / 這張長桌不應被放在這個房間內。
When getting off the train, don't forget to take all your personal belongings with you. / 下火車時,別忘了將全部的隨身物品帶下車。

beneficial [͵bɛnə`fɪʃəl] a. 有益的
片語:be beneficial to... 有益
反義字:detrimental [͵dɛtrə`mɛntḷ] a. 有害的(與介詞 to 並用)
harmful [`hɑrmfəl] a. 有害的(亦與介詞 to 並用)③
Exercising on a daily basis is beneficial to your health. / 每天運動對你的健康有好處。

beware [bɪ`wɛr] vi.  當心(與介詞 of 並用)
Beware of falling asleep while driving late at night.  / 深夜開車要小心提防不要睡著。
Beware of the dog; it might attack you.  / 小心那條狗;牠可能會攻擊你。
用法:beware 以命令句的型態出現,故須置於句首。且之後須與介詞 of 並用,形成下列片語:Beware of + N/V-ing 小心提防

blaze [blez] vi.  燃燒 n.  大火
同義字:flame [flem] n. 火焰 ③
Tony rushed back into the blazing house to retrieve a portrait of his great grandfather. / 湯尼衝回燃燒中的房子裡去拿他曾祖父的畫像。
retrieve [rɪ`triv] vt. 重新拿回*portrait [`pɔrtrɪt] n. 畫像,肖像
It took those firefighters about two hours to bring the blaze under control.  / 這場大火花了那些消防員大約 2 小時的時間才被控制住。

blueprint [`blu͵prɪnt] n.  藍圖
The government has hammered out a blueprint for economic reform.
政府擬定了一套經濟改革計畫。*hammer out... 擬定

bolt [bolt] n.  門拴,螺絲,一道(閃電)
I slid the bolt back and opened the restroom door.
我把門拴推開,打開廁所的門。*slide [slaɪd] vt. 使滑動三態為:slide, slid, slid
A bolt came off the bike, causing the wheel to come loose.  / 螺絲從腳踏車上脫落,造成車輪鬆脫。
A bolt of lightning suddenly ashed and lit up the sky.  / 一道閃電劃過天際點亮了天空。
延伸:a bolt of lightning 一道閃電;a crack of thunder 一聲雷霹

bonus [`bonəs] n.  獎金,紅利
Dick received a bonus of NT$5,000 last month due to his excellent performance.  / 迪克工作上有良好的表現,上個月收到台幣 5 千元的獎金。
比較:bonus 是指在固定薪水以外的『特別獎 金』,通常是對員工在工作上特殊的表現 給予的獎勵;而 dividend [`dɪvə͵dɛnd] 則是指公司的盈餘發配給股東們的『股息』。

boom [bum] n.  好景氣,暴增 vi.  突趨繁榮
片語:the baby boom  嬰兒潮
同義字:prosper [`prɑspɚ] vi. 興旺 ④;flourish [`flɝɪʃ] vi. 興旺⑤;thrive [θraɪv] vi. 興旺 ⑥
This year has seen a boom in car sales in India.  / 今年印度的汽車銷售量大增。
Our business is booming this year because of the rising demand for our products in the market.  / 我們今年生意興隆,是因為市場對於我們產品的需求量升高。

botany [`bɑtənɪ] n.  植物學
片語:major in botany  主修植物學
衍生字:botanist [`bɑtənɪst] n. 植物學家;botanical [bo`tænɪkḷ] a. 植物(學)的
Several new botanical lotions hit the market this season and started a new trend.
幾種新的植物性化妝水於本季上市,也帶動新的時尚。*hit the market 上市*trend [trɛnd] n. 趨勢
延伸:a botanical garden 植物園

bowels [`baʊəlz] n.  大腸(恆用複數)
片語:move/empty one's bowels  排便;a bowel movement  排便
同義字:intestine [ɪn`tɛstɪn] n. 腸子;large intestines 大腸;small intestines 小腸
The baby suffers pains when he moves his bowels.  / 這名嬰兒排便時會痛。
Not having had a bowel movement for a week, Sam went to the doctor.  / 一星期沒排便之後,山姆去找了醫生。

boxer [`bɑksɚ] n.  拳擊手
It is said that this boxer always knocks his opponents out in the first round.
據說這名拳擊手總在第一輪就將對手擊昏。*knock sb out 把某人擊昏
knock sb down 把某人擊倒

boxing [`bɑksɪŋ] n.  拳擊
Nick took up boxing as a way to increase his self confidence.
take up + N/V-ing 開始從事
延伸:a boxing ring 拳擊台
比較:wrestling [`rɛslɪŋ] n. 摔角

brace [bres] vt.  使防備 n.  牙套(恆用複數)
片語:brace oneself for sth  使自己準備好接受(不好的事)
The passengers were told to brace themselves for a crash landing.  / 乘客被告知要準備緊急迫降。
My younger sister has to wear braces on her teeth.  / 我妹妹得在牙齒上戴牙套。
延伸:bucktooth [`bʌk͵tuθ] n. 暴牙

bully [`bʊlɪ] vt.  欺負 n.  惡霸
The recent survey shows that one out of every five students is bullied at school.  / 最近一項調查顯示,學校裡每 5 名學生中就有 1 人被惡霸欺負。
Jason gave in to the school bully and gave him all his money.
傑森向這名學校惡霸低頭,把所有的錢都給了他。*give in to sb 向某人屈服

canal [kə`næl] n.  運河
The Panama Canal connects the Caribbean Sea with the Gulf of Panama.  / 巴拿馬運河連接加勒比海和巴拿馬灣。
延伸:the Panama Canal 巴拿馬運河
比較:strait [stret] n. 海峽

celebrity [sə`lɛbrətɪ] n.  名人
The writer's best-selling book made him an instant celebrity.  / 那位作家的暢銷書使他一時間成了名人。

centigrade [`sɛntə͵gred] n.  攝氏
同義字:Celsius [`sɛlsɪəs] n. 攝氏
The temperature this morning dropped to zero degrees centigrade.
= The temperature this morning dropped to zero degrees Celsius.
1 度是 one degree,兩度是 two degrees,但是零因為被視為無限大,所以,表零度時要用複數 zero degrees

certificate [sɝ`tɪfəkɪt] n.  證明,證書
片語:a birth certificate  出生證明
Doris received a certificate after she completed the course.  / 桃樂絲上完這堂課後獲得了一份證書。

certify [`sɝtə͵faɪ] vt.  證明
同義字:confirm [kən`fɝm] vt. 證實
This diploma certifies that you have finished high school.
這份文憑證明你已完成高中學業。*diploma [dɪ`plomə] n. 畢業文憑
The psychiatrist certified the patient's sanity.
心理醫生證明那位病人心智正常。*sanity [`sænətɪ] n. 精神正常

checkbook [`tʃɛk͵bʊk] n.  支票簿
John wrote the amount of money and the check number in his checkbook.  / 約翰在支票簿內寫下金額以及支票號碼。

check-in [`tʃɛk ͵ɪn] n.  (旅館)辦理住房手續,(機場)辦理登機手續
When is the check-in time for the flight?  / 這班飛機是什麼時候開始受理登機手續?
用法:check in 則為片語動詞。
We arrived at the hotel early but couldn't check in until 2 o'clock.

check-out [`tʃɛk ͵aʊt] n.  結帳離開
This hotel's check-out time is 12:00 p.m.  / 這家飯店退房時間是中午 12 點。
用法:check out 則為片語動詞。
At some hotels, you get a discount if you check out early in the morning.
I checked out a book from the library five days ago.
5 天前從圖書館借了一本書出來。

Fahrenheit [`færən͵haɪt] n.  華氏
The temperature this afternoon will rise to about ninety degrees Fahrenheit.  / 今天下午的溫度會上升到大約華氏 90 度。

guts [gʌts] n.  膽量(恆用複數)
片語:have the guts to V  有膽量從事⋯ = have the courage to V  = have the nerve to V  *此處的 guts 要用複數,而 nerve 亦表『勇氣』,但與 courage 一樣,是不可數名詞。  /
同義字:courage [`kɝɪdʒ] n. 勇氣 ②
The manager didn't have the guts to admit that he had made a bad decision.  / 經理沒勇氣承認他做了一個差勁的決定。

peddler [`pɛdḷɚ] n.  小販
衍生字:peddle [`pɛdḷ] vt. & vi. 叫賣,兜售
同義字:vendor [`vɛndɚ] n. 小販 ⑥
John works as a salesperson peddling cloths and brushes door to door.  / 約翰是位挨家挨戶兜售布料和刷子的業務員。
Through hard work, the peddler became a millionaire in ten years.  / 這個小販透過努力,10 年後成了百萬富翁。

rascal [`ræskḷ] n.  淘氣鬼,無賴
I caught those little rascals stealing apples from my orchard.
我逮到那些調皮鬼在我的果園偷蘋果。*orchard [`ɔrtʃɚd] n. 果園
No one likes to deal with John because he is a rascal.  / 約翰是個無賴,因此誰都不想跟他打交道。

shield [ʃild] n.  盾牌 vt.  保護
片語:shield A from B  保護 A 免受 B 所害 = protect A from B
The police officers carried shields to protect themselves from the bottles and rocks being thrown.  / 這些警察手持盾牌,以免被擲過來的瓶罐和石塊擊傷。
The ozone layer shields the Earth from the sun's ultraviolet rays.
臭氧層保護地球免受太陽的紫外線所害。*ozone [`ozon] n. 臭氧
ultraviolet [͵ʌltrə`vaɪəlɪt] a. 紫外線的*ray [re] n. 輻射線;光線

slump [slʌmp] vi.  (經濟)衰落 n.  不景氣(與介詞 in 並用)
Sales slumped by 40% in the second quarter of the year.  / 今年第 2 季的業績暴跌了百分之 40
There's been a slump in the demand for new cars due to rising oil prices.  / 由於油價上漲,市場上對於新車的需求就衰退了。

spacecraft [`spes͵kræft] n.  太空船(單複數同形)
The launching of the spacecraft was postponed due to an approaching storm.
launching [`lɑntʃɪŋ] n.(火箭、太空船的)發射
用法:spacecraft 單複數同形,即 a spacecraft two spacecraft;但 spaceship 複數卻要加 s,即 a spaceshiptwo spaceships。同理,飛機也有兩種說法(aircraft 以及 airplane),若為 aircraft 則單複數同形,如:an aircrafttwo aircraft,分別等於 an airplanetwo airplanes

veto [`vito] vt.  否決 n.  否決權
片語:veto a bill  否決法案
The President of the United States may veto a bill that has been passed by both houses of Congress.  / 美國總統可以否決參眾兩院均已通過的議案。
The power of veto over this bill is held by the President.  / 這項法案的否決權握在總統手裡。

villain [`vɪlən] n.  (戲劇、小說中)反派角色
同義字:hoodlum [`hʊdləm] n. 流氓;hooligan [`hʊlɪgən] n. 不良少年
You won't find out who the real villain is until the end of the movie.  / 你一直到電影結尾才會知道真正的壞人是誰。

wary [`wɛrɪ] a.  謹防的
片語:be wary of...  小心提防
同義字:cautious [`kɔʃəs] a. 謹慎的 ⑤
When in a pub, you should be wary of strangers who offer to buy you a drink.  / 在酒吧時,對那些主動請妳喝酒的陌生人要小心提防。

zoology [zo`ɑlədʒɪ] n.  動物學
衍生字zoologist [zo`ɑlədʒɪst] n. 動物學家
James studied zoology in college before he became a veterinarian.
詹姆士在大學唸動物學,後來成為一名獸醫。*veterinarian [͵vɛtərə`nɛrɪən] n. 獸醫

