
2019年4月13日 星期六

Phrase: U32

above all (things) 尤其是;特別是;更重要的是
He does well in his work.  Above all, he is a man of justice.
Tom is handsome, intelligent, and above all, rich. 湯姆英俊、聰明、尤其又有錢。
【同】in particular = particularly = especially = most of all
at (the) best 充其量
Mary can at best make a second-rate actress. 瑪莉充其量只能當二流演員。
【反】at (the) worst 最差
Tim can at worst be admitted to a private college. 提姆最差也能考入一所私立大學。
at intervals 按間隔
The farmer planted the seedlings at intervals. 農夫按間隔插秧苗。
at leisure 空閒時
You can ask Peter for help because he is at leisure now. 你可以請比得幫你,因為他現在有空。
for certain 確定;一定;的確;確定地
I don’t know for certain whether he is a wanted gunman.
【同】for sure
I will be there on time for sure. 我一定會準時到那兒。
I don’t know for sure what happened to Sam last night.
in common 共同的;共有的
He and I have nothing in common. 他和我沒有共同點。
Mary and I have many things in common. 瑪莉和我有許多共同處。
in detail 詳細地
Our teacher explained the lesson in detail yesterday. 昨天我們老師詳細地解釋這一課。
He described the robbery in detail. 他詳細描述了這搶劫案。
I don’t have time to explain them in detail. 我沒有時間去詳細地解釋它們。
Please tell me the story in detail. 請告訴我故事的詳情。
【比】in depth 深入地
The reporter made a report in depth. 該名記者作了一篇深入的報導。
in advance 預先;事先;提前
He wants to draw his salary in advance. 他希望預先支領他的薪資。
It’s unwise to spend your income in advance. 預先花掉你的收入是不智的。
If you want to eat in a famous restaurant, you had better make a reservation in advance.
without fail 不容失敗;不會有誤
My order has to be carried out without fail. 我的命令必須執行,不容有誤。
牛刀小試 Do It Yourself
1. If you can make plans for your summer vacation __________ __________, you will not waste a lot of time. (預先)
2. You can join us _________ your __________. (空閒時)
3. Pine trees grew __________ __________ along the road. (按間隔)
4. I have decided to marry Nancy though I know we have nothing __________ __________. (共同的)
5. Peter is strong, brave, and __________ __________, honest. (尤其是;特別是;更重要的是)
6. I will return the money to you tomorrow __________ __________. (不容失敗;不會有誤)
7. I need a financial report __________ __________. (詳細地)
8. No one knows __________ __________ where the Taiwan bears are. (確定;一定;的確;確定地)
9. Your solution can __________ __________ solve the problem temporarily. (充其量)
10. The landlady asked for two months’ rent __________ __________. (預先)
11. The plum flowers are __________ their __________ in December. (充其量)

