
2019年5月2日 星期四

LEVEL 6: Unit 37 ~ Unit 38

Unit 37
abstract [`æbstrækt] a. 抽象的
衍生字:abstraction [æb`strækʃəṇ] n. 抽象
What you said sounds too abstract. I really can't understand that. / 你剛剛的話聽起來太抽象了,我實在聽不懂。

accumulate [ə`kjumjə͵let] vt. vi. 累積
片語:pile up... 堆積⋯ = amass... = build up...
Jack quickly accumulated a large fortune by investing in the stock market. / 傑克藉由投資股票市場累積了一大筆財富。
A thick layer of dust accumulated on my desk because I hadn't cleaned it for a year. / 一層厚厚的灰塵積在我桌上,因為我一年沒清理過桌子了。

accumulation [ə͵kjumjə`leʃən] n. 累積
There is more to learning than the accumulation of knowledge. / 學習並不只是知識的累積。

allegation [͵ælə`geʃən] n. (無證據的)宣稱
同義字:accusation [͵ækjə`zeʃən] n. 指控
The legislator made allegations of corruption against the city's police department. / 這位立法委員沒有證據就宣稱市警局貪污。

allege [ə`lɛdʒ] vt. (無證據的)宣稱
衍生字:alleged [ə`lɛdʒd] a. 據稱的;allegedly [ə`lɛdʒɪdlɪ] adv. 據稱
The little boy gave evidence against the alleged killer in court yesterday. / 小男孩昨天在法庭上供出對那位據稱是兇手的人不利的證據。
The money was allegedly stolen by an insider. / 這筆錢失竊,據傳是內賊所為。
An anonymous caller alleged that a bomb had been planted on the aircraft. / 一個匿名者打電話宣稱,有顆炸彈已被安置在飛機上。*anonymous [ə`nɑnəməs] a. 匿名的
It was alleged that prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay were mistreated. / 據稱被關在關塔那摩灣的犯人受到虐待。*mistreat [mɪs`trit] vt. 虐待

bias [`baɪəs] n. 偏見 vt. 使有偏見(常以過去分詞作形容詞用)
片語:have a bias against... 有偏見 = be biased against... = be prejudiced against...
衍生字:biased [`baɪəst] a. 存有偏見的
It is clear that this company has a strong bias against women. / 這家公司顯然對女性存有強烈的偏見。
Female employees often fall victim to gender bias in the workplace. / 女性員工在職場上常會受到性別偏見所害。*fall victim to... 所害
延伸:gender bias 性別偏見

breakdown [`brek͵daʊn] n. (機器)故障
After five breakdowns in two months, Joe decided he would be better off just buying a new car. / 兩個月內發生 5 次故障後,阿喬決定他買輛新車會比較好。*be better off + V-ing 從事會比較好
延伸:have a nervous breakdown 精神衰弱
Joe had a nervous breakdown in his late twenties. / 阿喬年近三十時變得精神衰弱。
用法:此字源自片語動詞 break down(故障)。
I had to have my car towed after it broke down on the highway. / 車子在高速公路上故障後,我得叫人來把它拖走。

breakthrough [`brek͵θru] n. 突破(與介詞 in 並用)
片語:make/achieve a breakthrough in... 上有所突破
Everyone is expecting doctors to make a breakthrough in cancer treatment. / 大家都希望醫生能在癌症治療上有所突破。
用法:此字源自片語動詞 break through(突破)。
Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer. / 科學家認為他們在對抗癌症上就要有所突破了。

breakup [`brek͵ʌp] n. 分手,終止
Joe's midlife crisis led to the breakup of his first marriage. / 喬伊的中年危機導致他第一段婚姻的結束。
用法:此字源自片語動詞 break up(終止、分手)。
Nina just broke up with her boyfriend. / 妮娜剛和她男朋友分手。

complement [`kɑmpləmənt]/[`kɑmplə͵mɛnt] n.  補足物(與介詞 to 並用)vt. 補足
衍生字:complementary [͵kɑmplə`mɛntərɪ] a. 互補的;complementary colors 互補色
The new lamps are beautiful complements to the living room. / 這些新買的燈很美,與客廳很搭配。
The delicate sauce and the grilled fish complement each other perfectly. / 這個可口的醬料和烤魚搭配得好極了。
比較:compliment [`kɑmpləmənt] n. 讚美 & [`kɑmplə͵mɛnt] vt. 讚美(發音和 complement 相同)

consultation [͵kɑnsəl`teʃən] n. 諮詢(不可數)
衍生字:consult [kən`sʌlt] vt. 請教;查閱 & vi. 諮商(與介詞 with 並用)④
Have you consulted your doctor about your illness? / 你找醫生看過你的病了嗎?
If you don't know the word, consult a dictionary. / 你如果不知道這個字,去查字典。
I need to consult with my lawyer before taking action. / 我要先跟律師商量後再採取行動。
consultant [kən`sʌltənt] n. 顧問 ④
I chose my career path during a consultation with my parents and Professor Johnson. / 我諮詢過爸媽以及強森教授的意見後才選定我的職業道路。

cumulative [`kjumjələtɪv / `kjumjə͵letɪv] a. 累積的
The cumulative effect of taking too much medicine finally took a heavy toll on Jim's vital organs. / 服用過多藥物所累積的影響最終對吉姆的重要器官造成嚴重損害。*take a heavy toll on... 造成嚴重損害*toll [tol] n. 損失;死傷

devastating [`dɛvəs͵tetɪŋ] a. 毀滅性的
衍生字:devastate [`dɛvəs͵tet] vt. 破壞
The war devastated much of the old part of the city.
It will deal a devastating blow to the local economy if the factory closes. / 這家工廠如果關閉的話,將會重創地方經濟。*deal a blow to sb/sth 對某人/某物打擊

disastrous [dɪ`zæstrəs] a. 災難的
衍生字:disaster [dɪ`zæstɚ] n. 災難 ④
同義字:devastating [`dɛvəs͵tetɪŋ] a. 毀滅性的;catastrophic [͵kætə`strɑfɪk] a. 災難的
The oil spill was an ecological disaster for sea animals in the area. / 這次漏油事件是此區海洋生物的生態浩劫。
This policy turned out to have a disastrous effect on our economy. / 這項政策結果對我們的經濟產生了浩劫性的影響。

flare [flɛr] vi. (火焰)閃耀,突然生氣
片語:flare up (火焰)熊熊燃燒;突然生氣;疾病復發
The old man put more logs on the fire to make it flare (up) again. / 老伯伯丟了更多木頭到火裡,好讓火再度熊熊燃燒。
Tempers flared (up) as five hundred passengers were stuck at the airport without anything to eat or drink. / 5百名乘客被困在機場沒得吃沒得喝,大家的怒氣因此爆發了出來。
In the middle of the game, my old ankle injury flared up again. / 比賽進行到一半時,我腳踝的舊傷又復發了。

forsake [fɚ`sek] vt. 遺棄(時態:forsake, forsook [fɚ`sʊk] , forsaken [fɚ`sekən]
同義字:abandon [ə`bændən] vt. 放棄(= give up)④
The forsaken fortress was eventually transformed into a popular restaurant. / 這座被棄置的堡壘後來被改建為一家頗受歡迎的餐廳。*fortress [`fɔrtrɪs] n. 堡壘

fortify [`fɔrtə͵faɪ] vt. 加強
衍生字:fort [fɔrt] n. 堡壘
同義字:strengthen [`strɛŋθən] vt. 加強 ④;reinforce [͵riɪn`fɔrs] vt. 加強 ⑥
Workers fortified the castle against attack by building an outer wall. / 工人們搭建城堡外牆以加強防禦抵抗攻擊。
Marcus fortified himself against the cold weather with a glass of whisky. / 馬克斯喝了杯威士忌禦寒。

foster [`fɔstɚ] vt. 培育,養育 a. 收養的
同義字:rear [rɪr] vt. 養育;nurture [`nɝtʃɚ] vt. 培育;養育;cultivate [`kʌltə͵vet] vt. 培育
This meeting's aim is to foster friendly relations between our two companies. / 這次會議旨在促進我們兩家公司之間的友好關係。
Judy has fostered three children from Africa during the past five years. / 茱蒂過去 5 年來已經收養過 3 位來自非洲的孩童。
A social service agency placed the orphan with a foster family. / 社福機構將這名孤兒安置在一個寄養家庭中。
比較:foster 是指『在某段時間內養育某個孩 童,卻沒有成為其法定的父母親』,而 adopt [ə`dɑpt] 則是指『領養某孩童且成 為其法定父母親』。
Maybe you can consider adopting a child. / 也許你們可以考慮領養一個孩子。

ghetto [`gɛto](複數形: ghettos=ghettoes))n.  少數民族居住區,貧民區
Nicholas comes from one of the poorest ghettos in New York. / 尼可拉斯來自於紐約其中一個最貧窮的少數民族居住區。

incidental [͵ɪnsə`dɛntḷ] a. 附帶發生的
片語:be incidental to... 附帶於發生的
衍生字:incident [`ɪnsədṇt] n. 事件
These risks are incidental to the job in firefighting.  / 那些風險是救火工作會附帶發生的。

incidentally [͵ɪnsə`dɛntḷɪ] adv.  順帶一提
同義字:by the way 順帶一提,對了
Incidentally, where were you last night? = By the way, where were you last night? / 對了,你昨晚到哪兒去了?
There are a lot of pretty girls at that school, incidentally. / 順便一提,那所學校有很多漂亮的女孩。

injustice [ɪn`dʒʌstɪs] n. 不公平
片語:do sb an injustice 待某人不公道,錯誤判斷某人
同義字:unfairness [ʌn`fɛrnɪs] n. 不公平
反義字:justice [`dʒʌstɪs] n. 公平,正義 ③;To do sb justice,... 為某人說句公道話,
To do Peter justice, we must admit that he meant no harm. / 為彼得說句公道話,我們必須承認他本來 無意傷害任何人。
Mary complained that we had done her an injustice by firing her. / 瑪麗抱怨說我們把她開除是對她不公。

instability [͵ɪnstə`bɪlətɪ] n. 不穩定
反義字:stability [stə`bɪlətɪ] n. 安定,穩定性 ⑥
Structural instability of the old building led to its collapse during the earthquake. / 結構上的不牢固導致這棟舊大樓在地震中坍塌。

investigator [ɪn`vɛstə͵getɚ] n. 調查者
衍生字:investigate [ɪn`vɛstə͵get] vt. 調查 ③
The police are still investigating the case. = The police are still looking into the case. / 警方還在調查這個案子。
Rosa hired a private investigator to find out whether her husband was cheating on her. / 羅莎雇了一名私家偵探調查丈夫是否對她不忠。
延伸:a private investigator 私家偵探 = a private detective = a private eye

naturalist [`nætʃərəlɪst] n. (常研究動植物的)博物學家,自然主義者
Jane Goodall is one of the best-known naturalists of our time. / 珍‧古德是我們這個時代其中一位最知名的博物學家。

outbreak [`aʊt͵brek] n. 爆發
There were outbreaks of rioting throughout the city last week. / 上星期有幾次遍及該城市的暴動發生。*rioting [`raɪətɪŋ] n. 暴亂(不可數)
用法:此字源自片語動詞 break out(疾病、戰爭的爆發)。
They escaped to the United States shortly before war broke out. / 他們在戰爭爆發前不久逃去美國。

parliament [`pɑrləmənt] n. 國會,英國國會(大寫)
The British Parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. / 英國國會由上議院和下議院組成。
比較:Congress [`kɑŋgrəs] n. 國會(美國)④

parliamentary [͵pɑrlə`mɛntərɪ] a. 國會的
A proposed law must first go through parliamentary procedures. / 立法提案必須先通過國會的程序。

peninsula [pə`nɪnsələ] n. 半島(大部分環海但部分連接陸地)
The tension on the Korean Peninsula has lasted for over half a century. / 朝鮮半島上緊張的氣氛已持續半個多世紀了。
比較:island [`aɪlənd] n. 島嶼(四面環海)

prejudice [`prɛdʒədɪs] n. 偏見 vt. 使有偏見(常以過去分詞作形容詞用)
片語:have a prejudice against... 有偏見 = be prejudiced against...
Some people have a deep prejudice against people of certain races. / 某些人對特定的種族存有很深的偏見。
Before anti-discrimination laws were passed, judges were often prejudiced against blacks. / 在反種族歧視法通過之前,法官常對黑人存有偏見。
延伸:racial prejudice 種族偏見

provoke [prə`vok] vt. 引發,激怒
片語:provoke sb into + N/V-ing 激怒某人
衍生字:provocative [prə`vɑkətɪv] a. 挑釁的
Yeast can provoke allergic reactions in some people, particularly skin disorders. / 酵母可能會引發某些人體內的過敏反應,尤其是皮膚病變。*yeast [jist] n. 酵母
Peter's rudeness provoked Linda into slapping his face with all her might. / 彼得的粗魯激怒琳達使她用盡全力打了他一耳光。

rebellion [rɪ`bɛljən] n. 叛亂,暴動(與介詞 against 並用)
片語:rise in rebellion against... 群起反叛
suppress/crush/put down the rebellion 鎮壓叛變
衍生字:rebel [`rɛbḷ] n. 叛徒 & [rɪ`bɛl] vi. 反叛(與介詞 against 並用)④
同義字:uprising [`ʌp͵raɪzɪŋ] n. 起義;叛亂
Tom is regarded as a rebel at school. / 湯姆在學校被視為叛逆份子。
These soldiers rebelled in protest against the corrupt government. / 這些軍人叛變,以抗議腐敗的政府。
The farmers rose in rebellion against the corrupt ruler. / 農夫群起反叛腐敗的統治者。
The government took extremely brutal measures to suppress the rebellion. / 政府採取極度殘忍的手段以鎮壓叛變。*brutal [`brutḷ] a. 殘忍的

rebellious [rɪ`bɛljəs] a. 反叛的
同義字:disobedient [͵dɪsə`bidɪənt] a. 不順從的 ④
I used to be disobedient to my father. / 我過去曾經很不聽父親的話。
My two daughters are at a rebellious age and they often ignore my advice. / 我的兩個女兒正值反抗的年齡,她們常不理會我的建議。

relinquish [rɪ`lɪŋkwɪʃ] vt. (被迫)放棄/交出
片語:relinquish sth to sb 放棄某物並交給某人
The dictator was forced to relinquish power to the generally-elected president. / 這名獨裁者被迫將權力交出來給那位普選出來的總統。

resonance [`rɛzənəns] n. 共鳴
衍生字:resonant [`rɛzənənt] a. 共鳴的;resonate [`rɛzə͵net] vi. 共鳴
The broadcaster has a deep resonant voice. / 這名廣播人員的嗓音低沉且有共鳴。
The organ music resonated throughout the church. / 管風琴音樂在教堂裡產生共鳴。
The resonance of thunder caused by the storm could be heard for miles around. / 暴風雨產生的雷聲共鳴在附近幾英里的範圍內都聽得見。

salvation [sæl`veʃən] n. 拯救(不可數)
衍生字:salve [sælv] vt. 拯救
After their ship sank, the sailors knew their salvation lay in staying calm. / 他們的船沉沒後,水手們知道要得救就在於他們能否保持鎮定。
lie [laɪ] vi.(事情)在於(與介詞 in 並用)

secular [`sɛkjəlɚ] a. 世俗的,非宗教的
片語:(a) secular education 世俗教育
They sent their child to Sunday school because they felt a secular education was not enough. / 他們把孩子送到主日學校,因為他們覺得世俗教育是不夠的。

serene [sə`rin] a. 寧靜的
同義字:tranquil [`træŋkwɪl] a. 寧靜的;peaceful [`pisfəl] a. 寧靜的
With the 3D animated screensaver, you'll experience the serene atmosphere of a winter night. / 有了這個 3D 的動畫螢幕保護程式,你將體會到冬天夜晚的寧靜氣氛。

serenity [sə`rɛnətɪ] n. 平靜(不可數)
同義字:tranquility [træŋ`kwɪlətɪ] n. 寧靜
This suburban hotel offers serenity away from the hustle and bustle of the city. / 這家坐落於市郊的飯店提供遠離城市喧囂的寧靜氛圍。*the hustle and bustle 喧囂*hustle [`hʌsḷ] n. 忙碌*bustle [`bʌsḷ] n. 喧囂
延伸:serenade [͵sɛrə`ned] n. 小夜曲

slum [slʌm] n. 貧民區
Tommy was brought up by his mother in the slums of Brooklyn. / 湯米是在布魯克林的貧民窟由母親一手扶養長大的。
延伸:a slum area 貧民區

stability [stə`bɪlətɪ] n. 穩定(性)
衍生字:stable [`stebḷ] a. 穩定的;牢固的 ③
Fuel prices have become more stable after several hikes. / 經歷幾次的漲幅後,燃料價格漸趨穩 定。*hike [haɪk] n.(物價)上漲
It is John's stability that makes him such a reliable friend. / 約翰穩重的個性使他成為值得信賴的朋友。

stabilize [`stebḷ͵aɪz] vt. vi. (使)穩固
Many people will join a big demonstration this weekend in protest against the government's failure to stabilize housing prices. / 本週末將會有許多人參加一項大規模示威活動,以抗議政府未能穩定房價。
John suffered a heart attack three days ago, but his condition has stabilized now. = John suffered a heart attack three days ago, but he is now in stable condition. / 約翰天前心臟病突發,但他的情況現在已經穩定了。

stature [`stætʃɚ] n. 身高身材
Most professional basketball players are tall in stature. / 大部分的職籃球員身材都很高大。
比較:statue [`stætjʊ] n. 雕像;statute[`stætjʊt] n. 法令

subscribe [səb`skraɪb] vi. 訂閱(與介詞 to 並用)
片語:subscribe to sth 訂閱某刊物
You can subscribe to the magazine for as little as $25 a year. / 每年以 25 元美金的低價,你就能訂閱到這本雜誌。

subscription [səb`skrɪpʃən] n. 訂閱
片語:take out a subscription to sth 辦理訂閱某物;cancel/renew a subscription 取消/更新訂閱
My subscription to The New York Times expired last month. / 我訂閱的《紐約時報》上個月到期。*expire [ɪk`spaɪr] vi. 期限終止
If you're interested in taking out a subscription to The Economist, please fill out this form. / 你若有興趣辦理訂閱《經濟學人》雜誌,請填此表格。

surpass [sɚ`pæs] vt. 超越
同義字:outdo [aʊt`du] vt. 勝過
Jason always tries to outdo everybody else in his class. / 傑森總是努力要在班上表現勝過他人。
The album's huge success has surpassed everyone's expectations. / 這張專輯熱賣的程度超乎所有人的預料。

theatrical [θɪ`ætrɪkḷ] a. 戲劇的,誇張的
衍生字:theatrically [θɪ`ætrɪkḷɪ] adv. 戲劇化地;誇張地
Sandy is always very theatrical when she gives presentations to her clients. / 珊蒂對客戶做口頭報告時,她說話總是很誇張。
Teddy began to talk theatrically to Nick about what had happened. / 泰迪開始誇張地對尼克描述事發經過。

threshold [`θrɛʃhold] n. 門檻,開端
片語:be on the threshold of... 的開端
Stepping on the threshold is deemed impolite in Chinese culture. / 中國文化裡,踩在門檻上被認為是不禮貌的。*deem [dim] vt. 認為(= consider
After being admitted to Harvard, Gary felt as if he were on the threshold of a new life. / 獲得哈佛大學的入學許可後,蓋瑞感覺就像是要展開一段新生活似的。

unanimous [jʊ`nænəməs] a. 全體一致的
片語:be unanimous in + N/V-ing 方面全體一致贊同
James was elected chairman by a unanimous vote. / 大家一致推選詹姆士為主席。
The local people were unanimous in their opposition to the construction of a nuclear plant in their area. / 當地民眾一致反對在他們那區興建核能發電廠。

unanimously [ju`nænəməslɪ] adv. 全體一致地
The motion made at the committee meeting was unanimously rejected. / 在委員會會議上提出的臨時動議被全體一致地否決了。*motion [`moʃən] n. 臨時動議

Unit 38
abound [ə`baʊnd] vi. 充滿
片語:abound in/with... 充滿,富於
Mr. Jackson's poetry abounds in love for nature. / 傑克遜先生的詩充滿對大自然的愛。
The pond abounds with fish and frogs. / 池塘裡有很多魚和青蛙。

abundance [ə`bʌndəns] n. 豐富,充裕
片語:an abundance of... 充分的in abundance 大量地 = in profusion = in large quantities
同義字:profusion [prə`fjuʒən] n. 充分,豐富
Lily has an abundance of friends of all ages. / 莉莉有很多朋友,且各個年齡層都有。
The supermarket at the corner provides its customers with fruits in abundance at low prices. / 街角那家超市低價提供顧客大量的水果。

abundant [ə`bʌndənt] a. 充裕的
片語:an abundant supply of sth 某物充分的供應量;abundant opportunities for... 許多的機會
同義字:plentiful [`plɛntɪfəl] a. 充裕的
As long as you perform well at the company, you'll have abundant opportunities for promotion. / 只要你在公司表現良好,升遷的機會多的是。
The river is abundant in salmon at this time of the year. / 這條河在每年此時都會有大量的鮭魚。

advocate [`ædvə͵ket]/[`ædvəkɪt] vt. 提倡 n. 支持者,擁護者
片語:advocate + N/V-ing 主張an advocate of sth 某事的支持者
The mayor advocates building more libraries and schools. / 市長主張多蓋圖書館和學校。
The most prominent advocate of this theory is Dr. Andrews. / 這項理論最著名的支持者是安德魯斯博士。*prominent [`prɑmənənt] a. 著名的

barometer [bə`rɑmətɚ] n. 氣壓計,顯示變化的指標
The barometer shows that there will most likely be a change in the weather this afternoon. / 氣壓計顯示,今天下午的天氣很可能會有變化。
Lenny's editorials are always regarded as a reliable barometer of public opinion. / 藍尼的社論總被認為是公眾意見的可靠指標。*editorial [͵ɛdə`tɔrɪəl] n. 社論

bishop [`bɪʃəp] n. 主教
Bishop Robin has received death threats and therefore, has asked for additional protection. / 羅賓主教受到死亡威脅,因此申請額外保護。

burial [`bɛrɪəl] n. 葬禮,埋葬
衍生字:bury [`bɛrɪ] vt. 埋葬
The soldier was given a state burial in honor of sacrificing his life for his country. / 這位士兵獲得國葬禮遇,紀念他為國犧牲。
The burial site of the renowned writer has become a hot tourist spot. / 那位名作家的葬身地點已成了今日的熱門觀光景點。
延伸:interment [ɪn`tɝmənt] n. 土葬;cremation [krɪ`meʃən] n. 火葬;a sea burial n. 海葬

cardinal [`kɑrdnəl] n. 樞機主教(羅馬天主教會位階最高的神父)a. 重要的,根本的
片語:be of cardinal significance/importance 極為重要
The cardinal released a statement on Monday that explained the reason for his stepping down. / 樞機主教在星期一發表一則聲明,解釋他辭職下台的原因。
The case was of cardinal significance to the police. / 這個案件對警方來說極為重要。
Washing your hands before eating is a cardinal rule of personal hygiene. / 飯前洗手是個人衛生的基本。*hygiene [`haɪdʒin] n. 衛生

cemetery [`sɛmə͵tɛrɪ] n. 公墓
同義字:graveyard [`grev͵jɑrd] n. 墓地
Don's parents were buried in the cemetery in which his grandparents were buried. / 小唐的雙親和他的祖父母葬在同一座公墓。

coffin [`kɔfɪn] n. 棺材,靈柩
同義字:casket [`kæskɪt] n. 棺材 []
The workers dug a hole and lowered the coffin into the grave. / 工人們挖了一個坑,然後把棺材放進墓裡。
延伸:cremation [krɪ`meʃən] n. 火葬;hearse [hɝs] n. 靈車

compatible [kəm`pætəbḷ] a. (電腦)相容的,可共存的
片語:be compatible with sth (電腦)可和某物相容;可和某物共存
衍生字:compatibility [kəm͵pætə`bɪlətɪ] n.(電腦)相容性
The new software is not compatible with our computer system. / 新的軟體和我們的電腦系統不相容。
Aaron can't donate bone marrow to Sophie because their types aren't compatible. / 艾倫不能捐骨髓給蘇菲,因為類型不合。*marrow [`mæro] n.

confer [kən`fɝ] vi. 協商 vt. 授予(學位、証書)
時態:confer, conferred [kən`fɝd] , conferred
片語:confer with sb on sth 與某人協商某事
confer a degree/diploma on sb 將某學位/証書頒授給某人
衍生字:conference [`kɑnfərəns] n. 會議;a news/press conference 記者會
The politician refused to respond to the reporter's questions at the press conference. / 這位政客拒絕回應那名記者在記者會上的問題。
Brad conferred with his attorneys on this matter. / 布萊德就此事和他的律師群商談。*attorney [ə`tɝnɪ] n. 律師
An honorable degree was conferred on Toby by Harvard University last year. / 哈佛大學在去年授予托比榮譽學位。

confide [kən`faɪd] vt. 交付 vi. 吐露
片語:confide in sb 向某人吐露秘密;confide to sb + that 子句 向某人吐露某事;confide sth to sb  將某物託付給某人
衍生字:confidence [`kɑnfədəns] n. 信心
Do you think Darren is a person I can confide in?  / 你認為達倫是一個可以讓我放心吐露秘密的人嗎?
Jack confided to me that he had been in love with a disabled girl. / 傑克向我吐露他愛上了一個行動不便的女孩。
Karen confided her cat to her neighbor when she went abroad for vacation. / 凱倫出國渡假時將貓託給鄰居照顧。

confidential [͵kɑnfə`dɛnʃəl] a. 保密的,機密的
片語:confidential information/documents 機密資訊/文件;keep sth confidential 保密某事;highly/strictly confidential 極機密的
Recycling confidential documents instead of shredding them may cause a leak in information. / 若機密文件不用碎紙機銷毀而被拿去回收,可能會造成資訊外洩。*shred [ʃrɛd] vt. 用碎紙機銷毀
All patients' medical records and personal information will be kept confidential. / 所有患者的就醫紀錄與個人資料都將保密。
These files are strictly confidential. / 這些是極機密檔案。

corpse [kɔrps] n. (人類的)屍體
同義字:carcass [`kɑrkəs] n.(動物的)屍體
A decayed corpse of a young woman was found in the woods. / 這座樹林裡發現了一具腐爛的年輕女屍。*decayed [dɪ`ked] a. 腐爛的
延伸:corps [kɔr] n. 軍團
General Woodward was promoted to Commandant of the Marine Corps. / 伍德沃德上將獲晉升為海軍陸戰隊司令。*commandant [͵kɑmən`dænt] n. 指揮官;軍校校長

cramp [kræmp] n. 抽筋 vt. 束縛
片語have/get a cramp 抽筋cramp sb's style  限制某人而使某人掃興
The tennis player got a sudden cramp in the middle of the game. / 這名網球選手在比賽進行到一半時腳突然抽筋。
Patrick didn't want Sandy to go to the party with him because she would cramp his style. / 派翠克不希望珊蒂跟他一起去派對,因為她會處處限制他,讓他掃興。

cultivate [`kʌltə͵vet] vt. 培養,增進(人際關係),耕種
片語:cultivate good relationships with... 培養良好的關係
衍生字:cultivated [`kʌltə͵vetɪd] a. 耕種的
同義字:nurture [`nɝtʃɚ] vt. 培育;nourish [`nɝɪʃ] vt. 培育 ,滋養
Cindy cultivates her knowledge of art by reading magazines. / 辛蒂藉由閱讀雜誌增進她的藝術知識。
The singer has had difficulty cultivating a good relationship with the press. / 這名歌手沒辦法跟媒體打好關係。
This farmland is too infertile to cultivate. / 這塊農田太貧瘠了,無法耕種。*infertile [ɪn`fɝtḷ] a. 不肥沃的

cultivation [͵kʌltə`veʃən] n. 培育,耕種
片語:be under cultivation 用作耕地
The cultivation of good habits takes time and patience. / 好習慣的養成需要時間和耐心。
Most of the farmer's land is currently under cultivation. / 這名農夫大部分的土地最近都用來耕作。

diagnose [͵daɪəg`noz] vt. 診斷
片語:diagnose sth as + 疾病 將某物診斷為某種疾病;diagnose sb as/with + 疾病 診斷某人罹患某病
Ellen's condition was diagnosed as Alzheimer's disease. / 艾倫的病情經診斷之後判定為阿茲海默症。
The doctor diagnosed the infant with jaundice. /醫生診斷這名新生兒罹患黃疸。*jaundice [`dʒɔndɪs] n. 黃疸

diagnosis [͵daɪəg`nosɪs](複數形: diagnoses [͵daɪəg`nosiz]n. 診斷
Our goal is to make an accurate diagnosis as early as possible. / 我們的目標是要儘早做出準確的診斷。

dictate [`dɪktet] vt. vi. 口述,指定,規定
片語:dictate a letter/memo to sb  向某人口述一封信/一則備忘錄;dictate to sb 命令某人
The manager just dictated a letter to his secretary. / 經理剛才向秘書口述信函。
The committee didn't dictate how the money should be spent. / 委員會並未規定這筆錢應該怎麼花。
The government shouldn't be dictated to by the mass media. / 政府不該被傳媒操控。

dictation [dɪk`teʃən] n. 口述,聽寫,指定,命令
片語:take dictation 聽寫
Great typing skills are required to take dictation in a courtroom. / 在法庭聽寫紀錄需要很棒的打字技術。
It's not John's nature to do things at others' dictation. / 聽別人的指揮行事不是約翰的本性。

dictator [`dɪk͵tetɚ] n. 獨裁者
同義字:tyrant [`taɪrənt] n.
People nationwide were celebrating the downfall of the dictator. / 全國民眾都在慶祝那名獨裁者的垮台。*nationwide [`neʃən͵waɪd] a. 全國的 & adv. 在全國

donate [`donet] vt. 捐獻(金錢、物資等),捐贈(器官、血液等)
片語:donate sth to N 將某物捐給
Mr. and Mrs. Smith donated one million dollars to a local charity. / 史密斯夫婦捐了1百萬美元給地方慈善機構。
People lined up to donate blood which would be sent to soldiers overseas. / 民眾排隊捐血給海外的士兵。*overseas [͵ovɚ`siz] adv. 在國外

donation [do`neʃən] n. 捐贈,捐贈物
片語:make a generous/large/small donation to N  慷慨/巨額/小額捐給blood/organ donation  捐血/器官捐贈
Jonathan makes a generous donation in his father's name to a local church every Christmas. / 喬納森每年聖誕節都會以父親的名義慷慨捐錢給當地的一所教會。
Some people do not support organ donation because of their religion. / 有些人因為信仰的關係,所以不支持器官捐贈。

donor [`donɚ] n. 捐贈者
片語:a blood donor 捐血者;an organ donor  捐贈器官者
同義字:contributor [kən`trɪbjʊtɚ] n. 捐贈者;giver [`gɪvɚ] n. 贈予人
The heart donor was a 16-year-old boy who had died in a car accident that morning. / 心臟捐贈者是一名 16 歲的男孩,他在那天早上因為車禍過世了。

feasible [`fizəbḷ] a. 可行的
片語:a feasible plan/idea/suggestion 可行的計劃/想法/建議;economically/technically feasible 經濟上/技術上可行的
The plans for the reconstruction of the town sound quite feasible. / 重建該城的計劃聽來相當可行。
It's not economically feasible for this grocery store to be open 24 hours a day. / 24 小時營業對這間雜貨店來說不符經濟效益。
用法:It is feasible to V ⋯是可行的;It is feasible + that 子句是可行的

fracture [`fræktʃɚ] n. 斷裂 vt. 使斷裂,使分裂
片語:fracture one's leg/arm 某人摔斷了腿/手臂
Be careful. This material is prone to fracture when placed under pressure. / 小心。這種材料被壓到時很容易破裂。*此處 fracture 是名詞,作介詞 to 的受詞
Vincent slipped in the bathroom while taking a shower and ended up with a hairline fracture in his arm. / 文森在浴室洗澡的時候滑倒,結果手臂的骨頭出現一條像髮絲一樣細的裂痕。
Susan fractured her right arm and three ribs when she was thrown from her horse. / 蘇珊摔下馬的時候,把右臂和 3 根肋骨摔斷了。
The political party fractured into three smaller groups because of the scandal. / 該政黨因為醜聞而分裂成 3 個小團體。

incentive [ɪn`sɛntɪv] n. 動機,動力
片語:an incentive for sb to V 某人做某事的動力
A full scholarship provides a strong incentive for students to do well in school. / 全額獎學金是促使學生努力讀書的強大動力。

incompatible [͵ɪnkəm`pætəbḷ] a. (電腦)不相容的,不能共存的
片語:be incompatible with sth (電腦)和某物不相容;無法和某物共存
The views of the majority party and those of the opposition party are often incompatible. / 主要政黨和反對黨的意見通常無法相容。

mobilize [`mobḷ͵aɪz] vt. 動員
同義字:rally [`rælɪ] vt. 召集
The labor union launched a campaign to mobilize support for the strike. / 工會發起活動,動員群眾支持本次的罷工。

nurture [`nɝtʃɚ] vt. 養育,培育 n. 養育,培育(不可數)
同義字:foster [`fɔstɚ] vt. 養育;培育cultivate [`kʌltə͵vet] vt. 培養
Animals nurtured by their own kind are usually healthier than those raised by humans. / 通常由同類撫育長大的動物會比被人類豢養的來得健康。
As a teacher, it is Hank's job to nurture the talents of his young students. / 身為老師,漢克的工作就是培育他教的年輕學生成為青年才俊。
Scientists debate how we are affected by nature and nurture.  / 科學家們展開辯論,探討本能和後天的培育如何影響我們。

outlet [`aʊt͵lɛt] n. 宣洩的途徑,銷路,通路,打折暢貨中心
片語:an outlet for sth 某事的宣洩出口
Exercise provides people with an outlet for negative emotions and built-up stress. / 運動提供大家一個管道,以宣洩負面情緒和累積的壓力。
The company has nearly 30 retail outlets in Taiwan alone. / 這家公司光是在台灣就有近 30 處的零售據點。
Frank spends most of his spare time shopping at the outlet mall. / 法蘭克大部分空閒的時間都在打折暢貨中心購物。

plausible [`plɔzəbḷ] a. 似乎有理的
片語:a plausible explanation/excuse/story 看似合理的解釋/藉口/說法
反義字:implausible [ɪm`plɔzəbḷ] a. 難以置信的
Diane's story sounded perfectly plausible, so no one suspected she had lied. / 黛安的說法聽來毫無破綻,所以沒有人懷疑她在說謊。

renaissance [`rɛnəsɑns / rə`nesṇs] n. 興起,文藝復興
片語:the Renaissance 文藝復興時期
Men are becoming more and more interested in fashion, which has encouraged a renaissance in design. / 人們對時尚越來越感興趣,因此興起了一股設計風潮。

resemblance [rɪ`zɛmbləns] n. 相似
片語:bear little/no resemblance to sb/sth 和某人/某物一點都不相似;bear a close/striking/strong resemblance to sb/sth 和某人/某物極為相似
衍生字:resemble [rɪ`zɛmbḷ] vt. 相似
同義字:similarity [͵sɪmə`lærətɪ] n. 相似
Though Kathy and Joan are sisters, they bear no resemblance to each other. / 凱西和喬安雖然是姊妹,卻一點也不像。
That suit you're wearing bears a close resemblance to the one I just bought. / 你身上穿的那件西裝和我剛買的那件很像。

revelation [͵rɛvə`leʃən] n. 揭露(可數,常用複數)
片語:revelations about/concerning sth 揭發某事的真相;revelations + that 子句 揭發某事
衍生字reveal [rɪ`vil] vt. 揭露
同義字disclosure [dɪs`kloʒɚ] n. 揭發
The mayor resigned soon after revelations about the embezzlement. / 市長在挪用公款案被揭露後不久就辭職了。embezzlement [ɪm`bɛzḷmənt] n. 挪用公款
The basketball team was waiting for the revelation of their new coach. / 這支籃球隊正在等待新的教練人選揭曉。
Helen divorced Eddie due to revelations that he had been having an affair with his secretary. / 因為艾迪和秘書搞七拈三的事被揭露,所以海倫和他離婚了。

rotate [`rotet] vt. vi. (地球)自轉,輪職,輪耕
It takes the Earth 24 hours to rotate once. / 地球自轉一周需要 24 小時。
The company's employees rotate their working hours twice a month. / 這家公司的員工每個月輪換兩次工作時間。
Farmers agree that rotating crops each year prevents nutrients in soil from being depleted. / 農人們同意每年輪耕作物可以避免土壤中的養份消耗殆盡。*deplete [dɪ`plit] vt. 消耗
比較:revolve [rɪ`vɑlv] vi.(地球)公轉
Its takes the Earth 365 days to revolve around the sun. / 地球繞太陽公轉一周需要 365 天。

rotation [ro`teʃən] n. 旋轉,輪流
片語:the rotation of the Earth 地球自轉;job rotation (為使員工熟悉不同工作內容而進行的)工作輪調;crop rotation 作物輪耕;in rotation 輪流
同義字:revolution [͵rɛvə`luʃən] n. 旋轉;公轉
The scientist spent three years recording day-to-day changes in the rotation of the Earth. / 這名科學家花了3年的時候記錄地球自轉的每日變化。
Frequent job rotation has proven to be beneficial to both the employer and the employees. / 經過証明,頻繁的工作輪調對雇主與職員都有好處。
With more advanced skills and better crop rotation, the farmers are expecting a good harvest this year. / 有了更進階的技術和更好的作物輪耕法後,農人們都希望今年能大豊收。

slot [slɑt] n. 投幣孔,時段
同義字:timetable [`taɪm͵tebḷ] n. 時間表
John inserted the coins into the slot and selected the beverage he wanted. / 約翰把硬幣投入投幣孔,接著選擇他想喝的飲料。
If your band still wants to perform at the fair, there's a slot open at 7 o'clock. / 如果你的樂團還想在展覽中表演,7 點有一個空的時段。
Joseph has a regular slot on a popular evening TV program. / 在一個很受歡迎的晚間節目中,喬瑟夫有固定的表演時段。
延伸:a slot machine 吃角子老虎機

static [`stætɪk] a. 停滯不動的,靜電的
片語:static electricity 靜電
反義字:dynamic [daɪ`næmɪk] a. 動態的;有活力的
Gold prices have remained static for the past few weeks. / 過去幾週以來黃金的價格停滯不前。
Rubbing your feet on the floor can cause a buildup of static electricity. / 把腳放在地板上磨擦可以造成靜電增加。

subjective [səb`dʒɛktɪv] a. 主觀的
片語:a highly subjective judgment 極度主觀的判斷
衍生字:subjectivity [͵sʌbdʒɛk`tɪvətɪ] n. 主觀性
反義字:objective [əb`dʒɛktɪv] a. 客觀的
In my view, the decision was based on a highly subjective judgment. / 依我之見,這項決定建立在非常主觀的判斷之上。

superiority [sə͵pɪrɪ`ɑrətɪ] n. 優勢,優越
片語:a sense of superiority 優越感 = superiority complexa sense of inferiority 自卑感 = inferiority complex
衍生字:superior [sə`pɪrɪɚ] a. 優越的;較上等的
反義字:inferiority [ɪnfɪrɪ`ɑrətɪ] n. 劣等;自卑
South Korea has been quickly establishing air and naval superiority. / 南韓一直以來都在迅速建立海空優勢。*naval [`nevḷ] a. 海軍的
Speaking French fluently gave Adam a sense of superiority over most of his classmates. / 說得一口流利的法語讓亞當覺得自己比大部分的同學來得優越。

thermometer [θɚ`mɑmətɚ] n. 溫度計
According to the thermometer on the wall, the temperature is now 36 degrees Celsius. / 根據牆上的溫度計顯示,目前氣溫為攝氏36度。

transformation [͵trænsfɚ`meʃən] n. 變形,轉型
片語:undergo/experience a transformation 經歷轉變;transformation from A to/into B A轉型成B
衍生字:transform [træns`fɔrm] vt. 使改變
The country's political status has experienced a dramatic transformation in recent years. / 這些年來,該國政局經歷了戲劇化的轉變。
Today's topic is India's transformation from poverty to prosperity. / 今天的主題是印度從貧窮轉型到富裕的過程。*prosperity [prɑs`pɛrətɪ] n. 繁榮

transmission [træns`mɪʃən] n. 傳送(電視訊號),傳播(疾病)
片語:the transmission of disease 疾病的傳播
The five-minute interruption in our transmission yesterday was due to technical malfunction. / 由於機械故障,昨天我們傳送的訊息斷了 5 分鐘。
malfunction [mæl`fʌŋkʃən] n. 故障
The state government took action to prevent the transmission of disease between hospitals. / 州政府採取行動,防止疾病在各醫院之間相互傳播。*minister [`mɪnɪstɚ] n. 部長

transmit [træns`mɪt] vt. 傳送(電子訊號),傳播(疾病或能量)
時態:transmit, transmitted [træns`mɪtɪd] , transmitted
片語:transmit sth (from...) to... 將某物(從)傳送到a sexually transmitted disease  性病
The show is transmitted live by satellite to over 26 countries across the world. / 本節目透過衛星傳送,在全世界超過26個國家現場播出。*satellite [`sætḷ͵aɪt] n. 衛星
The flu is transmitted from one person to another through the air. / 流行性感冒藉由空氣在人與人之間互相傳染。

urgency [`ɝdʒənsɪ] n. 緊急(不可數)
片語:a matter of urgency 緊急事件
衍生字:urge [ɝdʒ] vt. 催促;urgent [`ɝdʒənt] a. 緊急的
Please get Mr. Johnson on the phone right now. It's a matter of great urgency. / 麻煩請強生先生聽電話。這是一件十萬火急的事。

wardrobe [`wɔrd͵rob] n. 衣櫃〔英〕,衣物(集合名詞,不可數)
片語:summer/winter wardrobe 夏季/冬季衣物
同義字:closet [`klɑzɪt] n. 衣櫥〔美〕
My grandmother kept old coats and blankets in a giant oak wardrobe. / 祖母把舊的外套和毯子收在一個巨大的橡木衣櫥裡。
I feel that my winter wardrobe is somewhat lacking in style. / 我覺得我冬天的衣物款式不太流行。*be lacking in... 缺乏

woo [wu] vt. vi. 遊說,男性向女性求愛
同義字:court [kɔrt] vt. 向(某人)獻殷勤
The presidential candidate made a great effort to woo grassroots voters. / 該總統候選人努力博取基層選民的好感。*grassroots [`græs͵ruts] a. 基層的
John has been wooing Jane for six months.

= John has been courting Jane for six months. / 約翰已經追求阿珍半年了。

