
2020年8月5日 星期三

Reading 3.6 Answers

Comprehension Check

1 B  2 A  3 D

Patterns in Use


Exercise A

2 Whenever

3 Whatever

4 Whichever/Whatever

5 Whoever

6 However

Exercise B

2 Wherever you come from

3 whichever member of your family applies for membership

4 However you look at this offer

5 Whenever you need any information


Exercise A

2 It is thought unlucky to break a mirror in some cultures.

3 It is found beneficial to one’s health to take a nap every afternoon.

4 It is considered a must to cut down on one’s living expenses.

5 It is thought an honor for soldiers in this country to sacrifice their lives for their country.

Exercise B

2 It is thought a great solution to talk to your family

3 it is considered very rude to point at others

4 It is found even more offensive not to admit your mistakes

5 It is thought a good way to use other forms of communication

Writing Hands-on


1. Brainstorm

1. on the east coast of Taiwan

2. the Central Cross-Island Highway

3. the red suspension bridge and the temples

4. the Eternal Spring Shrine

5. a marble canyon

6. a damp cave behind the Eternal Spring Shrine

7. eroded valleys outside the cave

8. Liwu River carves away at the gorge’s stone

1. j on the east coast of Taiwan

2. l the Central Cross-Island Highway

3. l the red suspension bridge and the temples

4. l the Eternal Spring Shrine

5. k a marble canyon

6. k a damp cave behind the Eternal Spring Shrine

7. k eroded valleys outside the cave

8. k Liwu River carves away at the gorge’s stone


2. Write a Rough Outline

The Topic Sentence Last year I took an unforgettable trip with my family to Taroko Gorge.

The Supporting Ideas j location

k the natural features

l the man-made features


3. Write a Paragraph

        Last year I took an unforgettable trip with my family to Taroko Gorge, a gorgeous scenic spot on the east coast of Taiwan. One of Taiwan’s main tourist attractions, Taroko Gorge is a marble canyon famous for its high-rising cliffs, deep river valleys, and uniquely shaped rocks. Following the hiking trails, my family and I went to see the red suspension bridge and the temples set in the mountains. We also visited the Eternal Spring Shrine, which is built over a waterfall and dedicated to the people who sacrificed their lives when building the Central Cross-Island Highway, which runs through the gorge. In the back of the shrine, there are stairs leading to a cave. When I entered the cave, the damp smell of the cave hit my nostrils like giant waves crashing violently on the seashore. It was so quiet that I could hear nothing but my own breathing. Immersed in the mysterious atmosphere in this cave, I could not stop staring at the beautiful rock formations there. Coming out of the cave, I saw magnificent mountains towering above the deep valleys. As I thought about the enormous power of the Liwu River carving on the gorge, I knew that this river and the untouched natural treasures of Taroko Gorge would always shine brightly in my mind.


