
2020年11月15日 星期日

英閱題組 UNIT 5 翻譯解答

 Unit 5

1. For years, he has been observing phenomena in that desert area, which takes up almost all of his time.

2. You can't achieve your goal without making an effort; in other words/that is (to say), never count on luck because success can only be won at the cost of hard work.

3. The solution occurred to me because I happened to have a similar experience several months ago.

4. Such hi-tech products as tablet computers and smartphones have now become this company's main products due to increasing market demands.

5. After the war, the island became/has become a tourist paradise because of its breathtaking/stunning scenery, but it is not an ideal place for people who thrive on/enjoy nightlife.

6. Scientists have shown/have taken great interest/are very interested in studying the evolutionary adaptations of desert animals and plants, including their high heat tolerance and ability to conserve water.

