
2021年5月29日 星期六

L4 U37~U38

 Test 37: Unit 37

        1.   Dad drew a _____ to us what our new kitchen would look like.
(A) sketch                       (B) privilege              (C) legend                   (D) chore

        2.   We hope that the bad weather won’t _____ people from coming to the concert.
(A) sacrifice                   (B) interfere               (C) discourage            (D) exhaust

        3.   Due to health consideration, more and more people are choosing _____ vegetables.
(A) divine                       (B) organic                 (C) luxurious              (D) abstract

        4.   Some groups, _____, soldiers and police officers, will benefit from the new tax law.
(A) humanely                 (B) loyally                  (C) depressingly         (D) namely

        5.   One of the most important tasks for the government is to _____ a new constitution.
(A) draft                         (B) exhaust                 (C) rebel                     (D) discourage

        6.   _____ has it that there was a witch living in the woods many years ago.
(A) Legend                     (B) Luxury                 (C) Vessel                   (D) Stem

        7.   Since you are one of our _____ customers, we’ll offer you a special discount.
(A) depressed                 (B) loyal                     (C) organic                 (D) rough

        8.   _____ speaking, we’ll need 10 voluntary workers to help at the reception.
(A) Divinely                   (B) Roughly               (C) Depressingly        (D) Exhaustingly

        9.   The Japanese comic book writer attracted a lot of _____ when she appeared at the book fair.
(A) publicity                  (B) fulfillment            (C) evaluation            (D) exhaustion

     10.   Before we make any investment, we should _____ the economic situation first.
(A) exhaust                     (B) depress                 (C) evaluate                (D) fulfill

     11.   “Do you have any _____ evidence to support such accusations?” she retorted.
(A) concrete                   (B) abstract                (C) fable                     (D) mysterious

     12.   After she had a second son, Mary decided to _____ her career to bring up her children.
(A) sketch                       (B) sacrifice               (C) depress                 (D) exhaust

     13.   Cheap air travel is one of the _____ that those who work for the airline can enjoy.
(A) vessels                     (B) petals                   (C) privileges             (D) headphones

     14.   In addition to school or local libraries, most students now _____ the Internet.
(A) have access to          (B) give vent to          (C) add up to               (D) look up to

     15.   My mom says I can get a part-time job if it doesn’t _____ my schoolwork.
(A) consult with             (B) interfere with       (C) check into             (D) interact with

                        16. I hate to do household c_______s like doing the dishes or mopping the floor.

                        17. After getting divorced, Kim began to feel more and more d_______d.

                        18. I don’t like a_______t paintings. I like realistic paintings instead.

                        19. Passing such a difficult exam really gave Tom a sense of f_______t.

                        20. Though rich, the millionaire leads a simple life. He never buys such l_______s as a sports car or yacht.

When you learn about another culture, you often learn some of its   (21)  . These stories often are about heroes and their   (22)   to their people. However, some of the legends are often are about nature. Many nature stories talk about  (23)   events, such as how the first human was created. They could also include lessons about the things nature gives   (24)  , like medicines. In the past, some people were   (25)  from telling their cultural stories. Luckily, many stories have survived and can be heard today.

(A) loyalty   (B) humanity   (C) discouraged   (D) mysterious   (E) legends

21.           22.            23.            24.             25.      

Test 38: Unit 38

        1.   A lot of disabled people have succeeded in overcoming some _____ in their daily lives.
(A) obstacles                  (B) diplomats             (C) embassies             (D) capes

        2.   In a democracy, everyone should learn to be _____ of other people's points of view.
(A) conservative            (B) moderate              (C) respectful             (D) partial

        3.   Nick tends to _____, so you'd better take everything he says with a grain of salt.
(A) clarify                      (B) exaggerate           (C) cherish                  (D) conserve

        4.   The Wangs had to sell everything valuable because they were _____ for money to buy food.
(A) recreational              (B) delighted              (C) fantastic               (D) desperate

        5.   By taking out some insurance, you may protect your property from natural _____ such as flooding.
(A) disasters                   (B) barriers                (C) mortgages            (D) corks

        6.   Before I go out, I always spend 10 to 15 minutes _____ my shoes.
(A) negotiating               (B) orbiting                (C) delighting             (D) polishing

        7.   Todd entered the singing _____ just for fun, with no aim of winning it.
(A) essay                        (B) contest                 (C) shaver                   (D) mineral

        8.   They all had a feeling that the umpire was clearly _____ toward the home team.
(A) partial                      (B) conservative         (C) defeat                   (D) negotiable

        9.   We took turns taking care of our father after he suffered a _____.
(A) fantasy                     (B) stroke                   (C) barrier                  (D) contest

     10.   Although I have half a dozen grandchildren now, I still _____ my childhood memories and dreams.
(A) delight                      (B) flunk                    (C) cherish                  (D) clarify

     11.   The two old men never fail to exchange _____ when they meet each other in the par every morning.
(A) greetings                  (B) disasters               (C) minerals               (D) blades

     12.   The satellite has been _____ in around the earth for many years.
(A) razor                         (B) orbit                     (C) essay                     (D) contest

     13.   It took me almost 20 years to pay off the _____ of $300,000.
(A) mortgage                  (B) foam                     (C) craft                      (D) obstacle

     14.   Before they sighted an island, their ship was _____ strong winds and violent waves.
(A) in the event of          (B) for the sake of      (C) at the mercy of     (D) on the eve of

     15.   I know I have lost the game, but I 'm not yet prepared to _____.
(A) stay put                    (B) admit defeat         (C) run errands           (D) take chances

                        16. It seems that some natural d_______s like earthquakes are absolutely unpredictable.

                        17. The e_______y is a building where the ambassador and his staff work.

                        18. John used to be very radical. But as he is getting older, he becomes more and more c_______e.

                        19. David f_______d out of college just a year before he graduated because of his poor academic performance.

                        20. Peter was an American, and Sato was a Japanese whose English was poor, but the language b_______r did not prevent them from third part of becoming good friends.

Betty and I used to study in the same college. Upon graduation, she worked   (21)   for a local newspaper. She wrote about the things that happened in the town. However, Betty did not take   (22)   in her work. In fact, she often thought it was a bit boring and was   (23)   for more interesting stories. One day, she got a great idea. She had heard about a(n)   (24)   in which contestants had to eat bugs. The bugs were cooked and Betty was told they actually tasted good. But, to make a better story, Betty   (25)   the information about the contest She wrote that the contestants had to eat live bugs that tasted terrible. Unfortunately, the editor-in-chief found out about the real situation, and Betty lost her job.

(A) desperate   (B) part-time  (C) delight  (D) exaggerated   (E) contest

21.           22.            23.            24.             25.      

