
2021年9月26日 星期日


Research has established that transportation workers have the highest COVID-19 risk score, 75.7 out of an average 30.2, of 966 non-health jobs assessed. Requirements to provide a negative COVID-19 test before boarding don’t eliminate the danger of     1    . Although the air on planes is cleaner than that of almost all other indoor spaces due to the sophisticated air circulation system, planes are still not completely safe. Flight attendants are more     2     from COVID-19 than anyone else on a plane, just by the nature of their work. Close quarters mean they come within six feet of every passenger and each other multiple times during a flight. Flight attendants are     3     to contracting the virus when passengers remove their masks to eat or drink and when trying to convince an anti-masker to comply     4     rules. Federal protections for crew members are limited, and each airline has its own set of policies. In the meantime, cabin crew members are still left with open-to-interpretation guidelines that vary from airline to airline – and few consequences for passengers who defy them. Besides that, other COVID-19 related workplace concerns remain, such as     5     policies on contact tracing, testing, and quarantine, plus potential consequences for crew members who miss shifts to isolate after exposure to the virus.



( D ) 1. (A) infect          (B) infected            (C) infecting    (D) being infected


此題考文法。eliminate the danger of being infected表示「排除被感染的風險」。其中of為介系詞,其後面動詞要改為動名詞,因此be應寫為being;感染應用被動語態,故選(D)

( B ) 2. (A) at most                (B) at risk              (C) at once             (D) at random

(A) 最多          (B) 有風險      (C) 同時        (D) 隨機


(1) 此題考片語。空服員比飛機上其他人有更高的風險感染新冠病毒,故選(B)

(2) be at risk of sth 處於…的風險中

( B ) 3. (A) affordable            (B) vulnerable         (C) reliable             (D) capable

(A) 負擔得起的    (B) 易受影響的  (C) 可靠的      (D)有能力的


(1) 此題考單字。空服員很容易接觸到病毒,而受到感染。此外,vulnerable常搭配介系詞to,故選(B)

(2) be vulnerable to sth 易受到…影響

(3) be capable of V-ing 有能力做…

( D ) 4. (A) to                          (B) in                      (C) for                     (D) with


此題考片語。comply with the regulations/rules「遵守規則」,故選(D)

( B ) 5. (A) invaluable           (B) inconsistent     (C) indispensable (D) intellectual

(A) 寶貴的        (B) 不一致的    (C) 不可或缺的  (D) 智力的




Leonarde Keeler was named after the polymath Leonardo da Vinci. Leonarde Keeler,     6    , was responsible for using the modern version of the polygraph in the 1930s. Polygraph lie detector testing, once used almost exclusively for criminal cases, is being used by more and more companies for screening candidates. It is used in the workplace     7     checking the information that job seekers are asked to include on their application forms: availability for work, proof of legal employment status, salary requirements, drug use and even medical history. A recent study on the use of the lie detector by private industry states reasons for its growing popularity. Using a lie detector is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to validate a large amount of information from many job applicants. Using lie detectors, employers can ask job seekers many questions     8     spending all the time and money to verify the truthfulness of the responses of every applicant’s answers. Lie detectors are referred to as emotion detectors, and their purpose is to measure body changes that     9     what a person says. Changes in heart rate, blood pressure and the electrical activity of the skin are recorded by the polygraph machine. Lie detectors are being used by businesses that want     10     ways of detecting the truth. However, the results are not always accurate. In other words, lie detectors are not necessarily reliable and the machine may record a “lie.”


Leonarde Keeler是以博學多聞的Leonardo da Vinci命名。在1930年代,Leonarde Keeler共同發明測謊機並且負責使用現代版的測謊機。測謊機以前幾乎僅用於犯罪案件,現在正被越來越多的公司用來篩選應徵者。它被用於查核求職者在申請文件上需要包含的資訊:可以工作的時間、合法就業狀況證明、薪資要求、藥物使用,甚至是病史。最近一項關於私人企業使用測謊機的研究指出它越來越受到歡迎的原因。為了驗證來自眾多求職者的大量資訊是否正確,測謊機的使用是最簡單且便宜的方法之一。


(D) 6. (A) he co-invented the polygraph                 (B) was co-inventing the polygraph

(C) the polygraph was co-invented                (D) who co-invented the polygraph


此題考關係代名詞用法。本句空格前後皆有逗號,逗號之間為非限定補充用法,Leonarde Keelerwho的先行詞,動詞為was,故選(D)

(C) 7. (A) in spite of                                                (B) regardless of

(C) as a means of                                           (D) with an exception of

(A) 儘管                                (B) 不論

(C) ()…的方法                    (D) 除了…之外


(1) 此題考介系詞片語。根據文意,測謊機是用來核對求職者申請表的一種方法,故選(C)

(2) means n. 方法,手段

(A) 8. (A) instead of      (B) in terms of   (C) in case of            (D) in favor of

(A) 而不是        (B) 在…方面   (C) 情況下       (D) 支持;贊同


(1) 此題考介系詞片語。根據文意,測謊機是測試求職者最簡單且最便宜的方式。空格後提到花費所有時間與金錢,與前文文意不同,可推知空格處應為轉折語,故選(A)

(2) in case以防萬一

(D) 9. (A) ridicule         (B) devour         (C) prescribe      (D) contradict

(A) 嘲笑           (B) 吞食            (C) 為…開()    (D) 與…()矛盾



(B) 10. (A) guarantee     (B) guaranteed   (C) guarantees     (D) guaranteeing



