
2020年10月21日 星期三

Answers to Exam 107-13



說明:1. 請將以下兩題中文句子譯成正確且通順達意的英文,並將答案寫在「答案卷」上。

   2. 請依序作答,並標明子題號。每題4分,共8分。


1. 因為許多童書中對河馬令人誤解的描述,許多人認為河馬是可愛且溫馴的動物。

Ex. 1: Because of the misleading descriptions of hippos in many children’s books, many people consider them (to be) cute and tame animals.

Ex. 2: Because hippos are described misleadingly in many children’s books, they’re seen as cute and tame animals by many people.


2. 事實上,據報導河馬是非洲最有侵略性的動物之一,會殺害接近其領土的人。

Ex. 1: In fact, it is reported that hippos are one of the most aggressive animals in Africa, killing people who approach their territory.

Ex. 2: As a matter of fact, hippos are reported to be one of the most aggressive animals in

Africa and will kill whoever approaches their territory.

二、英文作文 (20%)


Tracy’s parents were always busy at work, and as a result, she often stayed at home alone after school. She had things to do as well, such as finishing her assignments and practicing the violin. However, she wished that her parents and she could spend more quality time together. Her parents usually worked late and didn’t come home until nearly bedtime. When talking to her friends, Tracy often heard about the activities they did with their parents. She envied her friends and couldn’t help but complain that her parents always put work first and her second.

On her 18th birthday, Tracy didn’t have too many expectations for it. She thought her parents would be too occupied at work to celebrate it. Nevertheless, upon arriving home, she found a new violin and a birthday card on her desk. The card said, “My dear, we’re looking forward to coming home earlier than normal so we can take you out to dinner. We love you and can’t wait to celebrate your special day! Happy

18th birthday!” Deeply touched, she realized that her parents did care about making an effort when they could. After this event, Tracy realized how much her parents loved her even though they couldn’t spend much time with her.



Tracy’s parents were always busy at work, and as a result, she often stayed at home alone after school. One evening, Tracy’s parents were gone when the doorbell rang. When Tracy opened the front door, a sturdy man was standing there. Before Tracy could ask who he was, he quickly grabbed her and put a bag over her head. As he was dragging Tracy away, one of Tracy’s neighbors was watering plants outside. The neighbor saw what was happening and screamed for help. She ran inside and called the police to report a kidnapping.

At work, Tracy’s parents both received calls from the police telling them their daughter was at the police station. They explained how they had arrested the man who had tried to abduct Tracy. Anxious and in a panic, Tracy’s parents left work right away and rushed to the police station. There was Tracy, trembling with fear and crying bitterly, but otherwise unhurt. Her parents felt guilty about their negligence of their daughter. They apologized to Tracy and the police. After this terrible event, Tracy’s parents promised that they would pay more attention to Tracy and spend more time with her.

