
2018年11月25日 星期日

Ch 7 議論文

Unit 7-2
Is It A Good Way To Make Friends Through The Internet?
Part1 句型練習
with the N./Ving of…
例:With the coming of spring, the cherry trees begin to blossom.

交通事故:traffic accidents
2.隨著歲月的消逝,母親的頭髮變白了。  變白:turn grey

in particular
→particularly; especially
例:I have nothing in particular to say.

3.在全劇中我特別喜歡第四幕。  第四幕:the fourth act

Cannot…too Adj./Adv.
例:We cannot put too much emphasis on the importance of health.

5.我們再怎麼體貼父母也不為過。  體貼:be thoughtful of

what is called
what we call
例:He is a so-called fair-weather friend.  酒肉朋友:

7.他就是所謂的活字典。  活字典:a walking dictionary
8.這些就是所謂的運動鞋。  運動鞋:sneakers

make N. possible
make it possible for to V.
例:The machine made it possible for her to save her time.

10.他的發現使我們有可能控制這個疾病。  疾病:disease

Part 1
1.With the increase of cars, there are more and more traffic accidents.
2.With the passing of the years, my mother’s hair has turned grey.
3.Of the whole play I liked the fourth act in particular.
4.Are you looking for something in particular?
5.We cannot be thoughtful enough of our parents.
6.You cannot be too careful in crossing the road.
7.He is what is called a walking dictionary.
8.These are what we call sneakers.
9.Your support made my plan possible.
10.His discovery made it possible for us to control the disease.

Part2 連貫式翻譯
科技:technology  上網:surf the net

特別:in particular  結交朋友:make friends

也不為過:cannot be too…

全球網際網路:the World Wide Web  所謂的:what is called
真實身分:the real identity

再者:moreover    個人經驗:personal experience
公開:make public

1.With the development of technology, surfing the net has become one of the most popular activities among young people.
2.Young people in particular like to chat and make friends on the Internet.
3.However, I don’t think it’s a good way to make friends through the Internet, for it cannot be too careful in choosing friends.
4.Since anyone can put anything on the World Wide Web, it’s hard for you to know the real identity of what is called the Net friend.

5.Moreover, sharing your personal experience with the Net friends on the Internet makes it possible for your secret to be made public.

Part3 寫作範例
Is It A Good Way To Make Friends Through The Internet?
      As the computer networks around the world get popular, the Internet has become one of the very important media for human beings.  Today, people use the Internet to get updated news, do the shopping, and retrieve information.  According to surveys, chatting and making friends through the Internet is also one of the most popular activities among young people.
      In my opinion, it is indeed a good way to make friends through the Internet if we know how to protect ourselves.  Before the Internet becomes popular, people usually choose friends based on their appearances.  However, the Internet offers us a better chance to know the real personality of a friend because we don’t see each other during the early stage of making friends.  Second, it is easier for us to decide to what extent shall we make friends with others through the Internet.  Now that it is not easy to track people or to be tracked on the Internet.  We are able to decide when to meet our friends or if we want to develop further friendship.
      I firmly believe that real friendship must be built on mutual understanding and trust.  Since modern people don’t have much time to know each other well, the Internet provides us with a good way to make friends with people all over the world by means of instant and effective communication.

