
2018年11月18日 星期日

Level 5 Unit 23 ~ Unit 24

Unit 23
butcher [`bʊtʃɚ] n. 屠夫 vt. 屠宰(動物)
My grandfather used to be a butcher who sold meat in the nearby market. / 我祖父曾經是屠夫,在附近的市場裡賣肉。
The tribesmen butchered a pig during the ritual. / 這些族人在祭典儀式中屠宰了一隻豬。*ritual [`rɪtʃʊəl] n. 儀式

cardboard [`kɑrd͵bɔrd] n. 硬紙板
Old newspapers can be recycled and made into cardboard boxes. / 舊報紙可以回收再做成紙箱。*recycle [ri`saɪkḷ] vt. 回收
用法:本字可做形容詞,形成下列詞組:a cardboard box 紙箱

carefree [`kɛr͵frɪ] a. 無憂無慮的
同義字:happy-go-lucky [`hæpɪgo͵lʌkɪ] a. 逍遙的;隨遇而安的
lighthearted [͵laɪt`hɑrtɪd] a. 放鬆的,無憂無慮的
Many people reminisce about their carefree days as a student. / 許多人會憶起他們學生時代無憂無慮的生活。*reminisce [͵rɛmə`nɪs] vi. 追憶,回想(與 about 並用)

carnival [`kɑrnəvḷ] n. 嘉年華會,園遊會
同義字:fair [fɛr] n. 園遊會 ②;festival [`fɛstəvḷ] n. 節日 ②
People dressed up in elaborate costumes for the carnival parade. / 人們穿著精心設計的服裝參加嘉年華會遊行。*elaborate [ɪ`læbərɪt] a. 精心製作的*parade [pə`red] n. 遊行

carton [`kɑrtən] n. 紙盒,紙箱
片語:a carton of... 一盒a carton of cigarettes  一條香菸(10 包);a pack of cigarettes 一包香菸
Nutritional information must be labeled on milk cartons. / 牛奶盒上必須標明營養成分。*nutritional [nju`trɪʃənḷ] a. 營養的

celery [`sɛlərɪ] n. 芹菜
Celery is high in fiber but low in calories, which makes it a good snack for people on a diet.
芹菜富含纖維,卡路里低,對節食的人來說是很好的小菜。*fiber [`faɪbɚ] n. 纖維*calorie [`kælərɪ] n. 卡路里*snack [snæk] n. 點心,小菜
比較:salary [`sælərɪ] n.(按月發放的)薪水

chatter [`tʃætɚ] vi. 喋喋不休 n. 喋喋不休
衍生字chat [tʃæt] vi. 閒談 & n. 閒談
Would you please stop chattering and try to get back to work? / 請你別再講話了試著專心工作好嗎
Jody's constant chatter annoyed Steven, who was trying to concentrate on his work. / 裘蒂話講個不停惹惱了想要專心工作的史蒂芬。

chatterbox [`tʃætɚ͵bɑks] n. 話多的人
同義字:windbag [`wɪnd͵bæg] n. 話多的人,長舌公/婦
Lucy is such a chatterbox. Not a minute goes by when she is not talking. / 露西的話真多。她沒有一分鐘不是在講話的。

chef [ʃɛf] n. 廚師
片語:the head chef 主廚
Rebecca's husband is the head chef in charge of preparing the state banquet. / 瑞蓓卡的老公就是負責國宴的主廚。*banquet [`bæŋkwɪt] n. 宴會
比較:cook [kʊk] n. 做菜的人 ①
My children say I'm a terrible cook. / 我孩子都說我是個不會做菜的人。

chimpanzee [͵tʃɪmpæn`zi] n. 黑猩猩(可縮寫成 chimp [tʃɪmp]
Genetically, chimpanzees are very similar to human beings. / 就基因上來說,黑猩猩跟人類非常相似。*genetically [dʒə`nɛtɪkḷɪ] adv. 從基因學/遺傳學而言
比較:orangutan [o`ræŋu͵tæn] n. 紅毛猩猩

coastline [`kost͵laɪn] n. 海岸線
同義字:shoreline [`ʃɔr͵laɪn] n. 海岸線
We went for a beautiful scenic drive along the coastline. / 我們沿著海岸線開車,欣賞沿途美麗的景色。*go for a drive 開車兜風

considerate [kən`sɪdərɪt] a. 體貼的
片語:It's considerate of sb to V  某人很體貼
同義字:thoughtful [`θɔtfəl] a. 體貼的 = understanding [͵ʌndɚ`stændɪŋ] a. 體貼的;be thoughtful of sb 某人很體貼 = be considerate of sb
反義字:inconsiderate [ɪn͵kən`sɪdərɪt] a. 不體貼的,缺乏考慮的
It's very considerate of you to lend me a hand in this time of trouble. / 你真體貼,在這困難的時候伸出援手。

counteract [͵kaʊntɚ`ækt] vt. 起反作用,抵銷,中和
同義字:offset [ɔf`sɛt] vt. 抵銷
Tea and milk will counteract the effects of alcohol. / 茶和牛奶會抵銷酒精的作用。*alcohol [`ælkə͵hɔl] n. 酒精

counterattack [͵kaʊntərə`tæk] n. 反擊 vi. 反擊
衍生字:counteroffensive [͵kaʊntərə`fɛnsɪv] n. 反攻,反擊
The general deployed 5,000 troops in order to launch a counterattack. / 這名軍官部署了 5,000 名士兵,準備要展開反擊。*deploy [dɪ`plɔɪ] vt. 部署(軍隊)*launch [lɔntʃ] vt. 發動
The government troops counterattacked at dawn and defeated the rebels. / 政府軍於黎明發動反攻,擊敗了叛軍。

courtyard [`kɔrt͵jɑrd] n. 庭院,中庭
同義字:backyard [`bæk͵jɑrd] n. 後院
My grandmother loves to sit on the bench beneath the tree in the courtyard. / 我祖母喜歡坐在中庭大樹下面的長椅上。

cowardice [`kaʊɚdɪs] n. 膽小(抽象名詞)
衍生字:coward [`kaʊɚd] n. 膽小鬼(可數名詞)③
反義字:bravery [`brevərɪ] n. 勇敢 ③;courage [`kɝɪdʒ] n. 勇氣
It would be an act of cowardice not to stand up and protect your family in the face of danger. / 面對危險時如果不站出來保護家人會被視為是膽小的行為。

cowardly [`kaʊɚdlɪ] a. 膽小的
同義字:timid [`tɪmɪd] a. 膽小的 ④;yellow [jɛlo] a. 膽小的(俚);chicken [`tʃɪkɪn] a. 膽小的(俚)& n. 膽小鬼(俚)
Peter is cowardly because he tends to panic at the sight of a small bug. / 彼得看到小蟲就容易驚慌,因此很膽小。*panic [`pænɪk] vi. 驚恐

crackdown [`kræk͵daʊn] n. 鎮壓,嚴厲手段
A crackdown on drunk driving was urgently called for after the tragic accident. / 這件悲劇意外發生後,政府亟需取締酒後駕車。*call for... 需要= require...
用法:crackdown 表『整飭』或『掃蕩』,與 on 並用。crack down 分開用時,則為片語動詞,亦須與介詞 on 並用,形成下列固定片語:crack down on sth 整頓某物;crack down on pollution 整頓汙染;crack down on the underworld 掃黑;crack down on pornography 掃黃(*pornography [pɔr`nɑgrəfɪ] n. 色情)

cuisine [kwɪ`zin] n. 菜餚,烹飪法(不可數)
片語:French cuisine 法國菜;Chinese cuisine  中國菜
Chinese cuisine is internationally recognized. / 中國菜是全世界出名的。

dart [dɑrt] vi. 狂奔 n. 飛鏢
同義字dash [dæʃ] vi. 衝刺 ③;arrow [`æro] n.
Realizing a bus was approaching, Benjamin darted into the road and pulled the kid out of danger. / 看到公車迎面而來班傑明衝到路上把小朋友帶離危險。
This pub is hosting a dart competition tonight. / 這間酒吧今晚將舉辦射飛鏢比賽。*host [host] vt. 主辦

democrat [`dɛmə͵kræt] n. (大寫)民主黨員
衍生字:democratic [͵dɛmə`krætɪk] a. 民主的 ③;democracy [͵də`mɑkrəsɪ] n. 民主 ③
Democrats hold very different political views from Republicans. / 民主黨員和共和黨員的政治見解很不同。

descriptive [dɪ`skrɪptɪv] a. 描寫的
衍生字:describe [dɪ`skraɪb] vt. 描寫 ②;description [dɪ`skrɪpʃən] n. 描寫 ③;be beyond description 非筆墨所能形容
The beauty of this landscape is beyond description. / 這片風景的美麗非筆墨所能形容。
Jack London's novels contain many descriptive passages about life in northern counties. / 傑克‧倫敦的小說含有許多對於北方幾個郡生活的描寫。
Jack London 是美國知名作家,生於 1876 年,死於1916年。

disbelief [͵dɪsbə`lif] n. 不相信
片語:in disbelief  以不可置信的態度
反義字:belief [bɪ`lif] n. 相信 ②
The audience stared at the magician in disbelief. / 觀眾不可置信地盯著魔術師看。

disbelieve [͵dɪsbə`lɪv] vt. 不信,懷疑
反義字:believe [bɪ`liv] vt. 相信
Willy has always been an honest man. Why should I disbelieve his words? / 威利一直都是很誠實的人。為什麼我不相信他說的話呢?

dropout [`drɑp͵aʊt](複數形: dropouts [`drɑp͵aʊts]n.  退學生
Most of the people who attended this vocational training course were high school dropouts. / 參加這個職業訓練的學生大部分是高中輟學生。*vocational [vo`keʃənḷ] a. 職業的
延伸:drop out 輟學;退出
Mary dropped out of school after she got pregnant. / 瑪麗懷孕後就輟學了。*pregnant [`prɛgnənt] a. 懷孕的

dwarf [dwɔrf] (複數形: dwarfs/dwarvesn. 侏儒
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a household fairy tale. / 《白雪公主與七矮人》是家喻戶曉的童話故事。*household [`haʊs͵hold] a. 家喻戶曉的

exaggeration [ɪg͵zædʒɪ`reʃən] n. 誇大
衍生字:exaggerate [ɪg`zædʒə͵ret] vt. & vi. 誇大 ④
John exaggerated his childhood misery to gain sympathy. / 約翰誇大了小時後的悲慘經歷以博取同情。*misery [`mɪzərɪ] n. 悲慘
It's no exaggeration to say Patrick is a real giant. He is 240 centimeters tall. / 說派崔克真的是巨人一點也不誇張。他身高有 240 公分。

excel [ɪk`sɛl] vi. 表現優異(與 in/at 並用)(時態:excel, excelled [ɪk`sɛld] , excelled)
片語:excel in/at... 方面很突出
衍生字:excellent [`ɛksələnt] a. 出色的 ②
excellence [`ɛksḷəns] n. 傑出;優點(通常與 in at 並用)③
Tom is awarded for excellence in medical research. / 湯姆因為在醫學研究上的傑出表現而獲獎。
John excels in math. / 約翰在數學方面很拿手。
David excels at photography, but when it comes to painting, he is all thumbs. / 大衛的攝影很行,不過說到畫畫時,他就笨手笨腳了。*be all thumbs 笨手笨腳

fad [fæd] n. 一時的流行
Many people think tattoos are nothing but a fad.
許多人認為刺青不過只是一時的流行而已。tattoo [tæ`tu] n. 刺青
比較fashion [`fæʃən] n. 流行

fertility [fɚ`tɪlətɪ] n. 肥沃生育力
反義字infertility [͵ɪnfɚ`tɪlətɪ] n. 不孕
The fertility of the land offered the farmer a decent life. / 這塊地的肥沃使這名農夫的日子過得不錯。*decent [`disṇt] a. 不錯的,像樣的
Maria took medicine to increase her fertility. / 瑪麗亞吃藥以增進生育能力。

fertilizer [`fɝtḷ͵aɪzɚ] n. 肥料
衍生字:fertilize [`fɝtḷ͵aɪz] vt. 施肥;fertile [`fɝtḷ] a.(土地)肥沃的;能生育的;fertility [fɝ`tɪlətɪ] n. 肥沃;繁殖力
Organic fertilizers are much better than chemical fertilizers for the environment. / 有機肥料要比化學肥料對環境更有益。

filter [`fɪltɚ] vi. 過濾 n. 過濾器
片語:filter out... 過濾掉
The ozone layer filters out harmful UV rays from the sun. / 臭氧層過濾掉陽光中有害的紫外線。*UV rays 紫外線(= ultraviolet rays
Water filters must be replaced regularly. / 濾水器要定時更換。

fin [fɪn] n. 魚鰭
We could see the fins of the sharks sticking out of the water as they swam around the boat. / 鯊魚群在船附近游動時,我們可以看到牠們的鰭都露出水面。*stick [stɪk] vi. 伸出
延伸:shark fin 魚翅

fishery [`fɪʃərɪ] n. 漁場
衍生字:fish [fɪʃ] n. 魚 ①;fisherman [`fɪʃɚmən] n. 漁夫 ②
The fishery has been polluted so seriously that many fish species are endangered. / 該漁場受到嚴重汙染致使許多魚類瀕臨絕種。
endangered [ɪn`dendʒɚd] a. 瀕臨絕種的
延伸:fishery 亦可指『漁業』。

flap [flæp] vt. 拍打 n. 蓋口
片語:flap the wings (鳥)拍打翅膀
The bird flapped its wings in panic as it was caught in a trap. / 那隻鳥被陷阱夾住時慌張地拍打翅膀。*panic [`pænɪk] n. 驚慌
These hats come with ear flaps to protect your ears from the cold. / 這些帽子都有附耳罩,讓你的耳朵不受寒。

gasp [gæsp] vi. 喘氣 n. 倒抽一口氣,喘氣
片語:give gasps of astonishment 驚訝地喘氣
The crowd gasped as the building collapsed before them. / 當建築物在他們面前倒下時,群眾訝異地倒抽一口氣。*collapse [kə`læps] vi. 倒塌
The audience gave gasps of astonishment when the magician suddenly appeared on the stage.  / 當魔術師突然出現在台上時,觀眾驚訝地喘息。

glare [glɛr] vi. 怒目注視(與 at 並用)n. 刺眼強光
片語:glare at... 瞪著
同義字:stare [stɛr] vi. 瞪(亦與 at 並用)③
Sean glared at me angrily, then left the room and slammed the door. / 西恩狠狠地瞪著我,然後走出房間,把門猛力關上。*slam [slæm] vt. 猛地關上
You should wear sunglasses while sailing because the harsh glare of the sun on the water can damage your eyes. / 你出海航行時一定要戴上太陽眼鏡,因為水面刺眼的反射光會傷害你的眼睛。*harsh [hɑrʃ] a. 刺眼的

gorilla [gə`rɪlə] n. 大猩猩
Thousands of visitors flooded into the zoo, hoping to see the newborn baby gorilla. / 數千名群眾湧入動物園,希望可以看到剛出生的大猩猩寶寶。*flood [flʌd] vi. 湧進
比較:guerrilla [gə`rɪlə] n. 游擊隊

permissible [pɚ`mɪsəbḷ] a. 可允許的
衍生字:permit [pɝ`mɪt] vt. 允許 ③;permission [pɝ`mɪʃən] n. 允許 ③;without permission 未經許可
同義字:allowable [ə`laʊəbḷ] a. 可允許的
You are not allowed to enter the premises without permission. / 未經許可前你不可以進入這個場所。*premises [`prɛmɪsɪz] n. 場所
Hunting wild ducks is not permissible in this protected area. = Hunting wild ducks is not permitted in this protected area. / 在這一塊保護區內,獵殺野鴨是不被允許的。

radish [`rædɪʃ] n. 蘿蔔
These radishes and tomatoes are fresh from our garden. / 這些蘿蔔和蕃茄都是我們園子裡現採的。

republican [rɪ`pʌblɪkən] n. (大寫)共和黨員
衍生字:republic [rɪ`pʌblɪk] n. 共和國;共和政體 ③
As the election drew near, Republicans were worried about the decline in voters' support. / 選舉將至,選民支持度的下滑讓共和黨員很憂心。*decline [dɪ`klaɪn] n. 下降

stammer [`stæmɚ] vi. 結巴 n. 結巴,口吃
同義字:stutter [`stʌtɚ] vi. 結巴 & n. 結巴
Jack tends to stammer when talking to strangers. / 傑克與陌生人交談時容易結巴。
When people laugh at Jay's stammer, he always feels embarrassed. / 有人嘲笑阿傑會口吃時,他總是感到很尷尬。

stanza [`stænzə] n. 歌曲或詩的一節
同義字:verse [vɝs] n. 詩或歌的一節 ③;versed 為過去分詞,表『精通的』;be versed in... 擅長某科目
Linda is well versed in French and politics. / 琳達擅長法文與政治。
Please analyze the use of metaphor in the second stanza of this poem. / 請分析這首詩第二節裡隱喻的使用。*analyze [`ænḷ͵aɪz] vt. 分析*metaphor [`mɛtəfɚ] n. 隱喻
比較:lyrics [`lɪrɪks] n. 歌詞(恆用複數)

steamer [`stimɚ] n. 蒸氣船,蒸鍋
同義字:steamship [`stim͵ʃɪp] n. 汽船
Riding a steamer down the Mississippi River is a great way to see some local sights.  / 搭乘蒸氣船順著密西西比河而下是欣賞當地風光的好方式。
Put the fish in the steamer and steam for 15 minutes. / 把魚放進蒸氣鍋裡蒸 15 分鐘。

stump [stʌmp] n. 樹樁 vt. (被問題)困擾
After the lumberjack sawed down the tree, nothing was left but the stump. / 伐木工人把樹木鋸掉後,就只剩下一塊樹樁。*lumberjack [`lʌmbɚ͵dʒæk] n. 伐木工人*saw [sɔ] vt.
The mysterious case of the serial killer has stumped the police for years. / 這起神秘的連續殺人案已經困擾警方很多年了。
用法:stump 作及物動詞時,表『困擾』,與 puzzle [`pʌzḷ] baffle [`bæfḷ] 同義。

stutter [`stʌtɚ] vi. 結巴 n. 結巴
同義字:stammer [`stæmɚ] vi. 結巴 & n. 結巴,口吃
Nelson was often teased at school because he stuttered. / 尼爾森因為講話會結巴,在學校常常被欺負。
The shy young man talked with a slight stutter because of his nervousness. / 這名害羞的年輕人因為緊張講話有一點結巴。

ware [wɛr] n. 器皿(集合名詞,不可數,通常用在複合字裡)
衍生字:hardware [`hɑrd͵wɛr] n. 硬體 ④;software [`sɔft͵wɛr] n. 軟體 ④;glassware [`glæs͵wɛr] n. 玻璃製品 ⑥;silverware [`sɪlvɚ͵wɛr] n. 銀器;tableware [`tebḷ͵wɛr] n. 餐具
Mother would take out her good silverware when guests come for dinner. / 只要家裡有客人來用餐,媽媽就會拿出好的銀器來使用。

warehouse [`wɛr͵haʊs] n. 倉庫
同義字:depot [`dipo / `dɪpo] n. 倉庫
We need to rent an additional warehouse because we have used up all the storage space in the current one. / 我們需要再多租一間倉庫,因為目前的儲存空間已經滿了。
additional [ə`dɪʃənḷ] a. 額外的*storage [`stɔrɪdʒ] n. 儲存

Unit 24
adulthood [`ədʌlt͵hʊd] n.  成年
反義字:childhood [`tʃaɪld͵hʊd] n. 童年 ③
Once we reach adulthood, we should take total responsibility for our behavior.  / 我們一旦成年,就應該對自己的行為負起完全的責任。

boyhood [`bɔɪ͵hʊd] n. 少年時代
反義字:girlhood [`gɝl͵hʊd] n. 少女時代
Nowadays, the transition from boyhood to adulthood takes longer than it used to. / 現今,從少年到成年的過渡期時間比以往來得長。
transition [træn`zɪʃən] n. 過渡時期

brotherhood [`brʌðɚ͵hʊd] n. 手足之情
The staff in this department has a strong sense of brotherhood and excels at working as a team to overcome obstacles.
該部門的員工有著強烈如同手足般的情誼,擅長團隊合作以克服障礙。*excel [ɪk`sɛl] vi. 擅長(與介詞 at 並用)*obstacle [`ɑbstəkḷ] n. 障礙

gleam [glim] vi. 閃爍 n. 閃光
片語:gleam with... 閃爍著⋯ = glisten with...
同義字:glisten [`glɪsṇ] vi. 發光 & n. 閃耀,發光
Cathy's eyes gleamed with love whenever she looked at her baby son. / 每當凱西看著她的小男寶寶時,眼中都閃爍著母愛。
A gleam of hope appeared just as they were on the verge of giving up. / 當他們就要放棄時,出現了一絲希望。*verge [vɝdʒ] n. 邊緣*be on the verge of... 瀕於

growl [graʊl] vi. 低吼,咆哮 n. (狗生氣時的)低吼,(人)咆哮
片語:growl at... 對著低吼
同義字:snarl [snɑrl] vi. 低吼;咆哮 & n.(狗)呲牙裂嘴地發出低吼;(人)咆哮
The dog growled at the mailman and then snapped at his ankle. / 這隻狗對著郵差發出低吼,接著便朝他的腳踝咬了下去。*snap [snæp] vi. 猛咬
My boss growled at me for being late.  / 我遲到了,所以老闆對我怒罵。

gypsy [`dʒɪpsɪ](複數形: gypsies [`dʒɪpsɪz]n.  吉普賽人
Gypsies were known for their exotic performances and traveling from place to place. / 吉普賽人因為他們充滿異國情調的表演以及周遊各地而出名。*exotic [ɪg`zɑtɪk] a. 異國情調的

hairdo [`hɛr͵du](複數形: hairdos [`hɛr͵duz]n.  髮型
衍生字:style [staɪl] n. 風格;款式 ③
The celebrity showed up at the awards ceremony with an elaborate hairdo. / 這位名人以一頭精心設計的髮型出席頒獎典禮。*elaborate [ɪ`læbərɪt] a. 精心製作的

hairstyle [`hɛr͵staɪl] n. 髮型
衍生字:style [staɪl] n. 風格;款式 ③
Changing to a short hairstyle in the summertime is comfortable and easy to manage. / 夏天時改留一頭短髮的造型既舒服且又容易整理。

hardy [`hɑrdɪ] a. (植物)耐寒的,(人)能吃苦的
同義字:robust [ro`bʌst] a. 強壯結實的;enduring [ɪn`djʊrɪŋ] a. 耐久的
反義字:frail [frel] a. 虛弱的
This type of tree is very hardy, meaning it can be grown in cold climates. / 這種樹能耐得起低溫,意味它能生長在寒冷的氣候中。
Children brought up in poor families are generally hardy and independent. / 一般而言,在窮苦家庭長大的孩子能吃苦也能獨立。

hedge [hɛdʒ] n. 樹籬笆,屏障
片語:be a hedge against... 是對抗的屏障
Miranda's investments in overseas funds were a hedge against inflation. / 米蘭達投資海外基金是用來防止通貨膨脹的屏障。
比較:fence [fɛns] n. 籬笆(鐵製或木頭製的)

herald [`hɛrəld] vt. 通報 n. 先鋒,預報者
The newspaper heralded the arrival of a violent typhoon. / 報紙預先發佈了一個強烈颱風即將來臨的消息。
The swallow is a herald of spring coming. / 燕子預示春天就要來了。

hoarse [hors] a. 沙啞的
片語:shout oneself hoarse 某人把嗓子喊啞
同義字:croaky [`krokɪ] a. 低沉而沙啞的
The presidential candidate shouted himself hoarse trying to reassure the voters that the bad days were over. / 這名總統候選人一再向選民保證苦日子已經過去,把自己的嗓子都喊啞了。

hockey [`hɑkɪ] n. 曲棍球
If you want to play ice hockey, the first thing you need to learn is how to ice skate. / 你若想要打冰上曲棍球,就要先學習如何溜冰。
比較:ice hockey 冰上曲棍球

hound [haʊnd] n. 獵犬 vt. 不斷煩擾
Foxhounds often hunt in packs and have sharp senses of smell. / 獵狐犬通常會成群獵食,牠們有很敏銳的嗅覺。*pack [pæk] n.(獵犬的)一群
The Hollywood couple was hounded by (the) paparazzi day and night. / 這對好萊塢情侶一天到晚被狗仔隊騷擾。*paparazzi [͵pɑpə`rɑtsɪ] n. 狗仔隊(義大利文,作集合名詞,不可數)
延伸:greyhound [`gre͵haʊnd] n. 灰狗(身體細長且善跑的獵狗)
用法:hound 作動詞時,有『跟蹤』、『追逐』之意,相當於 constantly disturb(不斷煩擾)。

hover [`hʌvɚ] vi. (鳥、直升機)盤旋
片語:hover over... 上空盤旋;hover overhead  在頭上盤旋
A hawk hovered over the prairie, searching for prey. / 一隻隼鷹在大草原上盤旋,尋找獵物。*prairie [`prɛrɪ] n. 大草原*prey [pre] n. 獵物(集合名詞,不可數)
When I arrived at school this morning, I noticed a police helicopter hovering overhead. / 我今天早上到學校時,看到有架警用直升機在我頭頂上盤旋。

howl [haʊl] vi. 號叫 n. (狗、狼等的)號叫
After hearing the sound of wolves howling last night, I was so scared that I couldn't fall asleep.  / 昨夜聽到狼嗥後,我害怕得睡不著覺。

inborn [ɪn`bɔrn] a. 天生的
同義字:innate [ɪ`net] a. 天生的
反義字:acquired [ə`kwaɪrd] a. 後天的,習得的
Steve seems to have an inborn talent for mastering foreign languages.
史帝夫似乎天生就有精通外語的才能。*master [`mæstɚ] vt. 精通

knowledgeable [`nɑlɪdʒəbḷ] a. 博學的
片語:be knowledgeable about sth 對某事懂得很多
同義字:learned [`lɝnɪd] a. 博學的
James is very knowledgeable about English literature and classical music. / 詹姆士對英國文學以及古典音樂很有研究。

lad [læd] n. 小男孩〔英〕(= young boy
反義字:lass [læs] 小女孩(英)(= young girl
When Martin was just a lad, his greatest wish was to go to sea. / 馬丁還是個小男孩時,他最大的願望就是去當水手。*go to sea 當水手

laser [`lezɚ] n. 雷射
Laser surgery can reduce your need for glasses or contact lenses by reshaping your cornea. / 雷射手術能藉由角膜改造而減少你對眼鏡或隱形眼鏡的需求。*cornea [`kɔrnɪə] n. 角膜
延伸:laser light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 的縮寫。

lifelong [`laɪf͵lɔŋ] a. 終身的
Through hard work, the boxer finally achieved his lifelong ambition of becoming the heavyweight champion. / 經由努力,這名拳擊手終於達到他成為重量級拳王的終身職志。*ambition [æm`bɪʃən] n. 雄心,抱負
比較:lifetime [`laɪf͵taɪm] n. 一生
I've only known you for two days, but it seems like a lifetime. / 我才認識妳兩天,但似乎像已經認識一輩 子了。

loft [lɔft] n. 閣樓
This narrow staircase leads to a loft, where you'll find a comfortable, king-size bed. / 這座狹窄的樓梯通往閣樓,在那兒你會發現一張舒服的大床。
king-size [`kɪŋ͵saɪz] a. 超過標準長度的

lofty [`lɔftɪ] a. 崇高的,高傲的
同義字:noble [`nobḷ] a. 高尚的;haughty [`hɔtɪ] a. 高傲的
Many young people have lofty ideals, but they often don't know how to realize them. / 許多年輕人有崇高的理想,卻不知道如何將其付諸實現。
The actress is always putting on a lofty air; no wonder she has very few suitors. / 這位女星總是擺出高姿態;難怪她乏人追求。*put on a(n)...air 擺出的姿態*suitor [`sutɚ] n. 追求者

maiden [`medən] n. 少女 a. 少女的
片語:a maiden voyage 處女航,首航;one's maiden name 女子婚前姓氏
In the story, the knight woos and wins the heart of a fair maiden. / 在故事中,這名騎士追求並贏得了一位美麗少女的芳心。*woo [wu] vt. 追求
During her maiden voyage, the Titanic sank into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. / 鐵達尼號在處女航時便沉入大西洋中央。

martial [`mɑrʃəl] a. 戰爭的,尚武的
片語:martial law 戒嚴法(不可數)
martial art 武術(武術不只一種,故常恆用複數)
After the foreign troops captured the capital, martial law was imposed on the country to prevent rioting. / 外國部隊佔領該首都後,就對全國強行戒嚴法以防止暴亂。*capture [`kæptʃɚ] vt. 佔領*impose [ɪm`poz] vt. 強加*impose A on B A強加於B
Leo is an expert in martial arts and specializes in karate. / 里歐是個武術專家,專長是空手道。*karate [kə`rɑtɪ] n. 空手道

marvel [`mɑrvḷ] vi. 驚訝(與介詞 at 並用)n. 奇蹟
片語:marvel at... 感到驚奇 = be amazed at...
衍生字:marvelous [`mɑrvələs] a. 令人驚嘆的
It's marvelous how Peter managed to become so rich in such a short time. / 彼得在那麼短的時間內卻能這麼富有,這真令人稱奇。
The tourists marveled at the magnificent architecture of the old buildings in Rome. / 觀光客對羅馬古老大樓雄偉的建築大表驚嘆。
The space shuttle is a marvel of modern technology. = The space shuttle is a wonder of modern technology. / 太空梭是現代科技的一項奇蹟。

massacre [`mæsəkɚ] vt. 屠殺 n. 屠殺(人類)
同義字:a mass slaughter 大屠殺
Hundreds of innocent civilians were massacred during the air raid. / 幾百名無辜的百姓在這次空襲中被屠殺了。*air raid [`ɛr ͵red] n. 空襲*raid [red] n. 襲擊 & vt. 襲擊
The massacre in the village is reported to have left 20 people dead, including 6 women. / 據報這座村莊的大屠殺造成了 20 人死亡,包括 6 名女性。

massage [mə`sɑʒ] vt. 按摩 n. 按摩
My wife massaged my aching back after a long day at the office. / 在辦公一整天後,我太太按摩我疼痛的背部。*aching [`ekɪŋ] a. 疼痛的
Thanks to your massage, I feel much better. The pain seems to have gone. / 由於你幫我按摩,我感覺好多了。疼痛似乎已經消失了。
比較:message [`mɛsɪdʒ] n. 信息

masterpiece [`mæstɚ͵pis] n. 傑作
衍生字:master [`mæstɚ] n. 名家,大師
This masterpiece was written by Charles Dickens, whom I think you've heard of. / 這部偉大的作品是由查爾斯‧狄更斯所著,我想你聽過他的名字。

mechanics [mə`kænɪks] n. 機器學
衍生字:mechanic [mə`kænɪk] n. 機械工 ④;mechanical [mə`kænɪkḷ] a. 機械的 ④;mechanical problems 機械的問題
My uncle happens to be an auto mechanic. He can fix your car. / 我叔叔碰巧是位汽車修理工。他可以修理你的車。
Due to mechanical problems, the train stopped in the middle of the tunnel. / 由於機械故障的緣故,這班火車在隧道中間停了下來。
I know how to operate that machine, but I don't know the mechanics of it. / 我知道怎樣操作那部機器,但卻不知道當中的機械原理。

mileage [`maɪlɪdʒ] n. 哩程數
衍生字:mile [maɪl] n. 英里
The mileage on this car is low, but there are major problems with the engine. / 這輛車子的哩程數雖低,但引擎卻大有問題。
延伸:a used car with a low mileage 表『哩程數不高的二手車』,而 "What's the mileage on your car?" 則是問『你的車子的哩程數是多少?』

motherhood [`mʌðɚ͵hʊd] n. 母親的身分
Cindy had a hard time combining motherhood and a career as an accountant. / 辛蒂很難兼顧母親的身分和會計師的職業。*combine [kəm`baɪn] vt. 使結合
延伸:fatherhood [`fɑðɚ͵hʊd] n. 父親的身分

muse [mjuz] vi. 沉思
片語:muse about/on sth 沉思某事
同義字:ponder [`pɑndɚ] vi. 仔細考慮
I sat alone on the sofa, musing about the possibility of starting my own business. / 我獨自坐在沙發上,沉思著自行創業的可能性。

mutton [`mʌtṇ] n. 羊肉(不可數)
Our special today is roast mutton served with your choice of drink and dessert. / 我們今日的特餐是烤羊肉,配上你選擇的飲料和點心。*special [`spɛʃəl] n. 特餐
比較:beef [bif] n. 牛肉(不可數)①;pork [pɔrk] n. 豬肉(不可數)①

nickel [`nɪkḷ] n. 鎳,5 分錢
Two nickels equal ten cents, the same amount as a dime. / 兩個 5 分錢等於 10 分錢,也就是 1 角的金額。
比較:cent [sɛnt] n. 1 分錢 ①;penny [`pɛnɪ] n. 1 分錢 ③;dime [daɪm] n. 10 分錢(1 角)③;quarter [`kwɔrtɚ] n. 25 分錢,兩毛五 ②

nightingale [`naɪtɪŋ͵gel] n. 夜鶯
The nightingale is a small brown European bird known especially for singing at night. / 夜鶯是一種小型棕色的歐洲鳥類,牠們以在夜間啼叫出名。

oblong [`ɑblɔŋ] a. 長方形的 n. 長方形
There is an oblong wooden table located at the back of the chapel. / 這間小禮拜堂內的後方有一張長方形的木桌。*chapel [`tʃæpḷ] n. 小禮拜堂
用法:circle [`sɝkḷ] n. 圓形②;square [skwɛr] n. 正方形②;diamond [`daɪəmənd] n. 菱形②;triangle [`traɪ͵æŋgḷ] n. 三角形②;rectangle [rɛk`tæŋgḷ] n. 長方形②;oval [`ovḷ] n. 橢圓形④

optical [`ɑptɪkḷ] a. 光學的,視覺的
衍生字:optics [`ɑptɪks] n. 光學
The tricks magicians perform are often called optical illusions. / 魔術師表演的花招常被稱作光學上的幻覺。*illusion [ɪ`luʒən] n. 幻覺
The doctor informed me that my headaches were being caused by an optical problem. / 醫生告知我的頭痛是因為視覺上的問題所造成。

robin [`rɑbɪn] n. 知更鳥
Robins can be found all over the US except for Hawaii. / 除了夏威夷以外,你能在美國各地發現知更鳥的蹤跡。

slaughter [`slɔtɚ] vt. 屠宰,屠殺 n. 屠宰(動物),屠殺(人類)
同義字:butcher [`bʊtʃɚ] vt. 屠宰(動物)& n. 屠夫;massacre [`mæsəkɚ] vt. 屠殺(人類)& n. 屠殺(人類)
The villagers slaughtered a pig in preparation for the summer festival.  / 村民宰殺一隻豬以籌備夏季的節慶。
Thousands of old men, women and children were slaughtered by rebel soldiers.
上千名的老人、婦女、小孩被叛兵屠殺。*rebel [`rɛbḷ] a. 反叛的 & n. 反叛者

slay [sle] vt. 殺害(時態:slay, slew [slu] , slain [slen]
同義字:kill [kɪl] vt. 殺害
Two passengers were slain by the highjacker because they tried to stop him. / 兩名乘客因為試圖阻止劫機客而被殺了。

snarl [snɑrl] vi. 低吼,咆哮 n. (狗呲牙裂嘴地發出)低吼,(人)咆哮
片語:snarl at...  對著低吼/咆哮
My neighbor's dog started to snarl at me, so I quickly drew my hand back.  / 我鄰居的狗開始對我呲牙裂嘴低吼,所以我很快把手縮回來。
Mr. Wilson snarled at me for failing to meet his requirements. / 我未達到魏爾遜先生的期望,他因此對我怒罵。

tar [tɑr] n. 柏油,瀝青
同義字:asphalt [`æsfɔlt] n. 柏油,瀝青
After citizens kept complaining for years, new tar was finally applied on the road. / 市民持續抱怨幾年後,這條路上終於鋪上新柏油了。*apply [ə`plaɪ] vt. 塗,鋪

toil [tɔɪl] vi. 勞動 n. 辛勞
片語:toil away 辛勤工作
同義字:labor [`lebɚ] vi. 辛勤工作
Having toiled away in the garage all afternoon, I took a bath and listened to some relaxing music.  / 整個下午在車庫辛勤工作後,我泡個澡並聽些輕鬆的音樂。
It's a shame that Dennis has achieved nothing after years of toil. / 很遺憾丹尼斯經過幾年的勞苦後卻沒有什麼成就。

torch [tɔrtʃ] n. 火把
片語:carry a torch for sb 單戀某人
The athlete carried the torch into the Olympic Stadium during the Opening Ceremony. / 這名運動員在開幕典禮時帶著聖火跑進奧林匹克體育場。
Mary has carried a torch for Peter for many years, but he hasn't seemed to notice. / 瑪麗單戀彼得多年,但他卻似乎還沒注意到。

trench [trɛntʃ] n. 壕溝
The soldiers dug a trench to protect themselves from being attacked by the enemy. / 士兵們挖了一條壕溝來保護自己不受敵軍攻擊。

velvet [`vɛlvɪt] n. 絲絨
You should dry clean this evening gown because it's made of velvet. / 你應該把這件晚禮服拿去乾洗,因為它是絲絨製的。*gown [gaʊn] n. 女性長晚禮服

wade [wed] vi. 涉水
片語:wade through... 辛苦地讀完
The river was so deep that we couldn't wade across it. / 這條河太深了,以致我們無法涉水而過。
Henry spent an entire week wading through the dull novel. / 亨利花了整整一星期好不容易才將這本沉悶的小說看完。

wail [wel] vi. 嚎啕大哭 n. 嚎啕大哭
The little girl was wailing miserably because she got lost in the department store. / 那位小女孩因為在百貨公司裡迷路而嚎啕大哭。*miserably [`mɪzərəblɪ] adv. 悲慘地
延伸:cry weep 同表『哭泣』,但強調『流淚』時用 weep;強調『哭出聲音』 時用 crysob 為『哽咽地哭』;wail 則為『放聲大哭』。the Wailing Wall(耶路撒冷的)哭牆

wreath [riθ] n. 花環
The widow laid a wreath on her husband's tomb and said a silent prayer. / 那位寡婦在她丈夫的墳墓上放了一個花環,然後默禱一番。

