
2021年8月7日 星期六

Topic Translation: Unit 5

 Unit 05 Daily Life

Vocabulary  *為大考必背重要單字

Waking up:

* sleep in 睡到自然醒

* oversleep  v. 睡過頭

early / late riser 早起/晚起的人

make bed 鋪床

* alarm clock 鬧鐘

sleepy / drowsy  adj. 想睡覺的

freshen up 梳洗

* brush one's teeth 刷牙

toothbrush  n. 牙刷

toothpaste  n. 牙膏

comb  v. n. 梳頭髮,梳子

* shave  v. 刮鬚子

Going to school / work:

* get dressed 穿衣服

briefcase  n. 公事包

suit  n. 套裝

business suit 西裝

tie  n. 領帶

* put on make-up / cosmetics 化妝

commute  v. 通勤

public transportation 大眾運輸

* traffic jam 塞車

be late for school / work 上學/上班遲到

* in time 及時

* on time 準時

* punctual  adj. 準時的

Household chore:

* do the laundry 洗衣服

* washing machine 洗衣機

detergent  n. 洗衣粉,清潔劑

iron  v. 熨(衣服)

mop  v. 拖地

* sweep  v. 掃地

broom  n. 掃把

vacuum cleaner 吸塵器

dust  v. 打去灰塵

* do the dishes 洗碗

dishwashing detergent 洗碗精

greasy  adj. 油膩的

* stain  n. 汁潰

garbage can/bin; trash can/bin 垃圾桶

recycling bin 資源回收桶

dirty/filthy/messy  adj. 髒的

* neat/clean/tidy  adj. 乾淨的

* run errands 跑腿

mow the lawn 除草

water the plants 替植物澆水

* tidy / clean up 整理

* grocery shopping 購買日常用品

odds and ends 零星物品

Taking a bath:

tub / bathtub  n. 浴缸

* take a bath 洗澡

bubble bath 泡泡浴

hot bath 熱水澡

sink  n. 水槽

faucet  n. 水龍頭

mirror  n. 鏡子

hair dryer 吹風機

scale  n. 體重計

shampoo  n. 洗髮精

conditioner  n. 潤絲精

lotion  n. 乳液


toilet  n. 馬桶,廁所

restroom  n. 廁所

* flush the toilet 沖馬桶

fart  v. n. 放屁,屁

urinate  v. 排尿

pee  v. n. 小便

poop  n.(口語)糞便

go to the toilet / restroom 上廁所

toilet paper 廁紙

toilet seat 馬桶座(蓋)

wipe  v. 擦拭

Go to bed:

* hit the hay / go to bed / turm in 去睡覺

* fall asleep / drift off / fall into sleep 睡著

sleep soundly / sleep like a log 睡得很沉

* toss and turn 輾轉難眠、翻來覆去

not sleep a wink 完全沒睡著

insomnia  n. 失眠

pajamas  n. 睡衣

slipper  n. 拖鞋

sleeping pill 安眠藥

* nightmare  n. 惡夢

dream about 做夢夢到…

take a nap 小睡

* doze / nod off 打瞌睡

* pillow  n. 枕頭

blanket  n. 毯子

night owl 夜貓子


* routine  n. 例行公事

* on a daily basis 每天

quality time (和家人相處的)珍貴時光

* habit  n. 習慣

* calendar  n. 日曆

* diary / journal  n. 日記

biological/body clock 生理時鐘


Useful Verbs

1. get used/accustomed to N / V-ing 習慣於

2. wake up / get up / awake 起床,醒來

3. wake sb. up / awake sb. 叫某人起床

4. go off (關鐘,警鈴)響

5. keep a diary / journal寫日記

6. strike(鐘)敲幾點


Sentence Pattern

(1) All (that) / What one can do is VR… 某人能做的事是…

例:All that John can do to avoid insomnia is take a sleeping pill.


(2) It is (about) time (that) S + V-ed… 該是某人做某事的時候了…

例:It's time you got out of bed and went to school.



Waking up

1.1我總是很難起床,特別是在冬天床鋪很溫暖的時候。(have a hard time V-ing .. 有困難…)

1.2鬧鐘響時,我就是忍不住會關掉它然後繼續睡覺。(can't help V-ing忍不住; go right back to sleep繼續睡覺)

Going to school


2.2 為了避免被困在塞車中和上學遲到,我能做的就是早點出門。(be caught in… 被困在…中)

Household chore

3.1我不認為媽媽應該承擔家中所有的家事責任。(be responsible for… 承擔責任)


Taking a bath

4.1 冬天天氣很冷時,我很喜歡在浴缸裡泡很久的熱水澡。

4.2 一來,熱水澡可以驅走寒意;二來,我會重新獲得能量。(for one thing … for another… 一來…;二來…;drive away驅走)


5.1 馬桶又塞住了,這是本週的第二次了。(clog堵塞)

5.2 我認為該是我們打電話給水管工人把馬桶修一修的時候了。(plumber 水管工人)

Going to bed

6.1 因工作困擾,Sophie每晚都翻來覆去好幾個小時才睡著。

6.2 她被診斷出失眠症,醫生建議她放個長假別工作。(be diagnosed with… 被診斷出有…; take a long break from work 放長假別工作)

Daily routine

7.1 每天一樣的工作使人厭煩,所以我們需要一些變化來豐富生命。(bore / tire 使人殿煩:variety變化; enrich 使豐富)

7.2 開始從事和你的工作和例行公事很不同的新嗜好是個好主意。(開始從事 take up)

Unit 05 Answers

 1.1 I always have a hard time getting up, especially in winter when the bed is very warm.

1.2 When the alarm clock goes off, I just can't help turning it off and go right back to sleep.

 2.1 I live quite far away from my school and it always takes me almost an hour to commute to school. / I always spend almost an hour commuting to school.

2.2 To / In order to avoid being caught in the traffic jam and being late for school, all (that) / what I can do is leave home earlier.

3.1 I don't think a mother should be responsible for all the household chores in a family.

3.2 Instead, keeping the house clean / neat / tidy is the responsibility of every family member. / every family member's responsibility.

4.1 When it's very cold in winter, I enjoy taking a long and hot bath in the bathtub.

4.2 For one thing, a hot bath can drive away coldness; for another, I can regain energy.

5.1 The toilet is clogged again and it's the second time this week.

5.2 I think it's time that we called a plumber and had the toilet fixed.

6.1 Troubled by work, Sophie / Because Sophie was troubled by work, she tossed and turned every night for hours until she finally fell into sleep / fell asleep / drifted off.

6.2 She was diagnosed with insomnia and the doctor suggested she (should) take a long break from work.

7.1 Same jobs every day bore / tire people, so we need some variety to enrich (our) life.

7.2 It's a good idea to take up a new hobby (which is) very different from your job and routine. = Taking up a new hobby (which is) very different from your job and routine is a good idea.


