
2021年8月7日 星期六

Phrases: Test 50

 1. __________ __________ __________, I will have some more pie. (再思之後)

2. There is no evidence __________ __________ __________, so I think it is true. (相反之事)

3. “Are you busy?”  “No, __________ __________ __________, I am out of job.” (正好相反)

4. The government has decided to build a subway system __________ __________ __________. (不惜任何代價)

5. Tom read through this novel __________ __________. (一口氣)

6. We all have to save a little money every month __________ __________ __________ __________. (以備不時之需)

7. I believe Mary’s words __________ __________ __________. (到某種程度)

8. Natural resources have been developed __________ __________ __________ __________. (大規模地)

9. I haven’t seen my uncle __________ __________ __________ __________. (很久了)

10. I put away a little money every month __________ __________ __________ __________. (以防不時之需)

11. I haven’t seen Mary __________ __________. (很久了)

12. Tom wrote three letters __________ __________ __________. (一口氣)

13. The mayor said, “We will solve the traffic problems __________ __________ __________.” (不惜任何代價)

14. __________ __________ Mary will come to the party. (毫無疑問)

15. Yue Loong is producing the Feeling 102 __________ __________ __________ __________. (大規模地)

16. A: “Do you want a cigarette?”  B: “No, __________ __________ __________, I hate smoking.” (正好相反)

17. __________ __________ __________, I will not go to the U.S. (再思之後)

18. __________ what __________ do you like Jackey Chen? (程度)

19. If you don’t hear __________ __________ __________, I shall visit you next Sunday. (相反之事)

20. The government built many elevated roads __________ __________ __________ __________ solving the traffic problems in Taipei. (為了要)

