
2021年8月15日 星期日

GEPT 中級單: Test 4

 1. I feel sorry for all the dogs that have been __________ in the park.

A. rambled                    B. relished                     C. abandoned               D. roamed

2. The village, __________ in mist, looks like a magic kingdom.

A. doubled                    B. generated                 C. enveloped                 D. operated

3. Our company decided to shut down some minor branches that weren't doing well, to __________ profit.

A. compile                    B. hone                          C. standardize               D. maximize

4. Majestic mountains always fill me with __________.

A. fur                             B. oak                            C. awe                           D. rope

5. Once we actually saw the design for the new airplane, we were quite __________.

A. sufficient                   B. intrigued                    C. plentiful                     D. astonishing

6. Various types of medicine are used to treat __________.

A. competition              B. admission                 C. reformation               D. depression

7. Most people are not familiar with the new traffic __________ and feel confused.

A. policy                        B. bank                          C. shield                        D. market

8. Mandy showed __________ to the old man by giving him her seat on the bus.

A. country                     B. courtesy                    C. course                       D. courage

9. My car was a __________ after the accident.

A. legend                      B. aspect                       C. vessel                        D. wreck

10. Who do you think will be elected __________ of your state next year?

A. feather                      B. discrimination           C. governor                   D. investment

11. Without __________ , all the human beings will die.

A. incident                    B. oxygen                      C. point                          D. battery

12. The award was given to Patty Hayes, a piano __________ who still performs for audiences today.

A. justice                       B. instinct                       C. batter                         D. legend

13. In that gift shop, you'll find a nice __________ of greeting cards.

A. masterpiece             B. assortment                C. dedication                 D. personality

14. How many times have you practiced this tune on your __________?

A. keyboard                  B. justice                        C. heartbreak                D. charity

15. The sweater can't be washed in water. You have to dry __________ it.

A. reflect                       B. refresh                       C. clean                         D. pioneer

16. Did Peter __________ to wash the dishes, or did Mom ask him to do it?

A. transform                 B. volunteer                   C. transplant                  D. parachute

17. John felt __________ after taking a quick shower.

A. refreshed                 B. digital                         C. numerous                 D. leading

18. Mark __________ himself by shaving his head and wearing a false beard. He didn't want others to know his true identity.

A. bloomed                   B. declined                    C. got at                         D. disguised

19. Due to the bad weather, today's sports meet was __________ until next week.

A. monitored                 B. glanced                     C. hobbled                     D. postponed

20. Please tell me the truth. You don't have to beat around the __________.

A. speed                       B. bush                          C. accuracy                   D. peak

21. The artist always __________ his name in his wooden works of art.

A. carves                      B. manages                   C. squashes                  D. dubs

22. This book is too hard. We need to __________ it for children.

A. adapt                        B. scratch                      C. dazzle                       D. transport

23. Roy left suddenly, and I didn't know what __________ him to leave.

A. brewed                     B. prompted                  C. misread                     D. customized

24. Imagine being married by __________ and having five children with a man you despise.

A. chance                     B. favor                          C. function                     D. force

25. People living in the desert tend to experience __________ temperature changes.

A. priceless                  B. suspected                 C. dramatic                    D. immediate

26. The English detective is one of the author's most beloved __________.

A. plots                         B. scenes                      C. characters                D. occupations

27. After a few minutes, the __________ began to come up over the horizon.

A. lawn                          B. sun                            C. valley                         D. curtain

28. The young __________ soon learned the language of their new country.

A. continents                B. ornaments                C. resentments             D. immigrants

29. This __________ building is an important part of our city's heritage.

A. lunar                         B. new                            C. scarce                       D. historic

30. Rebecca is only a __________ , but she is already very mature.

A. diplomat                   B. consumer                  C. pioneer                      D. teenager

31. Please help the refugees in Africa! They are in __________ need of help!

A. content                     B. desperate                  C. close-knit                  D. luxurious

32. He uses a __________ style to teach English. It's very new and different.

A. innovative                B. artificial                      C. stuffy                         D. published

33. Everyone who knows Harold __________ his integrity.

A. pities                         B. respects                    C. imagines                   D. possesses

34. You can __________ people up by encouraging them.

A. stitch                         B. take                           C. build                          D. lock

35. How long was your cousin __________ by that company?

A. driven                       B. employed                  C. apologized                D. corresponded

36. When the weather is this __________ , it would be wiser to stay indoors.

A. extreme                    B. elegant                      C. eternal                       D. intent

37. I would like to read the __________ before you put on the play.

A. device                       B. shelf                          C. script                         D. buzz

38. There was an __________ silence in the room following Sandra's critical words.

A. organic                     B. upset                         C. imperial                     D. awkward

39. The number one single in 1999 was __________ by Laura Millard.

A. born                          B. sung                          C. dealt                          D. paid

40. Is it likely that Eric Nelson will receive his party's __________ for President?

A. nomination               B. difficulty                     C. resistance                 D. principle

