
2021年7月24日 星期六

Phrases: Test 49

 1. Prof. Lee __________ __________ a new theory. (提出)

2. Tom __________ __________ of school on account of illness. (退出)

3. I racked my brains trying to ___________ __________ this math question. (解決)

4. Mary is always __________ __________ her figure. (炫耀)

5. All the books were __________ __________. (賣完)

6. The Mid autumn Festival __________ __________ __________ to the Yuan dynasty. (起源於)

7. The moon __________ __________ behind the cloud. (出現)

8. Mary’s birthday __________ __________ mine. (同時)

9. Pandas __________ __________ bamboo leaves. (為主食)

10. It seems difficult for the police to __________ __________ the increasing crimes. (應付)

11. How can we __________ __________ and see the students killed in Tienanmen Square? (旁觀)

12. Most people __________ __________ Tom’s plan for the coming summer vacation. (反對)

13. Who can __________ __________ a plan for our deteriorating traffic condition? (提出)

14. When the cold sinter is over, the trees are __________ __________ new leaves. (長出)

15. Tom’s plan _______________ __________ mine. (相同)

16. It seemed impossible to __________ __________ the difficulty. (對付)

17. Most parents __________ __________ giving students so much homework. (反對)

18. The use of herbal medicine __________ __________ __________ Shennong. (起源於)

19. The ship __________ __________ below the horizon. (出現)

20. On the beach some young men like to __________ __________ their sturdy bodies. (炫耀)

