
2021年7月4日 星期日

Reading Smart HI: T12


Part I. Grammar & Vocabulary (40)

(   ) 1. Behind the cabin was a large _____ of wood that we burned for heating during the winter.

(A) raft               (B) stack                    (C) hype                    (D) abbey

(   ) 2. The large boat had plenty of _____ facilities for food and other supplies.

(A) percentage   (B) heritage               (C) storage                (D) beverage

(   ) 3. I accidentally _____ my entire essay before submitting it; now I have to start all over again!

(A) degraded      (B) declined              (C) deceived              (D) deleted

(   ) 4. If you walk around Hollywood, you may run into a _____ or two.

(A) gravity         (B) priority                (C) celebrity              (D) dignity

(   ) 5. Today, 3-D movies are so that you can easily find them in most theaters.

(A) commonplace     (B) compulsive   (C) compassionate     (D) competitive

(   ) 6. In many countries, the age of 18 marks the beginning of _____.

(A) statehood     (B) neighborhood     (C) adulthood            (D) likelihood

(   ) 7. My supervisor just gave me a lot of to read through and correct by tomorrow morning.

(A) fingerprints  (B) cupboards           (C) documents          (D) spotlights

(   ) 8. How many people will show up at the party tomorrow night is anyone's _____.

(A) puzzle          (B) quiz                     (C) test                      (D) guess

(   ) 9. We're looking for someone who is creative, hardworking, and _____, a team player.

(A) above all      (B) by contrast          (C) in case                 (D) on board

(   ) 10. They must wait and see if the new production techniques can be used _____ a large scale.

(A) in                 (B) on                       (C) at                         (D) by


Part II. Fill-in-the-Blank (40%)

(A) spam            (B) carefree        (C) disapproves  (D) overflowed   (E) emergence

(F) filter              (G) retrieve         (H) conform       (I) opponents      (J) lifestyle

(   ) 11. The water from the bathtub _____ onto the floor.

(   ) 12. I have to _____ my bags from the hotel before I go to the airport.

(   ) 13. Kyle has a water _____ in his house that lets him drink the water out of the faucet.

(   ) 14. Once you get one _____ email, you'll get more and more over time.

(   ) 15. The _____ of social media has dramatically changed the way we communicate.

(   ) 16. During the summer, I had no school or work --- I was absolutely _____.

(   ) 17. Stevenson maintains an active _____ by exercising and playing sports every day.

(   ) 18. Maria _____ of her kids staying up past eleven o'clock at night.

(   ) 19. Beating his _____ to become governor of the state was the politician's greatest triumph.

(   ) 20. Many teenagers feel they must _____ to their friends' beliefs.


Part III. Reading Comprehension (20%)

Many of us are familiar with compulsive hoarders who can't throw anything away and as a result fill their homes with piles of newspapers, books, clothes, and toys. But there are also digital hoarders who can't help collecting all the digital files (email messages, images, audio and video files) from all their content sources.

It's not as easy to recognize someone who is a digital hoarder because their collection is hidden in the cloud or on a hard drive. However, once you can no longer find important documents among unused files, you may need to think about whether something is wrong. If you get nervous before you trash a file, are always in need of more space, or spend more time looking for things than it would take to download them again, you might have a problem. This means it is time for you to do some organizing.

The first thing many people need to work on is their email. After removing what you don't need and filing the rest, unsubscribe from mailing lists you don't read and block things you don't need to see. Organize the rest of your files with descriptions and dates so you can find the important stuff later. Of course, don't forget to put the stuff that is not as important where it belongs: in the trash.

(   ) 21. Which of the following is NOT suggested in the article as a way to organize your email?

(A) Trash emails you don't need.

(B) Stop receiving mail from lists you don't read.

(C) Block unnecessary emails.

(D) Download all your emails from the cloud.

(   ) 22. What is the reason given for why digital hoarding is hard to see?

(A) Digital hoarders are more secretive.

(B) Digital hoarders are very organized.

(C) Digital hoarders only keep email messages.

(D) Digital hoarding is kept in the cloud or on a hard drive.

(   ) 23. What is most likely the author's purpose in writing this article?

(A) To compare digital hoarding and physical hoarding

(B) To propose new rules to control digital hoarding

(C) To make people aware of digital hoarding and help them recover from it

(D) To help people organize their email

(   ) 24. According to the author, why is digital hoarding a problem?

(A) Digital hoarding wastes space on the Internet.

(B) You may not be able to find important documents or files you need.

(C) Digital hoarding can fill up your house.

(D) You may accidentally trash important emails.

