
2021年7月10日 星期六

Vocabulary LEVEL 4: Test 43~ 44


Test 43: Unit 43

        1.   As you all know very well, statistics can be very _____ or even unreliable at times.
(A) misleading               (B) hopeful                 (C) portable                (D) glorious

        2.   Tom is very popular at parties because he can tell really funny jokes to _____ people.
(A) immigrate                (B) bloom                   (C) idle                       (D) amuse

        3.   There are a lot of differences in _____ between British English and American English.
(A) software                   (B) usage                    (C) blossom                (D) remedy

        4.   When the prince brought up the idea of going to war, the king stroked his beard _____.
(A) elegantly                  (B) durably                 (C) thoughtfully         (D) misleadingly

        5.   Wood is a good building material, but rocks like granite are more _____.
(A) durable                     (B) honorable             (C) glorious                (D) portable

        6.   People with the virus may feel perfectly well, but they can still _____ others.
(A) emigrate                   (B) infect                    (C) drill                      (D) cripple

        7.   A(n) _____ is a person who has come to live in a country from another country.
(A) immigrant                (B) sculptor                (C) technician             (D) porter

        8.   _____ I'll get back in shape before the baseball season begins this year.
(A) Gloriously                (B) Honorably            (C) Hopefully             (D) Hopelessly

        9.   John's drunk driving caused a terrible accident, which in turn _____ his girlfriend for the rest of her life.
(A) bloomed                   (B) drilled                  (C) bred                      (D) crippled

     10.   I don't know how, but some middle-aged people can maintain their _____ looks.
(A) youthful                   (B) dusty                    (C) athletic                 (D) ashamed

     11.   By March, the cherry trees in the mountains are already in _____.
(A) infection                  (B) blossom               (C) athlete                  (D) amusement

     12.   In addition to having more functions, computers are becoming smaller, lighter and more _____ year by year.
(A) athletic                     (B) shameful              (C) portable                (D) infectious

     13.   As for the high unemployment rate, the _____ lies in the hands of the government.
(A) remedy                     (B) amusement          (C) sleigh                    (D) sledge

     14.   A lot of old couples _____ their afternoons sitting on the benches in the park.
(A) carry away               (B) idle away              (C) get away               (D) pass away

     15.   You ought to _____ yourself, using that kind of language in front of the children.
(A) be ashamed of          (B) be exposed to       (C) be faced with        (D) be famous for

                        16. After they get out of the plane, it may take them a while to go through customs and i_______n .My wife never gets a perm.

                        17. Being encouraged by the sales figures, everyone feels h_______l about the future of the company.

                        18. Peter had gone through a lot of h_______s before achieving fame and fortune.

                        19. John reminded me that I could download the s_______e from the Internet for free.

                        20. Since you are a n_______r, I'll show you around and introduce you to everyone working here.

The Simons Club is a private club for families who originally   (21)   from Germany. Every year there is a big celebration with food, dancing, and fun. All of the men wear handsome suits and all of the ladies wear   (22)   dresses. And   (23)   to the club are always amazed at how wonderful the ballroom looks for the celebration. There are large   (24)   made of ice and hundreds of delicious dishes. A   (25)   or other musicians play live music all night as everyone dances. The fun doesn't stop until early in the morning. One year the celebrations didn't stop for two whole days!

(A) immigrated   (B) pianist   (C) elegant   (D) newcomers   (E) sculptures

21.           22.            23.            24.             25.      

Test 44: Unit 44

        1.   When the power of the sun's light and heat is used to produce electricity, it is called _____.
(A) solar                         (B) lunar                     (C) passive                 (D) fuel

        2.   Thousands of _____ have crossed the borders and entered the neighboring countries.
(A) sockets                     (B) refugees               (C) screws                  (D) cubes

        3.   After the scandal was exposed, the commander was forced to _____ from the military.
(A) murmur                    (B) interact                 (C) sway                     (D) resign

        4.   A lot of young men and women in our country hope to get rich and famous _____.
(A) overnight                 (B) densely                 (C) harshly                 (D) miserably

        5.   When Jack saw me, he walked over and _____ something in my ear.
(A) ferried                      (B) swayed                 (C) murmured            (D) fueled

        6.   It will be difficult for me to return to _____ life after 20 years in the army.
(A) dense                        (B) civilian                 (C) equal                     (D) charitable

        7.   I don't want my _____ to be invaded by reporters that keep stalking me.
(A) fragrance                  (B) charity                  (C) spear                     (D) privacy

        8.   Because of his dedication and professionalism, Tom has been promoted to manager _____.
(A) lately                        (B) densely                 (C) fragrantly             (D) miserably

        9.   Passengers are _____ to and from the island in a boat every two hours.
(A) resigned                   (B) ferried                  (C) swayed                 (D) fueled

     10.   They are going to hold a _____ concert to raise money for those earthquake victims.
(A) perfume                   (B) alcohol                 (C) charity                  (D) messenger

     11.   After his wife died in an accident, Jerry spent the rest of his life feeling _____.
(A) miserable                 (B) fragrant                (C) private                  (D) harsh

     12.   I'm sure you can pick up a few good _____ at that mall.
(A) blossoms                  (B) bargains               (C) ferries                   (D) sophomores

     13.   Tina's father is a very _____ man. Ask him any question and he can give you a good answer.
(A) interactive                (B) disorderly            (C) learned                 (D) passive

     14.   In a large class, it is almost impossible for students to _____ the teacher.
(A) bear with                  (B) interact with         (C) sympathize with   (D) identify with

     15.   Mr. Hoffman once made a wrong decision, which _____ his entire life.
(A) checked up               (B) dressed up            (C) screwed up           (D) teamed up

                        16. My older sister rarely wears makeup or p_______e on such an occasion.

                        17. I don't like to read fiction, I'm more interested in b_______s of great people.

                        18. You should offer your seat to pregnant women or s_______r citizens.

                        19. The singer went onto the stage again a_______d a lot of applause from the audience, who wanted him to sing a few more songs.

                        20. For the sake of your health, you'd better give up smoking and abstain from a_______l.

Kingston is a thriving mountain city.   (21)   came to this town hundreds of years ago, but there wasn't much here. They had to learn how to live a new life in a new place. This was very difficult and many of them lived   (22)   lives. But then someone discovered a very special flower that grew in that area. It was very beautiful and very   (23)  . The people soon found that this flower could be used to make   (24)  . That made it very valuable. They soon began selling this product and made lots of money.   (25)  , Kingston still makes money this way and is one of the richest towns in the world.

(A) Settlers   (B) Nowadays   (C) miserable   (D) perfume   (E) fragrant

21.           22.            23.            24.             25.      

Test 45: Unit 45

        1.   I felt a little dizzy this morning because did not get a _____ of sleep grief of sleep last night.
(A) wink                         (B) blink                     (C) cargo                     (D) glorious

        2.   A lot of students are _____ in the library for the final exams tomorrow.
(A) blending                   (B) cramming            (C) conquering           (D) wrecking

        3.   Sue found sticking stamps on envelopes not only boring but _____ as well.
(A) sincere                     (B) keen                     (C) tiresome               (D) bald

        4.   Mary survived the car _____, but her younger boyfriend died at the wheel.
(A) bankruptcy               (B) apology                (C) basin                     (D) wreck

        5.   After Julius Caesar _____ Egypt and married Queen Cleopatra, he took her back to Rome.
(A) blended                    (B) conquered            (C) blinked                 (D) congratulated

        6.   According to my father, my grandparents came to this country as _____ immigrants.
(A) penniless                  (B) biological             (C) virus                     (D) bacteria

        7.   The show reached a(n) _____ with a superb performance by Michael Jackson.
(A) germ                         (B) sincerity               (C) admiration            (D) climax

        8.   You stood Mary up last night, so you'll have to _____ to her.
(A) grieve                       (B) apologize             (C) wink                     (D) cement

        9.   Some species of birds, particularly eagles, are known for their extremely _____ eyesight.
(A) bald                          (B) sincere                 (C) keen                      (D) aging

     10.   Miss Hu is now working as a(n) _____ in that insurance company.
(A) accountant               (B) witch                    (C) cliff                       (D) cinema

     11.   I sent an e-mail to John to _____ him on being promoted to general manager..
(A) congratulate             (B) climax                  (C) cement                  (D) apologize

     12.   As a child, Tom was shy and _____. But now he is a brilliant and handsome young man.
(A) vowel                       (B) blinking               (C) winking                (D) clumsy

     13.   Compared to jogging, brisk walking is less dangerous but as effective in burning _____.
(A) basins                       (B) calories                (C) consonants           (D) cliffs

     14.   First prize is two free tickets from Taipei to Hong Kong, _____ Cathay Airlines.
(A) courtesy of               (B) instead of             (C) by way of             (D) in terms of

     15.   The new library _____ perfectly with the surrounding buildings.
(A) joins in                     (B) blends in              (C) hands in                (D) takes in

                        16. Although he was faced with danger then, John was as cool as a c_______r.

                        17. Because I majored in b_______y in college, I know something about insects.

                        18. Having lost a lot of money because of bad investments, this company is going b_______t.

                        19. Some types of b_______a bring diseases while others cause things to decay.

                        20. John risked his life to save a neighbor's life. His courage was a_______e.

It had always been Jenny's dream to become a good dancer. There was just one problem---Jenny was very   (21)  . Every day she had to   (22)   to many people for stepping on their feet, bumping them, dropping things, and more. This made her feel so   (23)   that she was afraid to take any dance classes. As Jenny was reading the newspaper one day, she saw an article about a dancer she had a lot of   (24)  for. She read it and learned that the dancer used to have the same problem as she did. Encouraged by the story, Jenny decided to model herself after the dancer and   (25)   her fears about dancing.

(A) admiration   (B) clumsy   (C) awkward   (D) apologize   (E) conquer

21.           22.            23.            24.             25.      

