
2021年7月31日 星期六

Reading 5.5


Unit 5  I Have a Dream


Below is a condensed ([k1n`dEns] vt.縮短,壓縮(文章、演講等)vi.(氣體)凝結) version of the “I Have a Dream” speech, which Martin Luther King, Jr. ([`mArtIn `luT2 `kI9 `dZunj2] n.馬丁路德金恩二世 (1929-1968)Jr. [`dZunj2] adj. abbr.小…,…二世) made in 1963.

I am happy to join with you in (和某人一起參加 (某事)) what will go down (被記載,被寫下;(日、月) 落下、西沉) as the greatest demonstration ([&dEm1n`streS1n] n. [C]遊行,示威demonstrate [`dEm1n&stret] vi.示威遊行vt.論證,證明) for freedom in the history of our nation.

Five score ([skOr] n. [C] (fml.) (pl. score)二十(左右)) years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we assemble ([1`sEmbL] vi.聚集,集合assembly [1`sEmblI] n.[C]集會), signed the Emancipation Proclamation ([I&m8ns1`peS1n &prAkl1`meS1n] n. (the )《解放奴隸宣言》). This historic ([hI`stOrIk] adj.歷史性的,歷史上著名的historical [hI`stOrIkL] adj.有關歷史的) decree ( [dI`kri] n. [C]政令,法令) came as a great light of hope to millions of Negro ([`niGro] n. [C] (pl. Negroes)黑人) slaves, who had been seared ([sIr] vt. (fml.)使突感劇痛;灼傷,烤焦) in the flames ([flem] n. [C]火焰vi.(fml.)燃燒) of injustice. It came as joyous ([`dZOI1s] adj. (fml.)高興的,快樂的) daybreak ([`de&brek] n. [U]破曉,黎明) to end the long night of captivity.

But one hundred years later, the Negro is still not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still crippled by the manacles ([`m8n1kL] n. [C] (usu. pl.)手銬,腳鐐) of segregation ([&sEGrI`GeS1n] n. [U](不同種族、宗教、性別等的) 分開,隔離) and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonesome ([`lons1m] adj.寂寞的,孤單的) island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still left in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile ([`EG&zaIl] n. [C]被流放者,流亡者n. [U]流放,流亡vt.放逐,流放) in his own land. It is time that we highlighted ([`haI&laIt] vt.強調,突顯n. [C]最棒的部分,最精彩的部分) the shameful ([`SemfL] adj.丟臉的,可恥的shame [Sem] n. [U]羞愧,慚愧vt.使感到羞愧、慚愧) condition. So, we’ve come to this holy spot to remind America of the fierce urgency ([`3dZ1nsI] n. [U]迫切,緊急) of now. In a sense (從某種意義上說), we’ve come to our nation’s capital ([`k8p1tL] n. [C]首都) to cash a check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and security of justice.

In spite of the frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American Dream ([1&mErIk1n `drim] n. sing. (the )美國).

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out (實現某事) the true essence ([`EsNs] n. [U]本質,要素) of its creed ([krid] n. [C]信條,教義): “We hold these truths to be self­evident, that all men are created equal.”

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia ([`dZOrdZ1] n.喬治亞州), the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi ([&mIs1`sIpI] n.密西西比州), a state sweltering ([`swElt2] vi.熱得難受,酷熱難耐) with the heat of injustice and oppression ([1`prES1n] n. [U]壓迫,欺壓oppress [1`prEs] vt. 壓迫,欺壓), will be transformed ([tr8ns`fOrm] vt.徹底改變transformation [&tr8nsf2`meS1n] n. [C] 改變,變化) into an oasis ([o`esIs] n. [C] (pl. oases)(繁忙、逆境中的) 宜人之處(沙漠中的) 綠洲) of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama ([&8l1`b8m1] n.阿拉巴馬州), with its vicious ([`vIS1s] adj.凶狠的,殘暴的惡毒的,惡意的) racists, with its governor ([`G^v1n2] n. [C]州長) having his lips dripping with the words of interposition ([&Int2p1`zIS1n] n. [U](美國境內,州對聯邦法令的) 反對;插入,打斷 (話語)) and nullification ([&n^l1fI`keS1n] n. [U]失去法律效力,撤銷), little black kids will be able to join hands with ((與某人)拉起手;(與某人)攜手合作) little white kids as siblings ([`sIblI9] n. [C] (fml.)手足,兄弟姐妹).

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted ([IG`zOlt] vt. (fml.)提升), every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked ([`kr5kId] adj.不直的,彎曲的crook [kr5k] vt. (使手指、手臂) 彎曲) places will be made straight, and the glory ([`GlOrI] n. [U]榮耀,光榮glorious [`GlOrI1s] adj. 榮耀的,光榮的) of the Lord ([lOrd] n. sing. (the )上帝,耶穌) shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith, we will be able to hew ([hju] vt.; vi. (岩石),砍 (木頭)) out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling ([`dZ89GlI9] adj.刺耳的,發出叮噹聲的) discords ([`dIskOrd] n. [C]不協調的聲音n. [U] (fml.)意見不合) of our nation into a beautiful symphony ([`sImf1nI] n. [C]交響樂,交響曲) of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to go to jail together, to stand up for (維護…,支持…) freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

This will be the day when all of God’s children will be able to sing with new meaning “My country ‘tis of thee ([&maI `k^ntrI `tIz 1v &Di]《吾國吾土》thee [Di] pron.(受格)), sweet land of liberty ([`lIb2tI] n. [U]自由), of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim’s ([`pIlGrIm] n. [C]清教徒;朝聖者) pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring!”

Let freedom ring. And when this happens—when we let it ring from every state and every city—we will be able to speed up (促進某事的發生,使某事物加速) that day when all of God’s children will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty ([Ol`maItI] n. (the )上帝,全能的神), we are free at last!”

—Adapted from “I Have a Dream.”

Comprehension Check

Choose the correct answer to each question or statement.

(  ) 1. What did King mean to do by delivering his “I Have a Dream” speech?

(A) He aimed to achieve racial equality.

(B) He wanted to get a name for toughness.

(C) He tried to persuade people to end slavery in America.

(D) He intended to encourage people to pursue their dreams.

(  ) 2. In King’s speech, “a stone of hope” is contrasted with ________.

(A) a mountain of despair

(B) a table of brotherhood

(C) a lonesome land of poverty

(D) a vast ocean of material prosperity

(  ) 3. According to the reading, which of the following statements is true?

(A) Dr. King was sent into exile after he delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.

(B) The Emancipation Proclamation didn’t actually guarantee black people freedom.

(C) Dr. King demanded that the government return the money it owed to black people.

(D) People in Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama weren’t strictly segregated by race.

(  ) 4. From the words “every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low,” we can infer that ________.

(A) the world would be transformed into a comfortable place

(B) King thought some obstacles to racial equality had to be overcome

(C) King claimed road projects could make the traffic flow smoother

(D) King believed racism had already been properly handled in the South

 Comprehension Check

1 A  2 A  34 B

Word File

I. Compound nouns: N + V

An N + V can form a compound noun. The noun can be either the subject or the object of the verb. There might be a hyphen or space after the noun in this kind of compound noun.

daybreak 破曉

heartbeat 心跳

rainfall 降雨

blood test 驗血

witch­hunt 政治迫害

birth control 節育

II. The suffix “­some”

The suffix ­some is put at the end of an adjective, a noun, or a verb. It means producing a certain feeling or characterized by a particular quality, action, or state.

lone → lonesome

trouble → troublesome

awe → awesome

fear → fearsome

bother → bothersome

worry → worrisome


Patterns in Use

1  It is time (+ that) + S + were/V­ed . . .


It is time that we highlighted the shameful condition.

It is time that I left the party and went home.


Look at the pictures below and make up sentences that describe each picture by using the given words and the above pattern. The first one has been done for you.

1. (Allen/take/smelly garbage/out)

It is time that Allen took the smelly garbage out.

2. (Carrie/learn/spend/money/wisely)

→ ___________________________________________________________________________

3. (Tiffany/understand/importance of promptness)

→ ___________________________________________________________________________

4. (the city’s homeless people/be/take care)

→ ___________________________________________________________________________

5. (heavy smoker/quit/smoke)

→ ___________________________________________________________________________



2 It is time that Carrie learned to spend money wisely.

3 It is time that Tiffany understood the importance of promptness.

4 It is time that the city’s homeless people were taken care of.

5 It is time that the heavy smoker quit smoking.

2  . . . N + why­/where­/when­clause


I have a dream that my children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin.

We will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children wil be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual.

The reason why Nancy was late for work was that she got up late and got on the wrong bus.


The following passage is a brief history of events that occurred before the I Have a Dream speech was given. Complete the passage by using the given words and the pattern on page 111. The first one has been done for you.

The Montgomery Bus Boycott (聯合抵制蒙哥馬利公車運動) started on December 1st, 1955. The event started at the moment 1__when Rosa Parks, a black woman, was asked to yield her seat__ (Rosa Parks, a black woman/be/ask/yield/one’s seat) to a white person on a bus simply because she was black. However, she saw no reason 2________________________ (she/should/give up/one’s seat), so she refused to do so. Her refusal led to her arrest, which angered the black community. Upon hearing the news, Dr. King organized a protest against the reason 3________________________ (bus segregation/should/be/practice). As a result, the boycott against the transit system of Montgomery began. After more than a year, the Supreme Court (最高法院) finally declared segregation on buses unconstitutional (違憲的). Inspired by this success, black people in the South became more united and started to work together on campaigns against racial discrimination in the U.S.A.

This series of movements reached its climax in Washington, D.C., on August 28, 1963, with a demonstration featuring more than 250,000 protestors, including both black and white people. They gathered at a square 4________________________ (they/wait/Dr. King/make/speech). The minute 5________________________ (the famous speech I Have a Dream”/be/deliver), a new view of life in the U.S. was born, as Dr. King spoke of a world 6________________________ (people/would/be/treat/equal) regardless of their race. In the same year, the Civil Rights Act was passed. This new law gave black people equal opportunities in work, education, and politics.



2 why she should give up her seat

3 why bus segregation should be practiced

4 where they waited for Dr. King to make a speech

5 when the famous speech “I Have a Dream” was delivered

6 where people would be treated equally

Extra Exercise:

Translate the following pairs of Chinese sentences into English by using the patterns on page 111.


1. 你早就該獨立生活了。

→ __________________________________________________________________________

2. 那也就是為什麼你的雙親要你搬出去並且找份工作。

→ __________________________________________________________________________


1. 公司的財務問題早該解決了。

→ __________________________________________________________________________

2. 經理將會樂見完整計畫想出之時。

→ __________________________________________________________________________


1. 這位工作狂早就該紓解工作壓力了。

→ __________________________________________________________________________

2. 有人建議他計劃一趟旅程,到一個他可以放鬆且充電的地方。

→ __________________________________________________________________________

 Extra Exercise


1 It is time that you lived independently.

2 That’s the reason why your parents ask you to move out and get a job.


1 It is time that the company’s financial problems were solved.

2 The manager will be happy to see the moment when a thorough plan is come up with.


1 It is time that the workaholic relieved himself of stress of work.

2 It has been suggested that he plan a trip to a place where he can relax and recharge.

Writing Hands-on

Persuasion: Part II

To write a convincing piece of persuasive writing, you need to have strong and sufficient evidence to make the readers agree with you. Forms of supporting evidence include:


emotional appeal

facts and examples

studies or experts’ opinions

statistics or numerical facts

personal experience and ideas

logical or reasonable reasoning

reports and information from credible (可信的) sources, such as newspapers


Martin Luther King organized a successful demonstration calling for civil rights of black people.

The Supporting Ideas

1. facts and examples: Black people were treated unequally under the law.

2. personal experience and ideas: Our nation facing great difficulties, we have to remind America of the urgency of now.

3. logical reasoning: The nation must follow its creed that all men are created equal.

4. emotional appeal: Little black kids will be able to join hands with little white kids as siblings.

Hamlet’s thoughts about death also involve elements of persuasion. He has to think very carefully about his death.

The Supporting Ideas

1. If he settles the score and takes the new king’s life, he will probably be killed as a result. Then his problems will be over.

2. If he does nothing, he will continue to live—but he will have to shoulder the burden of the mental agony that he feels about his father’s death, his mother’s hasty remarriage, and his own loss of the crown.

Exercise A:

List three common problems, choices, or issues in high school life and think of the arguments for each side of the topic. The first one has been done for you.



1. Going to school in uniform

Uniform represents group identity.

It is not necessary to spend time considering what to wear.

It helps save time and money.

The schools that students attend are easily recognizable.

2. ____________________________________








3. ____________________________________









The following are some transitional words and phrases that are often used in a persuasive paragraph or essay to help organize supporting ideas into better arguments.

(A) Helping organize the writing:

for example/instance, for one thing, for another thing, to begin with, first of all, most important/convincing of all, most importantly, I am for/against . . . , in fact, in general, on the contrary, in other words, that is, however, the truth is that . . . , . . .

(B) Showing results or conclusion:

as a result, therefore, consequently, in consequence, accordingly, in this way, in a word, in short, to sum up, . . .

Exercise B:

Choose one of the topics from Exercise A and write a short persuasive essay on it. Your essay should be at least 120 words in length.

Exercise B

Joining a school club is a good idea for senior high school students because they have reached a stage in their lives where their own interests are beginning to develop.

There are many advantages of belonging to a school club. For one thing, students may discover something they are really interested in outside the regular curriculum. There are clubs for almost   every kind of activity, such as photography clubs, bands, choirs, and street dance groups. There   are clubs devoted to drama, broadcasting, skating, swimming, and movie studies; of course there are clubs for every kind of ball games. A club is also a place where students can develop their abilities in this area. Take the guitar club which my brother joined, for example. He not only learned the basics, but also gained a better appreciation for playing and listening to music. Last but not least, a club is a place to make new friends. Clubs and the activities give students from different classes a chance to meet and to talk about their common interests.

Joining school clubs provides students with an escape from the pressure of courses and tests. It also offers them a way to develop more of their potential and open up a new world for them.

